Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1376: Expand troops

After the alcoholic shouted, the surrounding alcoholic and staff, as well as the female "sex" workers, also recovered from the shock and dispersed.

Some chose to stay far away from the Route Army, while others ran outside to inform the Silent Crusade's patrol.

Although everyone has seen a dead person in the last days, killing a few people is not a big deal, but they have never seen anyone in Orly City who dares to kill people so honestly...

The young bartender looked at the Lu Army with a look of disbelief. At first, he thought that the Lu Army was asking for trouble in the past, so he kindly reminded the Lu Army.

But now he knows that he was wrong. This wicked guest is terribly strong. It doesn’t matter if he has more than one enemy, he can actually kill all the enemies in an instant. This is something the young bartender would never think of. of.

However, the young bartender still looked at the Lu Army with worry on his face, because although the Lu Army killed the Scorpions, they dared to kill in Ori. The Silent Crusade’s patrol and the others in the Scorpions were I won't let Lu Jun go, so this matter is far from over, the young bartender thought to himself.

Lu Jun didn't know what the young bartender was thinking. He looked at the companions of the short-haired youths on the ground, and did not intend to stop, with a cruel smile on his face, and slowly raised his right foot.

Just when the people around were wondering what the Lu Army was preparing to do, the Lu Army suddenly exerted its strength, one by one, the heads of the short-haired young companions were crushed, causing bright red blood and gray brains to splash everywhere.

The most terrifying thing is that every time the road army smashes a head, it will say to the headless corpse on the ground, "Let you laugh, continue to laugh to me..."

The original short-haired youth's companions could still live another minute or two after being hit by the Lu Army. Who knew that the Lu Army's kick directly accelerated their deaths, leaving them not even left behind.

The people who were still in the bar saw the series of actions of the Lu Army, and they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to say anything. Except for the music, the other voices disappeared in the whole bar. I never thought that the road army would kill people and abuse the corpse...

But it was not over yet. After smashing the heads of all the short-haired youths' companions, the Lu Army shook the brains stuck to the shoes and walked slowly towards the short-haired youths who were about to flee.

Lu Jun knew that the short-haired youth was the "culprit" that bothered him and Ruan Bing, so he wanted to save the short-haired youth until the end.

The young man with short hair, who was crawling towards the door of the bar, felt that someone was approaching him, so he looked back abruptly.

When he saw Lu Jun standing not far behind him, he was frightened and struggling to get up from the ground, ready to run away from the bar with his somewhat unstable legs.

But how could the Lu Army let the short-haired youth run away, threw the discharge dagger in his hand, and stuck it directly on the thigh of the short-haired youth, causing the long-haired youth to fall to the ground unsteadily, and hit a lot of empty wine. bottle.

"Ah! Ah..." The young man with short hair fell to the ground and wailed, clutching his thigh stabbed by the dagger.

He had just slapped a few teeth off by the Lu Army, and half of his face was still swollen. He didn't expect that he was hurting his leg now, and the pain from all over his body made him die alive.

However, when the short-haired young man realized that he could not run away, he immediately resisted the pain and knelt down directly facing the Lu Army and said, "Don't... don't kill me... I'm sorry... don't kill me..."

Looking at the short-haired youth who was kneeling in front of him, Lu Jun did not stop and walked straight to the short-haired youth. He slapped the other side of the short-haired youth's face again, knocking the short-haired youth to the ground again.

When the short-haired youth's faces were swollen on both sides, Lu Jun stopped his hands and stepped on the short-haired youth's fingers and said, "Why bother me? What purpose?"

After being stepped on by the road army, the short-haired young man yelled again miserably. After all, with ten fingers connected to the heart, he really hurts now.

But the short-haired young man didn't dare not answer Lu Jun’s question, and immediately resisted the unforgettable pain, "Ah... I just said casually... It really has no purpose... Please forgive me... I dare not..."

In fact, the short-haired youth really has no special purpose. He just relied on the large number of people on his side, thinking that the road army was too weak to bully, and planned to humiliate the road army in front of Ruan Bing and make fun of some of their companions who came out to drink.

But he didn't expect Lu Jun to be a powerful "lunatic" or a violent temper, so he killed all his companions directly.

Seeing this scene, the young man with short hair was so scared that he just wanted to ask the Lu Army to let him go. If time can go back a few minutes ago, the young man with short hair said that he would not disturb the Lu Army...

However, life has no ifs. The Lu Army is obviously not satisfied with the short-haired youth’s answer. He directly smashed the short-haired youth’s fingers until they squashed the short-haired youth’s fingers. Didn’t you plan to stand and let me fight? I haven’t heard of this request yet, why are you now? Didn’t you still call me little trash? Keep calling!"

Hearing a series of ridicules from Lu Jun, the short-haired young man fainted, but his thirst for survival was still very strong. He still wailed and begged for mercy, "Ah...I’m the one who has a bad mouth, please let me go. ...I am a little waste...I am a little waste...you can't kill me...This is Ori City...I am from the Scorpion Group...Our boss is very powerful...know the managers of Ori City... You can't kill me...otherwise our Scorpion group will not let you go..."

At the moment when the short-haired youth said these words, Lu Jun didn’t want to continue wasting time. He calmly looked into the eyes of the short-haired youth and said, “People, you must pay the corresponding price for your behavior. I hope you will disturb me at the moment. Ready to die."

After speaking, the Lu Army no longer gave the short-haired youth a chance to speak, suddenly raised his right foot and stomped on the short-haired youth's head.

He only heard a "bang", and the head of the short-haired youth was crushed like a watermelon. From this we can see how powerful the Lu Army's foot is.

After killing the short-haired youth, it also means that the few people who have just disturbed the Lu Army have all died.

Looking at the headless corpses all over the floor, Lu Jun took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions. He was too angry just now, so he needs to calm down...

As for the other people in the bar, no one dared to move after the Lu Army killed the short-haired youth. They stood quietly on the spot, for fear that the Lu Army would go crazy and kill them too.

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