Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1383: Renovation complete

Hearing the continuous gunshots from the building, Bing Xie couldn't calm down at all. Just when he was about to send his own guard into the building, his confidant finally rushed out.

"What's going on inside? Is that person dead? Why didn't Fire Scorpion and Thief Scorpion come out?" Before his confidant approached, Bing Scorpion said anxiously.

Hearing Bing Scorpion’s question, Bing Scorpion’s confidant’s face was horrified and out of breath, "Bing Scorpion... We can’t stop that person at all, he is a monster! Already killed... Our elite members and ordinary members are also dead... That person has now been killed on the second floor... It is estimated that he will rush out soon... Lord Soldier, let’s run..."

Hearing the words of his confidant, Bing Xie was stunned for a moment, and then angrily grabbed his confidant’s collar and shouted, "Impossible! Fire Scorpion and Thieving Scorpion are both super powers of our scorpion group! Together, even Tier B Monsters can be killed! How can they die here!"

Hearing Bing Scorpion’s roar, Bing Scorpion’s confidant looked aggrieved, and said with a cry in his voice, "Bing Scorpion... They are really dead... Our people are all dead... We can’t catch that person. Yes... he is a monster... a monster... we can't even hurt him..."

Seeing his confidant’s expression of impossibility, Bing Xie sighed deeply, loosened his confidant’s collar, adjusted his mood, calmed himself down, and said, “Does that person still have accomplices? How did he kill so many of us alone? And what is his ability?"

Seeing Bing Scorpion calm down, Bing Scorpion’s confidant also organized a few words before slowly saying, "My lord, that person’s ability seems to be a shield. A shield that won’t be damaged by any attack can protect everything. All of his attacks were intercepted. He did have three accomplices, but two of them were women, and one was a weak and thin man who stood behind him..."

Hearing his confidant’s answer, Bing Xie didn’t know what to say at once. He thought that the Lu Army was not too strong, but after listening to his confidant’s description, he knew that the Lu Army was stronger than he thought.

When Bing Xie's confidant saw Bing Xie not speaking, he couldn't help but reminded, "My lord...you go quickly...or we won't be able to protect you when that person comes down..."

Hearing his confidant’s words, Bing Xie smiled bitterly, "Oh, go? Do you think we can go? I brought more than 500 members and two supernaturalists, but they were all planted here. If we run away, what will other forces think? What will the people inside us think? Our soldiers cannot afford to lose this person, and our Scorpion group cannot afford to lose this person."

Hearing Bing Xie's helpless words, Bing Xie's henchmen stopped talking. Indeed, they had no retreat. They had only two choices, either seize the Lu Army or die here...

"Okay, let our people cheer up and set up a line of defense at the entrance of the building. I want to see if this person is as strong as you said." Bing Xie said to his confidant with a solemn expression.

Although he is a little frightened by the strength of the Lu Army, he is also a supernatural person, and he is confident in his supernatural ability.

As long as he can stop the Lu Army and insist on his own support, Bing Xie thought to himself.

When Bing Scorpion’s confidant heard Bing Scorpion’s words, he immediately turned around and beckoned to Bing Scorpion’s guards, indicating that they were ready to defend. This was their only strength. If they couldn’t stop the Lu Army, then nothing. It's a solution...

Just when Bing Xie and others were holding weapons at the door and preparing to fight to the death, a dozen modified vehicles suddenly drove over from a distant corner of the street. The logo of the Scorpion Group was engraved on the front of the car.

Seeing this, Bing Xie felt happy, because these were vehicles of their Scorpion regiment, which also meant that their support had arrived, and they didn't have to face the road army alone!

Sure enough, when the dozen or so vehicles arrived in front of Bingxie, they stopped one after another, and a middle-aged man approaching two meters square walked out of the front truck.

The moment he saw the middle-aged man, Bing Xie was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly walked to the middle-aged man and knelt on the ground and said, "Master Black Scorpion, you are here..."

But before Bing Scorpion had time to finish speaking, the middle-aged man nicknamed Black Scorpion raised his long legs and kicked Bing Scorpion into the tunnel with one foot, "Trash! No small things can be done! A hundred people can’t catch even one person! Do you know how much time we will waste like this?! Do you know how many spars we have to give to the Silent Crusade?! You know..."

Hearing the uninterrupted roar of Black Scorpion and feeling the pain from being kicked, Bing Scorpion lowered his head and did not dare to gasp.

Because the black scorpion has a higher position in the scorpion group than him, and his strength is stronger than him, no matter how the black scorpion beats or scolds him, he can only listen, and cannot resist. This is the rule of the scorpion group.

When the scolding was almost done, Hei Xie stopped, and looked down at Bing Xie Dao with disdainful eyes, "Tell me, what's the situation now, hurry up, don't waste my time."

Hearing Black Scorpion’s question, Bing Scorpion immediately stood up and talked to Black Scorpion about what happened during this period of time. Most of them were talking about how powerful the Lu Army was, **** their people, and what was there. Ability or something.

After listening to Xiao Wan's words, Lu Jun also fell into deep thought, wondering in his heart that it was past five o'clock. They hadn't returned yet, they were trapped.

Although the Lu Army still has some things that they don't understand, it's not time to think too much now. They must quickly support the wood and get back the spar.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun had a plan in his heart, and at this moment Ruan Bing also treated Xiao Wan's wound, which also meant that they could act.

The girl in red didn't know what Lu Jun and Xiao Wan were talking about, she heard her in the mist, but she had a feeling that today's things didn't seem to end so soon.

At this moment, the lean monkey in charge of the vigilance suddenly walked up to the road army with a nervous expression, "Boss, I just saw a lot of trucks parked outside the building. It seems that the Scorpion group has new support. Go out behind the window? There is less defensive power over there."

Hearing the lean monkey's reminder, Lu Jun didn't answer directly. Instead, he lowered his head and looked at Xiao Wan, who had just stood up, and said, "Can you still take us to the wood where they were trapped?"

Hearing Lu's question, Xiao Wan nodded firmly, saying that she remembered the way, and her wound would not affect her battle.

Seeing this, the Lu Army filled the Death Tu 8000 with ammunition and sneered, "In this case, let's kill it all the way."

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