If it weren't for the high-levels of the Eight Departments who hadn't put the strategic core here, and were also busy fighting elsewhere, the power of the Route Army might have been uprooted long ago.

"Then let's split the troops now, go find yours, and I will report back on the matter here, and we will gather in Wolfsmoke City in seven days!" Zhihu turned his head and looked at Baqi and said about him. Thoughts.

If he is in a desperate situation, he will definitely lead his subordinates to go shopping in Beizhai, and he will eat a piece of meat from the forces of the road army.

But now they still have a way to retreat, or that the initiative to advance and retreat is in their hands, there is no need to fight for life.

After all, this is just a small Beizhai, even if it is gnawed down, it will not hurt the Lu Army.

On the contrary, it is difficult to replenish their members after the loss, and it is not worthwhile to fight for their lives.

"For seven days, the time may be too late, but I will try my best. The West Wind Fortress is immortal, and I will never give up!" Baqi hit it off with Zhi Mi.

"Okay, then it's settled, there will be a period of time later!" Zhiwei arched his hands to Baqi and walked back without looking back.

But Baqi suddenly grabbed him, and pointed to the fifth awkwardly: "Can you please do something? Just take care of my fifth brother for a period of time, because the road we have to go next is very dangerous, and his actions are not Convenient, and there is no transportation..."

"What a big deal, it's on me." Before Yaqi could finish talking about the misfortune, he agreed.

At the same time, he also felt Baqi's sincerity. After all, he was able to keep the fifth child with him, which was regarded as believing in his performance.

"Um, fifth brother, I did this for your own good. There is absolutely no other meaning. You know me as a person." Baqi explained to the fifth brother and patted his chest, "When the time comes, I will definitely pick you up in Wolfsmoke City unless I am dead."

This is indeed what Baqi said. It is very far away from his former stronghold, and it would take several days to walk back and forth at the fastest speed.

With the current physical condition of the fifth child, there is even a problem with normal driving, let alone tossing like this.

So it's best to stay in Wolfsmoke City, where there is food and drink and protection, and there will be no problems with the fifth.

"Stop talking, Master Yaqi, I know what you mean. Then I will make a new plan in Wolfsmoke City and wait for you to come back. I hope you and my brothers can take care!" Old Wuzhong nodded his head.

He knew that Baqi would not lie to him on such matters, and to be honest, after the death of the fourth child, only Baqi made him feel a touch of warmth in the last days.

"Okay, there will be no ink, just don't pass it." Baqi bowed his hand at the old fifth and Zhi Mi.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the black robe, and the surviving black robe people disappeared into the night.

Their backs look very lonely, but their steps reveal firmness, because they have a long way to go...

In this way, after Baqi left, Zhifu and Laowu also left from another direction, walking quickly as well.

The people of the Knights of the Apocalypse took away their wounded, leaving behind shocking bodies.

In general, both Baqi and Zhimo have suffered huge losses this time, and have not gained much benefit.

They who left did not even want to look back, for fear of seeing the bodies of their teammates.

This is a place where they feel defeated, but also a sad place...

If you insist on comparing it, then the loss of knowledge of misfortune is ten times more serious than that of Yaqi.

Because he not only wasted a lot of time, but also died of tens of thousands of subordinates.

Although the infected group attacked the Westerly Fortress, his losses were obviously greater than the Westerly Fortress.

This also happens to verify an old saying, don’t harm others, because harm others will harm yourself...

But the survivors in Beizhai were the most embarrassed of the departure of Baqi and Zhimo.

They were all debugging the last defense facilities and were preparing to fight to the death. Why did these people outside leave?

However, they soon fell into excitement and cheered in unison.

Because they successfully defended the enemy's attack when their own defensive power was weak and lack of ability.

This is a remarkable victory that wins more with less, enough to make them proud...

Meanwhile, on the other side, the battle between the Lu Army and the Zerg creatures continued.

During this period of time, the Lu Army continued to consume each other with Siwak and the spiked ant king, and there was not much damage between the three parties.

But the situation on Lin Xiaobai's side was different. She and the Bloodthirsty King Bat were directly defeated by the powerful Blade Man King from the air.

If Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue who had settled down with Ruan Bing hadn't rushed back in time and used her ability to save her, she would definitely fall to death.

But once Lin Xiaobai and the bloodthirsty king bat were defeated, the other wind **** pterosaurs could not limit the Blade Mantis, after all, there were still a large group of mantis creatures making trouble around.

Seeing that no humans can stop it, the Blade Mantra is not inked, and directly flies above the West Wind Fortress with a sickle.

Any flying creature that dared to approach it would instantly be split in half by it and die tragically in mid-air.

The most terrifying thing is that Blade Man Emperor also condenses a blade attack from time to time on the defensive structure of the West Wind Fortress.

With the flying creatures constantly dying, the air superiority on the Westwind Fortress has been continuously lost.

Coupled with the destruction of defensive facilities, the counterattacks of the Westwind Fortress became weaker and weaker.

Had it not been for the hordes of dinosaurs and orc warriors in front of them, maybe the Zerg creatures would have entered.

However, this is not a long-term solution, because without air supremacy, the praying mantis army is also free.

At this moment, they have already begun to fly to the main battlefield to attack dinosaurs and orc warriors.

Originally, the troops on the road side had been exhausted from continuous battles, and could only slightly block the marching ant army.

Now being besieged by the praying mantis army, their disadvantages have become extremely great in an instant, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely defeated.

If he can quickly kill Siwak and the Spiked Ant King in the form of the Tyrannosaurus, return to the Westwind Fortress and frighten other Zerg creatures, then their talents have a chance, otherwise everything will be over.

If the Tyrannosaurus was turned on and failed to fight like last time, the Lu Army really didn't know what to do.

In other words, at this juncture, the Lu Army can't think about much of the following things, and can only take one step at a time.

However, to be honest, Lu Jun still has confidence in himself.

Last time he lost to Siwak because he only had a third-order, and his mental and physical strength were severely insufficient.

Even if the Tyrannosaurus body is turned on, it is not the opponent of the rank creature, which is normal.

And this time he has become a Tier 4 supernatural power, and his overall strength has made a qualitative leap. He has long wanted to fight Sivac again!

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