Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1424: I can finally get revenge...

In this way, with the joint efforts of everyone, the dinosaurs of the road army besieged the lava beast for a minute, and removed the legs of the lava beast, which were made of stone. The body was even more broken, and there was even a large amount of it. The magma was flowing out of the lava beast's body, looking very miserable.

But the dinosaurs can only do so much, because one minute later, the talent duration of the call of the group of dragons is up, and the dinosaurs have returned to the road army’s dragon training module, and the entire stone room is left with only the road army’s. Squad and lava beasts.

The maimed lava beast saw that the dinosaurs finally disappeared, and was very excited. Even though it was a Tier S creature, it wounded many dinosaurs, but it lacked energy to release a wide range of attacks. It really couldn’t deal with so many. Dinosaurs.

But now it's fine. The dinosaurs have disappeared, leaving only the weaker humans, who can do whatever they want in the stone room.

Thinking of this, the lava beast raised his head and spit out a large amount of magma, turning the magma into rock elements after landing, and using the rock elements to besiege the road army and them, the situation in the entire stone room was instantly reversed.

Although the legs of the lava beast are broken and cannot move, as long as it hides behind and directs the rock elements and releases fireballs, it is estimated that it will be able to consume the Lu Jun and others who have run out of ammunition and food. This is the idea of ​​the lava beast. .

When the dinosaurs disappeared and the rock element came out, the Lu Army did not choose to fight the rock element, but directly opened its dragon form and rushed towards the lava beast.

Because now in their state, they can no longer deal with so many rock elements, they can only take advantage of the lava beast to be seriously injured to kill the lava beast, so that they can usher in a real victory.

Wood, Lin Xiaobai and others did not entangle with the rock element, but went directly over the rock element and followed the road army towards the lava beast. After all, they had no ammunition and could only use their own abilities to fight the lava beast. Beast fighting.

When the lava beast saw the Lu Army and others rushing towards it like crazy, he was a little flustered, and immediately threw dozens of fireballs in an attempt to stop the Lu Army and them from advancing. After all, it cannot move now. If it is given to the Lu Army and others It's still dangerous to be close.

But this time the road army won’t let the lava beast’s fireball hit. It slipped and dodged all the fireballs directly, and then jumped onto the lava beast’s body with another leap, ready to go to the lava beast’s head. Ministry crawled.

The wood and others who followed the road army also used the Guardian's shield or their own flexibility to avoid the flying fireballs, and quickly walked around to the back of the lava beast, intending to attack from behind the lava beast.

Seeing that the Lu Army and others had approached it, and even the Lu Army had climbed onto it, the lava beast could no longer calm down and immediately let the rock element rush back to support it.

After issuing the order for help, the lava beast waved his hands made of stones, and slapped it at the road army crawling on him, trying to get the road army down.

But the Lu Jun is very flexible. It can also avoid the attack of the lava beast while climbing on the lava beast. After all, the Lu Jun has the ability of instant flash. As long as he wants to hide, the lava beast can't help him. Soon Approached the head of the lava beast.

The lava beast saw that it could not help the road army, so he wanted to attack the wood and others who were hiding behind it and destroying it. However, it has no legs, cannot turn around, and its arms are not long enough, let alone see the situation behind it. Being attacked in vain and unable to make an effective counterattack.

Seeing this, Mu Mu and others became even more unscrupulous. They desperately used their strongest attack methods to bombard the lava beasts, planning to take advantage of the rock elements before they were surrounded, and hit the lava beasts twice to create and kill the lava for the road army. Opportunity for wild beasts.

For example, the attack method of wood is to summon his mirror image, using the energy of Tier A to cut across the body of the lava beast until a large number of wounds are cut.

Another example is the attack method of the northern lion and the big bear is to use the last bit of physical strength to forcibly activate their own abilities, and use the power blessed by the abilities to wield the Guardian’s hammer to violently beat the lava beast, and hammer out a lava beast from behind. A huge notch.

As for other people's attack methods, I won't say much. Anyway, under the siege of everyone, the lava beast is very uncomfortable. It can't fight back or move, just like a giant "sandbag".

Just when the lava beast was about to be unable to hold on, the rock elements finally arrived. They came behind the lava beast, blocking the wood and others for the lava beast, and alleviating the pressure of the lava beast.

With the arrival of the rock element, Wood and the others can’t safely attack the lava beasts. They even have a problem with self-protection. After all, they have no bullets, and even their physical and mental power are about to run out. Now they all Hope can only be placed on the Lu Army.

Fortunately, at the same time that Mu and others were besieged, the Lu Army finally climbed to the head of the lava beast. He directly fixed his body shape with the dragon’s tail, and wielded the dragon claws to pierce the lava beast’s forehead, because He felt that this would be the weakness of the lava beast.

In fact, Lu Jun feels right. The place he attacked is indeed the weakness of the lava beast, but because his dragon claws are relatively short compared to the giant lava beast, it is difficult to penetrate the surface of the lava beast. The heavy stone armor caused him to attack for a long time without any effect.

Originally, the lava beast was worried that the road army would kill it, but after it felt that the road army’s attack did not hurt it, it ignored the road army and concentrated on directing the rock element below to attack the wood, etc. People, as long as the wood and others die, the road army can't escape, the lava beast thought to himself.

Looking at the wood and others struggling below, Lu Jun was not in a hurry. If he could not kill the lava beast, it would be the wood who died.

But although Lu Jun was anxious, he still couldn't penetrate the lava beast's forehead for a while. After all, he didn't carry any weapons, and it was too weak to attack by relying on the dragon form.

Just as despair flashed in Lu Jun’s heart, he suddenly noticed a hole in the ear of the lava beast. Looking down from the hole, he could see the violent lava flowing in the lava beast. A blazing white smoke came out of the ears of the lava beast...

The moment he saw this hole, Lu Jun suddenly thought of something, with a joyful expression on his face shouting to Xiaowan below, "Xiaowan! Get all the special grenade bags up! Quick!"

The lava beast below saw that Xiaowan wanted to send something to the Lu Jun, and immediately waved its arms to prevent Xiaowan from approaching the Lu Jun. Although it didn't know what Xiaowan and Lu Jun wanted to do, it only had to destroy the road. The military plan is right.

Under the full interference of the lava beast, Xiaowan needed to avoid the attack of the lava beast, it was difficult to get close to the road army, and a lot of time was wasted.

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