Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1356: Urgent discussion

Seeing that these people in front of him were still giving some face, Baqi snorted and slowly took out his unique identity card from his arms and shook it to prove his identity.

The other black-robed men were the same, all took out their identity cards, and looked at the ordinary soldiers in front of them with disdain.

Because showing the identity card to a group of people who are weaker than themselves makes them feel very uncomfortable. If it weren't for Yaqi to show up first, they would not show up...

"You don’t need to question the identity of the eight members, and the intention is very simple, that is, we know who killed Zhifei, and we are here to tell you that if you already know or don’t need to know this information, then we will immediately I'll leave." Old Five said in a flat tone.

Now that the other party knows about their eight tribes, everything is simple, and now he is thinking about how to control the initiative back to his own hands.

After the fifth had finished speaking, the faces of the surrounding Knights of the Apocalypse changed drastically, and even the stone spear in his hand was almost unsteady.

Because the death of Zhi Fei caused a lot of trouble in Wolfsmoke City. In order to avenge Zhi Fei, Zhi Mi did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, searched for more than ten days without results, and killed tens of thousands of people in Qingfengyu. .

Now the people of Ba Buzhong suddenly came over and said that they knew the truth of the matter, which made them not shocked that it was all fake...

Seeing these people's expressions like this, the fifth child guessed something and was delighted in his heart.

Then he pretended to sigh: "Oh, it seems that you are not interested in our news. Excuse me, leave."

After speaking, the fifth child made a look of going away, blinked at Baqi secretly, and made a gesture that the two of them only understood.

Baqi also understood the meaning of the fifth, and immediately waved to the black-robed people around him, motioning them to go together.

This made the people of the Apocalypse Knights anxious, and immediately recovered from the daze: "No! Please stay, I will go in immediately and inform our senior management, please wait a moment!"

While talking about the warrior in charge of leading the team, he ran into Wolfsmoke City, faster than when he rushed out. From this we can see how serious he is about this matter.

Seeing that things were developing according to his plan, the fifth child was relieved in his heart and began to organize what he wanted to say later.

The Baqi next to him looks like he doesn't care about anything. This is because he is more at ease with the fifth, thinking that the fifth can handle all this.

About five minutes later, another group of people rushed out of Wolfsmoke City, and one of them was riding a domesticated bear beast, moving very fast.

The moment they saw this man, the members of the Knights of the Apocalypse outside knelt down, bowed their heads, expressing surrender.

This is because the people who came out were nothing else, but Zhifei's brother, Zhicai, and the lord of the current Wolfsmoke City, who controlled hundreds of thousands of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

As for why he ran out when he knew the misfortune, he had been staying at the head of Wolfsmoke City, watching the people coming from a distance. The patrol team just now was also sent by him.

Originally, he thought these little trash patrols would be easy to handle, but he didn't expect the patrol captain to bring back such important news to him.

He had already figured it out in his heart, that is, as long as the people of Babuzhong are telling the truth, he will agree no matter what conditions they offer.

The big deal is that after this matter is over, he will kill the people of Babuzhong again, so that not only can he avenge Zhifei, but he won't lose anything.

As for the people behind the Eight Departments, knowing the misfortune is not in mind. After all, it is the end of the world, and everyone is hard to protect themselves. It may not be met in this life.

Besides, he was originally a member of the Black Cliff Region, and the Eight Tribes belonged to the Blue Wind Region. Sooner or later there would be a struggle between these two regions. It was only a matter of time.

The old five and Baqi were surprised when they saw that the person who had come out was a misfortune. At the same time, they were even more sure that the news of Zhifei was particularly important.

As for why they know that this person is the knowledge of evil, the reason is very simple, because before the end of the world, the knowledge of evil is also a person with a face and often appears in public, so the old five and Baqi both recognize...

Three seconds later, Zhi Mi appeared in front of the two of them and jumped directly off the bear beast: "Do you know the information about my brother?! Tell me!"

Looking at the domineering, clearly belonged to Tier 3 or Tier 4 abilities, the old fifth took a deep breath: "You are the lord of Wolfsmoke City? We do know some information, I think we can talk about it. talk."

Although he knew that this was a misfortune, one of the leaders of the Knights of the Apocalypse, the fifth person still had to pretend that he didn't know anything for the initiative.

"Talk shit! Tell me your conditions and what you need, I will arrange for you, don't talk about those useless nonsense!" Zhiwei directly returned to the old five, and the aura that erupted from him became even more terrifying.

"Well...you calm down...Your brother was killed by a man named Lu Jun. His power is called the Resistance Army. He controls several cities hundreds of miles away. He is very powerful. We just came from there. Come here, the purpose is to find you to cooperate, kill the Lu Army, you can also avenge your brother." The fifth said straight away.

Originally, he wanted to hang on to know the misfortune, but he didn't dare to see the expressions and actions of the misfortune, for fear that knowing the misfortune would eat him alive...

"Lu Jun? Who is this? Why haven't I heard of it? Where does it belong before the end of the world?" Zhi Fu stared wide-eyed, as if he was puzzled by Lu Jun's identity.

"He was an unknown junior before the end of the world. After the end of the world, I don't know why he suddenly rose up. He defeated many big forces in a row. Even the Zerg creatures couldn't help him. He was very powerful." Eight Qi added.

"Very strong? Haha, how strong an unknown junior can be, do you think I will believe what you say? Give you thirty seconds, and quickly tell me your true purpose, what come to me, or even if you are behind you I will kill all the people!" Zhi Mi waved his hand fiercely, with murderous expression on his face.

He really didn't believe the words of Lao Wu and Baqi, and felt that these people deceived him under the name Babuzhong.

Although there is no basis, it is his instinct and his judgment.

In this dangerous apocalypse, it was keen intuition and judgment that made him live to this day.

"Um... listen to me explain to you, the matter..." The old fifth raised his hand and made a friendly gesture.

Zhifu's powerful aura suppressed the fifth child out of breath, and stepped back several steps. The location where he had been injured before was also hot and painful, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted. Fortunately, there was a black robe covering him. People see.

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