The most important thing is that they can't stop now, because as long as they dare to stop, the sand worms and black thorn infected bodies behind will rush up and tear them up. It seems that everything is about to end...

However, at this juncture, instead of slowing down, the Lu Army twisted its throttle and ran into the body of the elite sandworm at full speed.

Ruan Bing at the back couldn't understand what the Lu Army wanted to do. It was impossible for a locomotive to hit this fat corpse, let alone fly over it from this angle. Difficult that the Lu Army gave up?

However, this was not the case. Just when the locomotive was only one meter away from the elite digging sandworm, it was about to crash into it, and the Lu Army suddenly turned around and hugged Ruan Bing behind him.

Ruan Bing, who was held in the arms of the Lu Army, had no time to think. He closed his eyes as he watched the elite digging sandworms close at hand.

But the next moment Ruan Bing didn’t feel the impact. Instead, there was a feeling of weightlessness, like falling down high in the air. The shocked Ruan Bing immediately opened his eyes and found that she and the Lu Jun were actually in the middle of five meters high. Falling down.

It turned out that at the last moment, when the locomotive was about to hit the elite digging sandworm, the road army directly abandoned the locomotive, holding Ruan Bing and using his power, flashed into the air five meters high, and successfully avoided Hit the elite digging sandworm.

In fact, Lu Jun was also taking a gamble. He was not sure if Ruan Bing would flash away with him. Fortunately, he succeeded, but his brain power was a little bit consumed...

Although the corpses of the elite sandworms digging through the land, the road army and their locomotives were also destroyed. It is impossible for the road army and Ruan Bing to win the sandworms without the means of transportation. The situation still looks not optimistic.

But how could the Lu Jun not expect this, he directly summoned the Utah Raptor below, so that he and Ruan Bing could just fall on the back of the Utah Raptor when they fell from a five-meter-high mid-air.

The Utah Raptor who caught Lu Jun and Ruan Bing spread his legs and ran forward. Its sturdy legs can make it easily climb over any obstacles. Even with two people on its back, it can still sprint at full speed. No distinction is made between the locomotive, which makes it impossible for the sand insects behind to catch up with it.

Someone might ask, since the Utah Raptor is so powerful, why didn't the Lu Army summon it earlier? Wouldn't it be okay if it was summoned earlier?

But don’t forget, Utah Raptor is a creature, not a machine. The creature has physical limitations and will feel tired. A 100-meter sprint is the limit of Utah Raptor. After this distance, the speed of Utah Raptor will slow down. , So the Route Army called it out at the last minute as a means of transportation.

Once on the back of the Utah Raptor, the Lu Army released Ruan Bing in his arms and immediately replaced the Shitu 8000 bullet. After the bullet was replaced, he raised his hand and hit the fuel tank of the destroyed locomotive.

"Boom!" The locomotive hit by the Sangtu 8000 exploded in an instant, and various parts were flying everywhere, and at the same time it spread to the black thorn infected body that had been following.

The black thorn infected body was directly confused by the road army's "golden cicada shelling" and the detonation of the locomotive. He stopped and stayed in a daze for a second. Who knew it was this second of stagnation, and the black thorn infected body was drilled from the ground. The digging sandworm that came out swallowed it in one bite without chewing...

The Lu Army did not expect that the digging sandworm would "help" him deal with the black thorn infected body. Originally, he was still worried about **** this black thorn infected body. Now the black thorn infected body is also dead, and the situation is even worse. It's clear.

"Your soul storm is all right? Is there enough brainpower to use it?" Lu Jun asked Ruan Bing sitting on the back of the Utah Raptor.

Ruan Bing nodded with a serious face. She didn't know what the Lu Army wanted to do. The Soul Storm couldn't reach the sandworm hiding in the ground, but she still signaled that the Lu Army was ready.

Seeing that Ruan Bing was okay, the Lu Army took down the walkie-talkie on his waist and pressed the talk button, "Wood, no need to clear the road, we can go there. After we go, find an open place to lead all these things out. Leave it to me."

"Received." Mu Wu hurriedly responded when he heard Lu Jun's words, and then stopped continuing to clean the road, mounted an off-road locomotive and took Xiaobai and Ruan Xue to the front to search for open areas.

This time the road army and the others did not have any more accidents. They sat behind the Utah Raptor for five or six seconds and left the town smoothly. What they saw was an open area similar to the countryside, where the wood was already waiting for the road on a motorcycle. The army is here. As for Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, they have already run far away and are ready to support at any time in the distance.

Seeing that everything is ready, the Lu Army once again said to Ruan Bing, "I will let you release the soul storm later."

Ruan Bing nodded, she wanted to see what Lu Army plans would be.

"Wood and wood, we are ready. You cooperate with me to circle this place and lure the bugs below. You can attract one to one. Pay attention to safety. I can't support you." Lu Jun told the intercom and told Utah Raptor slowed down and began to circle around this place.

Mu Mu also rushed over after hearing the Lu Army's order, and cooperated with the Lu Army to circle around. Since it was used as a bait, there would be more sandworms that can be deceived by one more bait.

Being seduced by the Lu Army and the wood, the underground sand insects went crazy. They chased them all the way but did not catch the Lu Army. Now they are so angry. Who knows that the Lu Army has suddenly stopped now. Wherever the worms would let them go, they rushed out of the ground one by one, opening their mouths wide to swallow the Lu Army.

But the Lu Army rides on the back of the Utah Raptor. How can it be swallowed so easily. The Utah Raptor has a reaction power comparable to that of a raptor. As long as the digging sandworm wants to get out of the soil, it can feel it. Arrived, and evaded in advance, so for now, the Utah Raptors can handle the attack of the digging sandworm with ease.

Compared with the Lu Jun, the wood is much more uncomfortable, because he is riding a motorcycle without a little protection, where he should go next, and how to avoid the attack of sandworms depends on his personal consciousness and experience, so Wood is in danger of being swallowed at any time.

Moreover, when the digging sandworms constantly burrow out of the ground, the ground has become potholes, and one accidentally falls into the hole or hits the digging sandworms that block the way, causing the situation to become very bad...

With the passage of time, the space for activities of Utahraptors and wood has also become smaller and smaller, and they have been trapped in a swarm of sand insects. Now they can't fly out even if they put wings on the road army...

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