Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1397: Title value allocation

Taking advantage of the time when the insect-shaped creature got into the soil, Xiaowan immediately took the Ruger MP-9 submachine gun off his back, checked the ammunition, opened the insurance, and quietly waited for the insect-shaped creature to appear next time.

Two seconds later, the soil under Xiaowan’s feet felt a shock for the third time. Xiaowan knew that the insect-shaped creature was under her feet, but this time Xiaowan did not choose to hide, nor did she wait for the insect-shaped creature to show her head. Depress the muzzle of the Ruger MP-9 submachine gun, and slam the trigger towards the ground where it vibrated.

"Shoot..." After a series of gunshots, Xiaowan shot the magazine of the Ruger MP-9 submachine gun, and the deadly bullets blasted the ground into small pits with a little white smoke.

The worm-shaped creature that was hiding on the ground and unable to come out was naturally hit by several bullets. Two bullets hit its head, causing it to die directly in the mud.

Looking at the ground where the tremor no longer spreads, Xiao Wan breathed a sigh of relief. This **** weird bug was finally killed by her. In order to solve this creature, she spent a whole minute here and also gave up a dagger. ...

After killing the insect-type creatures, Xiaowan took out a new magazine from her pocket and replaced it with the Ruger MP-9 submachine gun. She had only two magazines left, so she had to save a little bit of use, otherwise this deep mountain and wild mountain. There is nowhere to supply.

Moreover, she is now in an enemy camp, and enemies may appear at any time. The bullet is the guarantee of her life. If the bullet is shot out, she can only use her abilities to fight against these disgusting bugs. She doesn’t want to be like this, I hope just now. The gunfire was not discovered by other bugs...

But the more Xiaowan was afraid of something, the more she would come. As soon as she was about to continue running down the hill, she felt a strong tremor, like an earthquake, as if the whole hill was shaking.

Although Xiaowan didn’t know what was going on, it would definitely not be a good thing. She realized that there was a big trouble coming, she didn’t hesitate to open the third form, which is the king bat form, and let the back grow. Four blood-red wings, and then all four wings fluttered and rushed into the air.

Originally, she didn’t want to open the third form, because the target in the air was too big and would make it easy for the praying mantis to find her, but now there is no way. She feels that the air seems safer compared to the ground that is still shaking. .

And Xiaowan’s feeling is undoubtedly correct, because at the moment she flew into the air, hundreds of worm-like creatures suddenly appeared on the surface of the hill, and then thousands, and this number continued to increase until the mountains and wilds were everywhere. Yes.

Looking at the mountains and bugs, Xiaowan only felt her scalp numb, and her right hand holding the Ruger MP-9 submachine gun was trembling slightly. After all, it was so scary, she never thought that she had just run on the hill full of bugs. After a round, fortunately, she can fly, otherwise she will definitely die in front of these insects.

Secretly glad that she had escaped, Xiao Wan didn't stay in midair for long, and immediately waved her wings in an attempt to leave the top of the hill.

Because she heard a large "buzzing" sound approaching her, don't think about it, she must have been found, and the mantis army in charge of fighting was flying towards her from the other side of the hill.

Although Xiaowan doesn't know how many praying mantises there are, judging from this sound, it must be an existence she can't deal with, so Xiaowan doesn't want to stay to fight, just want to leave here quickly and return to the bloodthirsty king bat. It is estimated that the bloodthirsty king bat is awake now.

It’s just that the Zerg Corps is not a vegetarian. After discovering that humans have invaded their territory and killed their companions, all the combat units in their sleep woke up, and tens of thousands of praying mantises in charge of fighting rose. Sora, the goal is the direction Xiaowan left, ready to chase Xiaowan...

The most terrifying thing is that a mantis with a body length of five meters, a huge body, and two super scythe feet also crawled out of the Zerg nest, and then flew into the air at an incredible speed, followed by more than a dozen others about two meters long. Medium mantis.

Don't think about it, the biggest praying mantis must be a leader in the Zerg clan's lair, and the dozen or so medium-sized praying mantises must be guards around the mantis leader. They fly out to chase Xiaowan.

If the Lu Army is here, you will find that the mantis leader of the Zerg has initially broken through the A Tier and is moving to a higher level. Even the Lu Army here is extremely difficult to compete with it, because it is super strong in the air. Arms have natural advantages.

Xiaowan didn't know that there was such a powerful enemy chasing her behind her. She was still flying her four wings with all her strength. When she accelerated with all her strength, ordinary praying mantis couldn't catch up with her.

Moreover, Xiaowan felt that as long as she continued to fly, those praying mantises would not be able to catch up, so Xiaowan wasn't very anxious, and planned to climb higher later to get rid of the chasing soldiers in one fell swoop.

But Xiaowan soon found out that she was wrong, because after flying for a few minutes, even though she and the praying mantises were nearly two hundred meters away, the praying mantises still chased after them, and they were surprisingly patient and didn't seem to catch up. She will not give up.

Seeing this, Xiaowan knew that she was in trouble, because when she turned on the third form, every second of flight required brain power, and those mantises must have more physical power than her brain power. It can only last for three minutes at most.

Although it has broken through Tier A, and its strength is above the bloodthirsty king bat, it is only slightly better. It can't reach the point of crushing. It is not good for both parties to fight each other, so the mantis leader does not want to fight this kind of unknown. Bai, there is no meaning to fight...

But the mantis guards around the mantis leader are not so comfortable. They don't have the ability to hold up the shield, so they can only use their flesh to carry the ultrasound of the bloodthirsty king bat.

But they only have Tier B strength, how can they completely withstand the offensive of Tier A Bloodthirsty King Bat? Three seconds later, more than a dozen mantis guards began to fly unsteadily, and swayed down towards the ground until they all fell to the ground.

Of course, they didn't die, they were just uncomfortable with the attack of the bloodthirsty king bat. They were injured a little and couldn't continue flying. They would be cured after the ultrasonic effect passed.

Since ultrasound is an indiscriminate attack, Xiaowan hiding in the crevices of the stone is also a "victim", but at this time she can't go out yet, so she can only use her little brainpower to resist the ultrasound...

And the leader of the mantis saw that its little brother was injured and was very angry. It was enough to make it irritable to not find that human tonight.

Unexpectedly, it will be provoked by a creature whose strength is not as good as it. This is the most unbearable thing. If this creature is not taught a lesson, where can it put its face as a leader?

Thinking of this, the mantis leader continued to put on the shield and began to brew its abilities. A few seconds later, hundreds of sickle blades were condensed by the mantis leader, and they flew towards the bloodthirsty king bat in the distance.

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