Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1434: Tranquility in the storm

After saying this, Lu Jun's courage became "fat" again, because he and Hongyue are indeed friends, and he is not deceiving, why should he be afraid?

"Then next time you have the opportunity, remember to introduce it to me, hehe." Ruan Bing said with a light smile, without any unpleasant expression on his face.

Seeing that Ruan Bing had no major reaction, the Lu Army couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that the "family conflict" almost broke out.

In fact, this is really the Lu Jun's thinking. Ruan Bing would not be indifferent to the girl who suddenly appeared next to Lu Jun, but he would not reject it either.

Because she knows very well that all this will happen sooner or later, and she can't completely stop it.

More importantly, if you want to keep a person's heart, what you need to do is to continuously improve yourself, make yourself attractive, and keep up with him.

Instead of blindly prohibiting the other party from communicating with others, this will only send the other party farther and farther.

Therefore, Ruan Bing has always kept one eye closed for the various "bad" behaviors of the Lu Army.

It's not that she doesn't know, it's just that she doesn't want to say, and won't say, this is respect for both parties.

After the Lu Jun and Ruan Bing had a brief conversation, Ruan Xue and Lin Yilan also received the news that the Lu Jun had summoned them, and rushed over immediately.

In fact, they had just gone out with Ruan Bing, the whole thing was almost clear, and they could probably guess what Lu Jun was going to take them to.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be a few people on the court. Did the road army set off with just a few of them?

You have to know that the place they are going to is a huge forest. You don’t know how big the area is. If a few people go in and search, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack...

"It's not just us..." Lin Yilan asked what was in his heart directly.

"Yes, there are only a few of us in this operation. There are not too many people, just enough." The Lu Jun replied affirmatively.

He didn't even tell the butcher and the others what he was going to do or what happened, because it didn't make much sense. As long as he could bring the wood back, he didn't need to say anything.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army took out several weapons similar to submachine guns from the armed module, which looked small and convenient, and handed them directly to the women: "This is a rapid-fire flare gun, which contains strong light flares. No It will cause any damage to normal creatures, and use it during the day will not have any effect."

"But when we went to the forest, it was almost at night, and the light would be severely scarce, so it could be used as lighting in the forest."

"And if there are nocturnal creatures or soul bodies inside, they are estimated to be more sensitive to light, and should be able to scare them."

Although it sounds far-fetched, what Lu Jun said is still likely to happen.

The women immediately took the rapid-fire flare gun to start the inspection, and then hung it on the right shoulder, which would be very convenient to use.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army took out a large amount of mental and physical reagents, and some expansion reagents, and put them in front of the women: "These are some supplies. You have used them before. Take them for yourself."

"As for the specific situation and task assignment, let's wait until there to talk about it. Now we will go ahead while the sky is bright."

After speaking, the Lu Army summoned five Fengshen pterosaurs, and each one mounted one and flew in the direction where the wood disappeared.

At this time, the Westerly Fortress, even if the road army is not there, can still develop rapidly.

After all, with the construction speed of strategic buildings and dragon nests, it is estimated that they will all be completed when the Lu Army returns...

In this way, as time passed, the Lu Army and others spent tens of minutes flying over 300 kilometers.

It took more than twenty minutes to find the forest where the wood entered. This is because the scene seen from the ground is different from that from the air, causing Ruan Bing and others to search again.

For this forest, Lu Jun, Ruan Bing and others gave it a name, called the Forest of the Spiritual Realm, which has no special meaning, just as a marking point in the future.

Looking at the forest where he could barely see his head, Lu Jun felt very depressed, and the breath coming out of the forest made him feel very uncomfortable.

"We have to go down and follow the footprints left by the wood first, otherwise the goal is too big." Ruan Bing proposed loudly on the back of the Fengshen pterosaur.

"Well, let's go down." Lu Jun glanced at the gradually dimming sky and said.

Then he slapped the Fengshen pterosaur on the back, signalling it to land on the edge of the spiritual forest, as did Ruan Bing and others.

After waiting, the army found that the ground was very dim, basically almost dark.

This is when there is no obstruction in mid-air, and the irradiated light can be transmitted smoothly.

But the ground is surrounded by big trees, directly blocking the light, even if it is only at the edge of the forest, it is dim.

"Crap, it's too dark now, I can't recognize where I was before." Ruan Bing said anxiously.

This is also related to the huge forest. As long as you land from different places, it is basically difficult to find the previous location.

"Don't worry, I have a way." The Lu Army slowly took out four cold light sticks from the armed module for the girls to take.

Under the illumination of the cold light stick, the surroundings instantly became as bright as day, and the ground and nearby scenes could also be seen clearly.

Although their position is exposed in this way, they are likely to be attacked by Dao monsters.

But this time, the Lu Army was planning to head-on, and didn't intend to sneak in at all, so it didn't matter if the location was exposed.

As for why the flare gun is not used directly, but the cold light rod is taken out, because the firing distance of the flare gun is very long, it is used to find the way, and it cannot stay around.

In their current situation, the cold light bar is the best choice.

Of course, taking out the cold light stick is not the method Lu Jun said, he just let the girls have a share of illumination.

In the next moment, he took back five wind **** pterosaurs, summoned four tyrannosaurus, and let the tyrannosaurus search around the forest.

Although the forest is very large, but Tyrannosaurus has a keen sense of smell, it is not difficult for them to find the footprints left by the wood.

Lu Jun and others walked closely behind the Tyrannosaurus, waiting for the Tyrannosaurus to convey useful information to them.

Xiao Wan, who was walking in the middle, was not idle, and began to use her abilities to contact various creatures in the forest.

She is now a Tier 4 ability person, and creatures below Tier A can be directly controlled. She plans to ask these creatures if they know any wood information.

But what makes Xiaowan feel strange is that under her abilities, no creature can contact her.

Even if she lowered the standard of connection, she wanted to control Tier B and Tier C creatures, not even one creature.

It wasn't until Xiaowan reduced her connection range to the lowest level that she could contact more than a dozen Tier D creatures.

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