However, in fact, the Lu Army’s conjecture was correct, and the leader of the blood rock did stay at the forefront of the tower because the view here was very good, and the surroundings could be seen.

But today, there were continuous battles, and dinosaurs feinted outside, leaving the leader of the blood rock to stay below.

This is also considered to be better luck for the Lu Army, not encountering a strong enemy, otherwise it will be another hard fight.

Seeing that nearly half of the floor had been searched by him, the Lu Army was very satisfied, looked around and walked down.

The Lu Jun had never expected such a big gain from coming here. Now he wants to see if there are any of these things below.

It's just that Lu Jun didn't find the physical body of that soul body, and he thought he would be in this high tower.

Now I just hope that Ruan Bing will have something to gain, otherwise they don't know how long they will have to run in this large area.

While thinking about these issues, the road army did not stop, and walked down one layer after another.

When they came to the 21st floor, Lu Jun found that there was an incubation device in the direction, but it was completely gone below the 20th floor.

These rooms are more like the places where the blood rock war riders live, and traces of life can be seen everywhere.

It seems that they have a very clear plan for this tall tower. The lower part is living and the upper part is used to incubate new forces. This is a very correct layout.

The mistake is that the defensive power they put on top is too small, allowing the Route Army to take advantage of the loopholes.

It is estimated that after this incident, the blood rock clan will not be able to develop for a long time, because these incubation devices were taken away by the road army, and they lost the source of fresh blood.

No matter how strong the power is, if there is only death without supplements, it must not last long.

However, Lu Jun doesn't care about this, anyway, he is comfortable today, and the blood rock clan's problems are beyond his turn.

Seeing that there were no incubators and other useful things, Lu Jun continued to walk down.

At the same time, the Dragon Formation was opened, as if preparing to face the enemy.

Because he knows that there are many enemies here, the next section of the road may not be so easy.

Sure enough, as the Lu Army walked down the two-story tower, he could clearly hear the sound of creatures talking.

Of course, he didn't understand the language of this plane, he only knew that there were many creatures in the next tower.

In fact, the road army can leave directly from the entrance of the tower at this time, without having to fight the enemy.

In this way, the dinosaurs can retreat after he goes out, and he will get a lot of things without taking any risks.

But Lu Jun always remembered that his main task was to find the body of the soul in the wood.

If he leaves at this time, and the body happens to be hidden in the tower below, then his guilt is serious.

Therefore, the high-tower road army below has to make a trip anyway, which is also considered as wood.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army didn't hesitate to step forward and walked down to the seventeenth-story tower.

From his position, we can clearly see that many blood rock warriors are standing around the exposed hole of the tower with their long bows, and they are constantly shooting long arrows downward.

It is almost impossible to guess that they are attacking Fengshen pterosaurs in an attempt to regain air superiority.

Although their attack methods are very simple, their positions are relatively poor, and the power of their longbows is not much.

But let alone, so many volleys of bows and arrows are still a great threat to the Fengshen pterosaurs.

The most important thing is that in addition to the seventeen-story tower, there are also many blood rock war rides bombarding the wind **** pterosaurs in the tower below.

In the face of thousands of bows and arrows, the situation of the Fengshen pterosaurs is actually quite difficult.

They must concentrate anyway, and they cannot stay in one position for a long time, otherwise there is a danger of injury.

In this way, it would be difficult for them to support the Tyrannosaurus below, causing the dinosaurs to fall into a disadvantage all of a sudden.

Fengshen pterosaurs also want to get rid of these annoying blood rock warriors first to ensure that they can output smoothly.

But with the cover of a high tower, it is easy to be blocked whether it is destroying the light or flying wings.

The end result is that the Blood Rock Warriors can attack the Fengshen pterosaurs, but the Fengshen pterosaurs cannot attack them, which is very troublesome overall.

Fortunately, the Lu Army sneaked in. The moment he saw this scene, he understood what was happening, and immediately rushed towards the Blood Rock Warriors.

The blood rock warrior who was shooting arrows did not realize that there were other creatures behind, after all, this was their tower.

It was too late when they heard the sound turning their heads, the dragon claws of the Lu Army had already reached their necks.

With the sound of "chih", more than a dozen blood rock warriors were instantly killed by the road army, clutching their necks and collapsed to the ground until they turned into a corpse.

The other blood rock warriors that found strange things also turned their heads, raising their longbows and aiming at the position of the road army.

This is their only attack weapon, and there is no time to change weapons or call for support in an emergency...

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the Lu Army shook the blood on the dragon's claws and continued to walk to the next high tower.

If the blood rock clan can only use this level of power, then it must be impossible to stop him, at least the blood rock can only fight him at that level.

However, the leader of the blood rock did not seem to be in this area, and the Lu Army killed several floors without seeing it.

However, under the condition of the army's force, the blood rock creatures in the tower were killed and injured instantly.

Without the firepower of more than a hundred Blood Rock Cavalry, the pressure on the Wind God Pterosaurs has also been greatly reduced, and the attack can be reorganized.

It is estimated that feeling that there is nothing wrong with one's own firepower net, the Shenwu Gate of the Blood Rock clan began to climb upward.

Seeing that there were creatures breaking into their towers, the blood rock warriors were shocked.

You must know that the incubation room above belongs to their most secret place. Even their own people rarely go up. How can other creatures run up to it now...

It's a pity that they didn't have time to think carefully, and the Dragon Claws of the Lu Army killed them, and blood splashed all over the corridor.

Those blood rock warriors who wanted to go down and call for support also failed to escape the dragon claws of the road army, and died on the ground one after another.

However, there were a lot of Blood Rock Cavalry. No matter how strong the Lu Army was, it was still one person, unable to intercept all of them, so some Blood Rock Cavalry could still run down.

Immediately afterwards, they told all their companions about the biological invasion, including those fighting with dinosaurs outside.

Listening to this, all the blood rock creatures went crazy, no longer caring about the dinosaurs outside, and returned directly to the tower.

Because everything they do now is to protect the tower, if something goes wrong with the tower, then their fighting outside will not make any sense.

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