Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1378: 5,400 Tier 2 Ability Users

However, the Lu Jun was still quite excited, because if he used a "coax and trick" method to pull a very potential Tier 2 ability into the team, it would definitely help their resistance in the future. .

"Okay, deal, I promise not to exploit or oppress you." Lu Jun pretended to be serious.

"Okay, let's pull the hook." The girl in red also has a serious face, but she didn't pretend to...

Seeing the girl in red actually stretched out his right hand, Lu Jun's heart was full of helplessness, but he still stretched out the tail finger of his right hand and hooked it with the tail finger of the girl in red, indicating that they had achieved it. protocol……

After finishing this, Lu Jun coughed dryly, concealed his embarrassment, then turned to look at the skinny monkey and said: "Okay, skinny monkey, you go, don't get caught by the silent crusaders, thank you The help provided to us in the past two days will come later."

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the skinny monkey nodded to Lu Jun and Mu Mu and said goodbye without saying much, because the parting between men does not require much language.

The girl in red on the side looked at the thin monkey who was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, and immediately took out a badge with two axes engraved from her pocket and said: "Give this to you, I guess I won't need it. If you If you need any help, you can go to the people of our Tomahawk Legion, they will help you when they see this badge."

Hearing the words of the girl in red, the skinny monkey froze for a moment, then took the badge with two axes in his hands, glanced at the girl in red gratefully, and said nothing.

After all this was done, the thin monkey pressed his cap, slowly turned and walked in the other direction, gradually disappearing into the night.

The people around looked at the thin monkey's back, with thousands of thoughts in their hearts. Although they didn't get along for a long time, they were still very satisfied with this hardworking thin monkey.

Maybe the thin monkey will find his sister, or maybe the thin monkey will become their companion in the future, but who knows the future? Whether it is reality or the end times, separation may be a farewell...

After the skinny monkey disappeared completely, Lu Jun shook the cold light stick in his hand, letting everyone focus on him again.

"Okay, we should also set off, try to finish the things here as soon as possible, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous to us, I kind of miss the West Wind Fortress." Lu Jun's face returned to seriousness.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone nodded, took out their own special-class citizen badges, checked their clothes, and took off the blood-stained coats.

"I suddenly thought of a problem, that is, we all have special-class citizen badges, but what should she do?" Ruan Bing pointed at the girl in red.

When everyone heard Ruan Bing say this, they all looked at the girl in the red dress. Indeed, if the girl in the red dress could not enter the inner city with them, naturally they would not be able to return to the West Wind Fortress.

When Lu Jun heard Ruan Bing's words, he patted his forehead sharply. He had just been patronizing and thinking about other things, and forgot this.

The red girl looked at the people who were thinking of a way, and suddenly took out a special-class citizen's badge from her personal pocket and said: "I have this too, because many of the equipment of our Tomahawk Legion is purchased from the inner city. Been to the inner city a few times."

"That's why I set up a teleportation point next to the inner city, just for the convenience of coming, I didn't expect it to be used by you..."

Seeing the special-class citizen badge on the red girl's hand, everyone smiled bitterly, thinking that it was a false alarm.

However, everyone is curious about the identity of the red girl in the Tomahawk Legion, because the person who is willing to spend hundreds of crystals to apply for the special citizenship must be the top of the Tomahawk Legion...

Lu Jun looked at the badge in the red girl’s hand without thinking too much, but raised his question: “In fact, I’m more worried about our identity. If the people at the gate of the inner city learn that we are being wanted, That’s a big problem, we can only venture in."

Hearing the Lu Army’s worries, everyone fell into contemplation, because as the Lu Army said, if they can’t enter the inner city quietly, they will be intercepted on a large scale, which all of them don’t want to see. of.

"Not necessarily. As far as I know, all the equipment capable of remote communication in Orly City is broken. It is tens of kilometers away from our troubled area. They can't notify the news so quickly, so we must be safe. "The girl in red vowed to Lu Jundao.

Hearing the words of the girl in red, Lu Jun nodded and let go of the hanging heart. Although the girl in red looks very simple, she is reliable in speaking and doing things. This is also what Lu Jun can make her Reasons for joining the team.

"Well, that's the case, let's go, put the weapons away first, we will assign tasks when we enter the inner city, and we will see me wink and act." Lu Jun threw the cold light stick in his hand on the ground and stepped heavily on the ground. Two feet said.

After speaking, they took the lead to walk in the direction of the inner city, and everyone followed behind the road army while throwing away unnecessary things.

The distance of more than one thousand meters is only a few minutes for the road army and others, and they soon encountered a squad patrolling near the inner city.

The patrol team was shocked when they saw so many people approaching the inner city, and immediately blew their whistle, planning to call for more support to surround the Lu Army and others.

But after they saw the special-class citizen badges in the hands of the Lu Army and others, they didn't dare to mess around, and politely led the Lu Army and others to the gate of the inner city.

The person in charge of checking the identity of the inner city gate saw that the Lu Army and others did not show any strange expressions, and did not seem to know that the Lu Army and others were wanted.

It seems that just as the girl in red said, the incident of the Lu Army and others being wanted hasn't spread here...

Without revealing the identity, the next thing was simple. The person in charge of checking the identity was released soon, allowed the Lu Army and others to pass, and asked the Lu Army if they needed their vehicle to enter.

If someone wanted to send them to the road army, they naturally agreed, and directly asked the soldiers in charge of driving to send them to the vicinity of the entertainment area, saving a lot of time and trouble finding the way.

It’s just that these soldiers didn’t know that what they had just sent in was a "demon" preparing to destroy the research institute...

After reaching the position, the military truck carrying the Lu Army and them slowly stopped. The Lu Army and his companion walked out of the vehicle quickly, and waved their hands with the soldiers who brought them.

After the soldiers' trucks were far away, the Lu Army led everyone through the entertainment area of ​​the inner city to a place less than one kilometer away from the scientific research institute, where they were ready to discuss the next battle plan.

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