Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 137: Art high people bold

"Okay!" Ruan Bing carried the rifle on his back, supported the Lu Army's shoulders, stood up directly on the locomotive, then sat down with his back to the Lu Army, took up the Soul Lamp with his left hand, and accelerated the condensing soul fire with his right hand. Speed, ready to attack the sandworm that dares to show up.

This was a very bold move on a fast-moving locomotive. Ruan Bing didn't expect Ruan Bing to do it, but it just showed that Ruan Bing believed in the road army 100%.

Seeing this, the Lu Army also put away the Death Tu 8000, clenched the handles with both hands and concentrated on driving, because from now on, any mistake will be a disaster.

Mumu also took the initiative to drive the locomotive to the right flank of the Lu Army, holding an energy precision titanium horizontal knife in his left hand, ready to cooperate with Ruan Bing at any time.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the road army quietly slowed down the driving speed of the off-road locomotive, keeping it parallel to the speed of the sandworm.

He wanted to use this method to mislead the digging sandworms underground, making them think they had caught up to the target, so that they would emerge from the ground.

But from the perspective of the wood, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing are playing with fire, because they are using themselves as bait, and the degree of danger needless to say.

After feeling that there was already a sandworm about to take the bait, the Lu Army suddenly accelerated and moved away from the insects. As expected, two ground digging sandworms were misled by the Lu Army and made a wrong judgment and rushed directly out of the ground in an attempt. Attacking the road army, but the road army driving off-road locomotive has driven out of their attack range.

The two digging sandworms realized that they had been tricked and prepared to go back underground, but it was easy for them to get out, but it was difficult to go back. Ruan Bing, who had been preparing for a long time behind the road army, aimed at the two digging sandworms. Directly throw two soul fires.

The fire of the soul quickly spread throughout the sandworms. The two sandworms were burned to death by the fire of souls only halfway through the ground. Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were delighted to see that this method worked.

Although two ground-digging sandworms are nothing to a huge sandworm colony, they add up to a large amount. If they can continue to grind like this all the way, even the huge colony cannot withstand such consumption...

In this way, in the next ten minutes, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing used this method to kill more than ten sand worms again. Although each time was extremely thrilling, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing worked closely together. , Can always turn danger into a breeze.

As for the wood, because he didn't have a long-range attack method, he didn't kill a digging sandworm, so he played "soy sauce" next to him for ten minutes...

Lu Jun estimated that they were already driving out of the town. Just when he wanted to continue to trap and kill a few sandworms in the old way, an accident happened. The off-road vehicle driven by Xiaobai suddenly appeared black in the distance of more than 100 meters ahead. The smoke came and it stopped.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter?" The Lu Army gave up the idea of ​​continuing to trap and kill the sandworms, and quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie and asked.

As Xiaobai got out of the off-road vehicle, he raised the intercom and responded to the Lu Jun: "Brother, there were too many things on the road just now, and the front of the car was destroyed. Now the engine has caught fire..."

The scattered infected bodies on both sides of the street saw that there were living people on the street, and they dragged their skinny bodies towards Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue. They had been hungry for a long time.

Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue didn't panic. They raised their rifles and fired a series of shots at the infected body, trying to prevent the infected body from approaching. There were not many infected bodies, there were only a dozen of them. They could cope with it, but the situation was still critical.

Because they were restricted by the infected body, they were forced to stay next to the burning off-road vehicle, and they don’t know if the off-road vehicle will suddenly explode...

"Change your plan. You must go first to Mu, pick them up, and find the nearest route. We have to go out quickly and be careful of the infected body in the dark." Lu Jun quickly responded and explained to Mu.

Mu nodded, twisted the accelerator, rushed to Xiaobai and the others, hacked to death three infected bodies, let Xiaobai and Ruan Xue get on his locomotive, and then turned the front of the car to the side of the less congested trail. Drive away.

There are relatively few debris on the trails, but there are still many infected bodies. Although the noise made by the military at the entrance of the hospital has attracted most of the infected bodies in the town, a small part of the infection remains in the streets and lanes. Reflected in it has become the resistance of the road army to their advance.

Wood is driving the locomotive with his right hand, and his left hand is holding a knife to chop down the infected bodies on both sides of the road that he wants to rush over. In order to maintain the speed, the locomotive can not collide with the debris casually, otherwise it is likely to cause a rollover accident.

Now there are three people on the locomotive, and there are infected bodies all around. This car is more than just getting injured when it is overturned. Therefore, while cutting down the infected bodies, you must always pay attention to the road conditions.

Xiaobai and Ruan Xue also sat behind and shot the wood to clean up the infected body on the side of the road. Several times they thought they were going to hit the obstacle in front, but the wood could not be changed at the last second. , Who makes wood craftsmen bold...

When Lu Jun saw Wood, they had already turned into the trail, and stopped keeping the speed. They turned to the full throttle and moved forward at full speed. They also turned into the trail. It’s important to escape first...

But after entering the trail, the speed of the locomotive slowed down. Because there is no off-road vehicle to open the road, the road army must pay attention to the road conditions and avoid debris, and the speed is too fast to make avoidance in time.

After the vehicle speed dropped, it only took more than ten seconds for the road army to be caught up by the sand worms. These ground digging sand worms were like locking the position of the road army. No matter how the road army went, they would chase them.

"Be careful!" Ruan Bing saw an earth-digging sandworm suddenly rushed out of the rear wheel of the locomotive, and quickly reminded Lu Jundao, and directly smashed the fire of the soul condensed in his hands on the head of the earth-digging sandworm. .

Although the sandworm that rushed out was burned to death by the fire of the soul, its head just hit the rear wheel of the off-road locomotive, causing the locomotive to suddenly lose its balance.

The Lu Army only felt the locomotive shake, and then the front and rear wheels slipped up and down like uncontrolled. There was a risk of overturning at any time. However, in this case, the Lu Army could not directly brake because it would slow down. Being overtaken by the sand insects, the road army could only squeeze the handle tightly in an emergency, trying to stabilize the locomotive.

But this was not enough. It seemed that there was something else. The Lu Jun had a clever idea and placed his feet on the ground lightly, using his feet as a balance bracket for the locomotive, sliding all the way...

The shoes worn on the feet were constantly in contact with the ground and rubbed against the ground, generating a lot of heat, and the Lu Army felt that their feet were about to be cooked. Just when the Lu Army was almost unable to support it, the off-road locomotive finally regained its balance.

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