Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1415: First encounter with Naga

This is not an alarmist talk of the Lu Army, but don't underestimate hunger, only those who have been really hungry understand that hunger can make people lose their minds and do crazy things.

However, it is estimated that the Lu Army will not see the riot, because if there were no accidents, he should have left the gathering place and headed to his new stronghold...

Just when the Lu Army was thinking, Xiao Wan’s soft voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts, “Brother, we are coming soon, but there are guards guarding the front and back gates of the Supreme Court, and there are many guards patrolling around, what should we do? do?"

Hearing that they were coming soon, the Lu Jun quickly stopped thinking, came to his senses, and glanced at the dim surroundings. Just now because Xiaowan was taking him away, he was relieved, so he didn't pay much attention to the surrounding situation.

They are indeed very close to the Supreme Court now. The Lu Jun recognizes this place. The last time he came, he could see the brightly lit Supreme Court and the tight defenses hundreds of meters away.

Since the Lu Army killed Lieutenant Zhang in the Supreme Court last time, the Supreme Court has doubled its defensive strength. After all, there are important people in it. Now there are nearly ten guards protecting the Supreme Court at all times. Court.

Lu Jun originally wanted to sneak into the Supreme Palace by the method last time, but he is in a very poor state now and does not have such agile skills.

Moreover, the patrols in the surrounding area of ​​the Supreme Court have also been strengthened. Every tens of seconds, a heavily armed patrol team passes by. This time is not enough for the Lu Army and Xiaowan to enter.

Feeling that tiredness began to erode his brain again, Lu Jun hurriedly bit down the tip of his tongue again, letting the severe pain continue to stimulate the brain, using this self-masochistic way to resist the tiredness and stay awake.

After expelling the tiredness from the brain, the army hurriedly said to Xiaowan, "Xiaowan, can you control the small animals around you to create a little riot at the back door of the Supreme Court, and let these patrols rush over to support and delay them? It doesn’t take long for us to pass by in just over a minute."

This is the only way the Lu Army can think of. As long as the patrols are not there, he and Xiao Wan can take the opportunity to climb over the fences and enter the Supreme Court.

As for the situation inside, Lu Jun can't think about that much anymore. He has a hunch that he can't stand it anymore. It is estimated that he will fall down when the pain disappears completely...

Xiao Wan also understood Lu Jun's meaning, nodded, did not speak much, closed her eyes tightly, and began to use her ability to control animals.

Some people may wonder, the gathering place is not in the wild, how can there be so many small animals? But don't forget, as long as there are places where humans live, there will definitely be rats, and Tianhai gathering places are no exception.

Today, Xiaowan relies on the mice hiding in the sewers and various dark corners whether to find her way or monitor the safety of the surrounding neighborhoods. Now it is time for these mice to dedicate their lives...

With Xiaowan's ability to perform, the mice around the Supreme Court felt the call, and immediately started, no matter what they were doing, whether they were on the ground or in the sewers, they all gathered at the back door of the Supreme Court. .

The guards responsible for protecting the back door of the Supreme Mansion Court are eating dinner at this time, and they cannot leave their posts during meal time, otherwise they will not be able to bear any difference.

Just as they swallowed the hot work meal in the lunch box with enjoyment on their faces, they suddenly heard a whistling sound from a distance, and the sound became more and more dense, which made people shudder.

"Assemble!" The captain of the guard who felt something was wrong immediately put down the unfinished lunch in his hand and shouted to the team members who were still eating.

The rest of the guards did not dare to neglect the captain's order, carefully covered the lunch, and reluctantly placed it on the table, and then immediately took up their weapons and ran to the position of the guard captain.

At the moment when they reached the assembly point, the guards finally saw the source of the noise through the searchlight. There were hundreds of rats of various sizes running towards them from everywhere, only a few tens of meters away. distance.

Seeing so many rats, the guards collectively stunned, and then looked at the guard captain, waiting for the guard captain's order.

It's not that they are slow to respond, but in this case they can't shoot. Even if they shoot in the gathering place, there are strict rules.

Because the gunshots in the gathering place will cause survivors to panic, especially in the sensitive places where big people like the Supreme Court gather, it is not allowed to shoot at will.

If they let their superiors know that they shot a group of mice, then they probably won’t have to eat tomorrow...

The captain of the guard was stunned when he watched these crazy rushing mice, and then immediately said, "It's just a crazy mouse. It is probably attracted by the smell of our food. Don't shoot anyone. If they continue to come over Fight with cold weapons and call the surrounding patrols to come to support and tell them that there is an extra meal tonight, and there are rats that have eaten it."

After hearing the command of the captain of the guard, the correspondent immediately picked up the military walkie-talkie and called several patrols around the Supreme Court, asking them to come over and chop the rats. The surrounding patrols immediately rushed to the back door after hearing the request for help. ...

But when several patrol teams supported the back door, the more than one hundred mice in front suddenly stopped advancing, but stopped in place one after another, facing the guards 20 meters away.

The guards looked at this weird picture, and only felt that their scalp was numb. They confronted the mob and the infected, but it was the first time they confronted a group of mice...

"Captain, what should we do?" A guard beside the captain of the guard looked at the mouse in front, swallowed, and said to the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard didn't speak, scratched his head, a little confused, he didn't know what to do, they had to stay in the fortifications and couldn't rush out at will.

He hoped that these rats would rush over, so that they would have rat meat to eat tonight, otherwise they could only watch the rat meat walking in front of them run away...

But now is not the time to entangle these things, you have to help the Lu Army treat the wounds as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome if you get infected, Ruan Bing thought secretly.

After thinking about it, immediately opened the medical box that the Lu Army took out before she fell into a coma. There were many medical tools in it, enough for her to take out the Lu Army's bullets.

You know that taking bullets is a technical job. Ruan Bing has never done it before. He just learned some basic knowledge in college, but now he can only do it bitterly...

Xiao Wan saw that Lu Jun was not in danger, and her heart hung down. Now she regarded Lu Jun as her only family member. If Lu Jun died, she would be left alone.

Originally, Xiao Wan wanted to fight for Ruan Bing to help or something, but she suddenly received an emergency signal from Wang Spider who was staying outside.

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