Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1417: Expedition plan

In the previous battle, he was busy entangled with the Ice Witch King and had no time to merge. Now it is different. With the Giant Southern Beast Dragon in front, he has plenty of time.

Five seconds later, an extremely large flame burst out of the Lu Jun's hands, and he threw it out without thinking.

At the same time, the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, Hellfire and other creatures also withdrew from the Ice Witch King in time to prevent being affected by the flame bombs.

With a deafening roar, the Ice Witch King was hit from the front without struggling too much, even before the Ice Shield was released.

When the flames and smoke in the middle dissipated, you could clearly see the Ice Witch King lying on the ground in embarrassment.

The very special ice armor on the surface of its body has shattered, and some blue liquid is constantly flowing out.

At the same time, the Ice Witch King was still "coughing" violently, his voice was a bit miserable, and it could be seen that it was painful.

This scene made Lu Jun a little unexpected. He originally thought that the Ice Witch King would only suffer some minor injuries, but now it seems that he somewhat underestimated the damage of the flame bomb...

"It... it seems to be going to work!" The red moon above shouted excitedly, feeling that victory was close at hand.

Lu Jun also widened his eyes and thought quickly, preparing to fuse another flame bomb to see if he could really kill the Ice Witch King.

Only the watchman still frowned, and whispered a warning: "Don't be careless! It should still have a back hand!"

Hearing this, Lu Jun also nodded slightly, and made a few gestures to everyone not to come closer: "Yes, be careful of fraud!"

As soon as Lu Jun finished saying this sentence, the Ice Witch King really moved, spraying thousands of ice needles from the wound on his body, covering the surrounding area.

These ice needles are extremely small and sharp, and it is estimated that Tier S creatures can instantly kill them.

Had it not been for the timely warning by the watchmen, the road army would have suffered heavy losses.

Immediately afterwards, a thick layer of ice armor appeared on the Ice Witch King's body, which wrapped its whole body within a few tenths of a second, until it became several meters thick.

Looking at the ice armor like a tortoise shell, Lu Jun frowned deeper, and couldn't help but muttered, "What is this..."

Although he was very puzzled, the movements of the road army didn't stop at all, and soon a blazing bomb was condensed, and he threw it down without thinking.

When the flame explosive bomb fell on the ice armor of the Ice Witch King, it bounced off instantly, flying directly to a far place before exploding.

"Hi..." Watcher and Hongyue who watched this scene took a breath at the same time, because this ice armor could actually bounce off the attack, which really made them unexpected.

"It seems that long-range attacks are useless, you guys go up together and blow it up!" The Lu Army quickly issued orders to the Giant Southern Beast Dragon and Hellfire below.

I don't know why, Lu Jun always feels that he can't let the Ice Witch King stay in the ice armor for too long, so he wants to destroy it quickly.

The Giganotosaurus and Hellfire that received the attack order quickly moved, using their hands and feet, and a chaotic hammer hit the round ice armor.

But unfortunately, no matter how they attacked, the ice armor did not move, and there was no sign of breaking.

To know that the Giant Southern Beast Dragon and Hellfire both have super-order destructive power, so that they did not break the ice armor, which is really surprising.

Moreover, the Lu Army soon discovered a new problem, that is, the Ice Witch King, who was wrapped in the ice armor, was recovering from his wounds quickly, and his vitality gradually became pitiful.

"Damn it! It's recovering from its injuries! It may be coming out!" The Lu Army yelled, making the Giganotosaurus retreat quickly.

Because he didn't know what other methods the Ice Witch King had, fearing that the Giant Southern Beast Dragons would suffer.

The Giganotosaurus and Hellfire's reaction speed was also very fast, withdrawing more than ten meters away when the road army gave the order.

Although they do not know exactly what happened, their trust in the road army led to the execution of these creatures.

The moment they evacuated, the ice armor covering the Ice Witch King burst open with a "bang", and the ice blade flew everywhere, and the sound of friction penetrating the air could be heard from a long distance away.

Had it not been for the Giganotosaurus and Hellfire to withdraw quickly, this one would definitely be hurt.

At the same time, the Ice Witch King also came out, all the wounds on his body disappeared, and his combat strength was restored to the same level as before the war.

It can be said that it has a strong life-saving ability just now, and it has not been used before.

Because every time it is used, although it can recover the wound urgently, the loss of vitality is very large, and some of the gains outweigh the loss.

Even if it was so badly injured the day before yesterday, it didn't forcefully recover, that's why.

However, it is now in battle, and a large number of enemies are staring at it. If it is seriously injured, it is likely to die.

Therefore, in desperation, it can only sacrifice future vitality to maintain combat effectiveness and gain more time.

Looking at the Ice Witch King whose aura became the peak again, Lu Jun and the others were suddenly covered with a haze.

They managed to suppress the Ice Witch King so much that they couldn't lift their heads, and in a blink of an eye what they had done before was wasted, and the blow was a bit big.

Fortunately, everyone has seen all the scenes, and soon cheered up. The Lu Army even directly said: "Don't panic, it has only restored its combat power, but has not improved. Let's focus on it again!"

While talking, the Lu Army ordered the Giant Southern Beast Dragon and Hellfire to approach the Ice Witch King again, and the flame explosive bombs in his hand began to condense.

Although there are no Vengeful Gods and Vengeful Souls now, their overall combat power is not lost to the Ice Witch King, and it is not difficult to replicate the previous results.

Feeling the ferocious aura of the Giant Southern Beast Dragon and Hellfire, the Ice Witch King felt a little shadow in his heart, and the scene of just being besieged lingered.

Just as the fire-gathering trend was about to take shape again, I saw the Ice Witch King suddenly raised his head and made a strange sound in the air, like a signal.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt dark around them, and the air also had a suffocating feeling, which made them feel uncomfortable.

"Look! Heaven!" The Red Moon, who had been flying to the highest point, yelled urgently and issued a warning.

This caused Lu Jun and others to subconsciously raise their heads and look at the airspace until they saw a giant figure approaching them at high speed.

The second is the meaning of hiding. I want the Lu Army to also provide them with an ability that can be used, so that they will have combat effectiveness.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the threat of these remarks is very obvious, and it means to force the road army to benefit them.

But who is the Lu Jun? He will not be coerced by others, let alone these people are not even qualified to coerce him.

Then they were dumbfounded and couldn't even speak, because the bone demon they had been waiting for appeared at this time, right above!

Both the size and the aura are shocking. This is the largest flying creature that everyone has seen since the end of the world.

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