Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1390: Juggernaut

Seeing this man doing this, everyone around them followed suit, kneeling on the ground and shouting the same words. They were very skilled, because they knew that they could not run away, and surrender might still survive.

There was only one middle-aged man in a peaked cap standing. He saw the people around him kneeling and surrendered. He couldn't help but yelled, "A bunch of trash! Get the **** up for me! I'll kill you!"

After scolding, the middle-aged man picked up a rifle on the ground and slammed the trigger at the kneeling people around. Unfortunately, the rifle was out of bullets, causing the middle-aged man to stand in anger and stomped on the ground...

The road army behind Abelilong saw that the people in Beizhai had surrendered. They scratched their heads and jumped off the ostrich-like back to tell Abelilong not to attack, and walked to the group of people in Beizhai. , "Which one of you is in charge here? Who has the power?"

The middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap looked at the approaching Lu Army, did not speak, gave the Lu Army a fierce look, and wished to rush to kill the Lu Army with a rifle without bullets, but it was hindered by the Abelizon behind the Lu Army. , Dare not move casually.

"It's him! He made us do this! He can still control those monsters!" When the people kneeling on the ground heard the Lu Army's problem, they immediately pointed to the middle-aged humanity, wanting to please the Lu Army, maybe The Lu Army will let them go.

Seeing that these people around them answered so positively, the Lu Jun nodded in satisfaction, and continued to ask, "Is he alone? Why are you attacking us? What is the purpose?"

After Lu Jun asked this question, the people around him calmed down. It seemed that they didn’t know so much. Only one man kneeling on the ground shrank and said, “They...they have four people...all of them. This kind of weird ability...The other three are in other places. We are just acting on orders and eating food. We don't know so many things. Please let us go..."

Hearing that the man kneeling on the ground said that there were four people from Beizhai who came here, Lu Jun felt tight, four? What is the other ability? Where is it? They may be dangerous if they look at the wood in this way.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun didn’t intend to continue wasting time, his hands turned into dragon claws, “Thank you for your answers, but the value of these questions can’t change your lives. I don’t accept surrender. Since you don’t know anything, I'm sorry then."

After speaking, the Lu Army no longer gave these people time to speak, and used the ability of time retrospect to control these people, with both claws down, slaughtering the kneeling people alone.

Seeing the living people turning into corpses, Lu Jun didn't feel a wave of waves in his heart. It was not that he liked to kill, but that the person who should be killed must be killed.

Besides, what can I do without killing? Let them go? Let them return to Beizhai to bring more people over next time? Or take it back and serve it deliciously? It wastes resources and is useless, so he generally doesn't have the habit of keeping alive.

After killing the people who were kneeling on the ground, the Lu Jun dismissed the ability to look back in time, let the bodies of these people fall, and then shook the blood on the paws, and said to the middle-aged man in the peaked cap who was still standing on the spot. The ability is to control the infected body, right? What are the abilities of your other three companions? Where? Why come here to attack us? What is the purpose? Are you going to tell me about this?"

Hearing Lu Jun’s words, the middle-aged man in the peaked cap looked at the corpses all over the floor, a little bit chilly and a little scared, but he thought that even if he said everything, the person in front of him would not let him go, so he sneered. Lu Jun provocatively said, "You kill me, our people will avenge me, you won't know anything, hahaha..."

Seeing that the middle-aged man in the peaked cap was still so arrogant and looked like he was putting life and death out of his mind, the Lu Army was not in a hurry, and slowly walked up to the middle-aged man, "Okay, there is personality, but even if you don’t tell me, these I will also know the answer to the question. I know that you are not afraid of death. It is easy to die, but I will not let you die so easily."

After speaking, Lu Jun patted the middle-aged man’s face with his dragon claws, patted a few blood stains on his face, and then suddenly bent down and plunged the dragon claws into the middle-aged’s knees, spurring the middle-aged’s knees. Broken.

"Ah! Ah..." The middle-aged man in the peaked cap with his kneecap pierced only felt a sharp pain in his knee, and then his whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The terrified middle-aged man didn’t know what the Road Army wanted to do. He could only mourn and mourn with his bleeding knees. It sounded extremely miserable. If it weren’t for his ability to control ordinary infected bodies, he had no other means of attack. You cannot kill the road army.

However, the Lu Jun didn’t let the middle-aged man go in this way. He restored the dragon claws to normal hands, and then randomly took out a relatively strong rope from the armed module, squatted down and tied the middle-aged’s waist and legs. Living.

"You...what are you doing! Ah..." The middle-aged man who was tortured by pain saw the road army tied him up and couldn't help but asked with horror on his face. He regretted the provocations he had just said to the road army. Words.

Lu Jun did not answer the middle-aged man, but tied the other end of the rope to the tail of Abeiliron, so that when Abeiliron was running, it would drag the middle-aged person all the way and let the middle-aged person’s skin Constantly rubbing against the flesh and the ground until death.

Originally, the Lu Army wanted to kill the middle-aged person directly, but the words of the middle-aged person made him very upset, so he planned to make the middle-aged person "cool"...

Abelilong looked at the rope tied to its tail by the road army. He didn’t know what the road army was doing. He shook his tail curiously. Its shaking pulled the rope, and the rope tore the middle-aged man’s injured knee. Life is better than death.

Seeing the Lu Army doing this, the middle-aged man immediately realized something, and immediately cursed in horror, "You are a psychopath! Devil! I will not let you be a ghost! We in Beizhai will not let you go. of……"

After the scolding, the middle-aged man felt that nothing could be changed in this way, so he immediately changed his words, "No! I beg you to let me go... I will tell you everything... please give me a good time..."

Listening to the middle-aged man’s wailing, Lu Jun glanced at the middle-aged man, shook his head and said, “Forget it, I’m **** before you say, I’m too lazy to untie it, I hope you can keep your personality 'Don't let me look down on you."

As for the middle-aged man with duck tongue, he can only feel helplessly the pain caused by constant friction between his skin and the ground under the drag of Abelizron.

He tried to untie the rope that bound him, but the road army tied it to a dead knot, and the rope was very strong. Without a sharp weapon, it was impossible to untie it with his hands.

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