Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1359: Long time to attack

But it was already very weak, coupled with the desperate use of brain power, which caused its severely injured body to collapse, and this was the scene just now.

After receiving the impact, Siwak almost fainted, but fortunately, it was forced to stand up.

Seeing that there were no chasing soldiers behind and no other creatures around, Siwak slowly got up from the ground, adjusting his breathing.

It can be said that its attack on the Westerly Fortress once again failed miserably.

Because in addition to dying a large number of Zerg creatures, the spiked ant king and the blade man king were also planted there.

Although the two of them did not die, the probability of survival for them was almost zero due to the brutality of the road army.

There were so many Zerg creatures, but now Siwak himself was left, making it a little lonely.

Although it still has the ability to organize the Zerg army to fight back and avenge what happened today, it will take about ten days to do it no matter how fast it is.

Because it was seriously injured at this time, no matter the normal form or the real form, it was not so easy to recover.

However, Siwak was dissatisfied with the defeat of the battle. It defeated the road army twice, each time it was a little bit close to victory.

But it was just a little bit, as if it had become an insurmountable gully. At the most critical moment, accidents would happen, disrupting its overall plan.

Why are there so many races and strange creatures helping the Lu Army? In addition to dinosaurs and orc warriors and some mutant creatures, even undead creatures also came.

They are different in body shape, appearance, and language. How did they come together? This is a question that Siwak didn't understand.

If it knew that the Lu Army still controlled a group of elven warriors, it would be even more surprised...

Feeling his own injury, Siwak didn't dare to use the teleporting ability anymore, instead he covered the bleeding wound with his tentacles and walked forward step by step.

There are no creatures of the Zerg race around here, it can only be recharged for a while from a long distance.

Seen from a distance, Siwak's lonely figure is like an old wolf lingering and panting, as if it would fall down at any time...

With the passage of time, Lu Jun has been looking for wood from morning to afternoon.

During the period, they deployed nearly 100,000 troops including dinosaurs and bone dragons, crossing a distance of more than 100 kilometers on all sides.

It's a pity that they didn't get anything except for a few batches of infected bodies that emerged from nowhere.

Not to mention the figure of wood, they didn't find even the slightest clue, which was equivalent to wasting this half day.

Looking at the dry land below, Lu Jun was in a state of confusion, and his frowning brows were never loosened.

If he could understand anything, he would feel at ease, but this feeling of not seeing people or corpses is really uncomfortable.

At this time, the night demon also flew over the bone dragon from another direction, and approached Lu Jun: "Lord Lord...I haven't received the bone dragon...returning any useful news..."

While saying this, the night demon kept his head down, afraid to look at Lu Jun's expression, because it could feel the tyrannical air in Lu Jun.

In fact, it really wants to find wood, so that it can serve again and gain more favor from the road army.

But even if it tried its best to get the bone dragons to find it, it still didn't get any clues.

If it weren’t for Lu Jun’s expression, it would have doubted whether there was such a person...

Seeing that the Lu Army did not respond to it, the Ye Mo couldn't help swallowing his saliva and glanced up at the Lu Army: "But... Lord Lord, don't worry, I will take... the bone dragons to continue looking for... I will definitely give it to you. An explanation..."

Although there is no bottom in his heart, the night demon still gave the Lu Army a guarantee, and it hopes that this will make the Lu Army feel better and make it feel better.

But what made it unexpected is that Lu Jun directly shook his head and sighed deeply: "Oh, forget it, there is no need to continue searching. Let the bone dragons return to the West Wind Fortress, and take care to protect the ground. Dinosaurs."

"Huh? This..." The Night Demon felt very puzzled.

Because the Lu Army still looked like it didn't give up until they found it, why did they suddenly give up now?

"Just do as I said, don't ask any more, the West Wind Fortress will rendezvous." Lu Jun didn't intend to talk to the Night Demon anymore, and flew back after speaking.

It was not that the Lu Jun chose to give up deliberately, but after this period of searching, he gradually calmed down and found a lot of strangeness.

For example, after flying for hundreds of kilometers, there are only two reasons for digging the ground and finding no wood.

One is that the wood used a very special method to leave, leaving them no trace, even if the dinosaurs had extremely sharp noses, they could not find any trace.

The second is that the wood is deliberately eliminating its own traces, so that it will not be found.

But no matter which method is used, there is one thing in common, that is, the wood is deliberately avoiding the road army, knowing that the road army will come to him.

So I left them very early and very quickly, leaving them a long distance away.

If you continue to search, the area that needs to be searched will be several times that of before, and the risks will be more.

And the sky is going to get dark again soon, even if they look for it in the dark, it won't be very effective.

Rather than wasting time on the road, it is better to make a more correct decision earlier. This is a truth that the Lu Army learned after the last days.

Although I don't know why Muju left, and where he went alone, this time, Lu Jun could only choose to believe Mumu.

I hope he can be well and come back soon. The Lu Army misses the days when their brothers fought together...

Seeing Lu Jun's lonely and lonely back, the night demon scratched his head, a little at a loss.

Human emotions are really too complicated to make it understand, guess, or understand.

However, the Night Demon didn't intend to go into the cause of it, it just wanted to complete the order of the road army.

So the next moment, it sent out brain waves, causing the bone dragons to give up their search and retreat to the West Wind Fortress.

At the same time, the dinosaurs on the ground also retreated together. There were a lot of them, and they could be attacked at any time on the ground.

The Lu Jun didn't wait for the dinosaurs and bone dragons. He flew fast and wielded his wings desperately. It seemed that only this could make him feel better.

After an hour, the Lu Army finally returned to the West Wind Fortress before dark, which was the main battlefield before.

At this time this area has been cleaned a lot, about half of the corpses have been cleaned up, and the collected crystal nuclei have piled up into a hill.

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