Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1322: Build forces

How come this number has doubled by 20 to 30 times after half a month?

In order to confirm the authenticity of the news, Ruan Bing said nothing, and asked Xiao Wan to rush her back with the bloodthirsty king bat.

As for the other backbones and members of the Resistance Army, they can only rush back from the ground. After all, they currently don't have so many flying creatures that can carry people.

When she came back, Ruan Bing asked about the current situation, but she still couldn't believe that there would be so many infected bodies.

Until she and Xiao Wan continued to fly more than forty kilometers on the bloodthirsty king bat and saw the incoming infected group.

At this time, Ruan Bing finally realized that the people on his side had not lied to the military, and also said that there were fewer infected groups.

Looking from the air, the number of infected groups that have struck is also innumerable, stretching for tens of kilometers, at least five million.

"Sister Ruan Bing...what...what to do..." Even Xiao Wan panicked.

"Huh... I don't know... This is terrifying... We have to quickly get the road army back, otherwise we can't hold it with our strength, but I don't know where he is currently. He didn't say when he left... …" Ruan Bing's face was very ugly, and he thought of Lu Jun the first time.

"Then I will look for him now. I have small animals as eyes and ears, and the detection range is very wide, so I should be able to find him." Xiao Wan shook her small fist with a serious face.

After speaking, she opened the third form and grew four wings, leaving the bloodthirsty king bat to Ruan Bing.

Because at this time, apart from her, it is estimated that no one else can find the Lu Army.

"Wait." Ruan Bing suddenly stopped Xiaowan, "He may be breaking through his own strength at the moment. When you find him, try to make the noise as small as possible. Don't bother him or wake him up forcibly. When he wakes up by himself, you can explain the situation to him and let him come back immediately."

No matter how critical the situation is, Ruan Bing still presupposes to protect the Route Army, otherwise it will be troublesome to hurt the Route Army.

As for why not attack the infected body below while having a high altitude advantage, it is because it is meaningless to do so.

After all, there are as many as millions of infected bodies below, and you can't kill Xiao Wan and Ruan Bing while standing.

What if the two of them killed 100,000 together? It is almost a drop in the infected group, and it cannot change the situation of the battle.

On the contrary, precious time will be wasted, so they don't even have the idea of ​​attacking.

"Understood, I will pay attention, then things on the West Wind Fortress will trouble you." Xiao Wan nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, we will hold on to wait for you and Lu Jun to come back." Ruan Bing patted Xiao Wan on the head.

Then the two stopped talking, Xiao Wan started flying to the west, she had to summon the little animals.

Ruan Bing glanced at the group of infected bodies in front of him, and immediately flew back on the bloodthirsty king bat, preparing to arrange the work of the West Wind Fortress.

Of course, at this time, everyone is panicked and has no idea about the battle, and it is not realistic to arrange the battlefield in a short time.

Fortunately, the Lu Army left a large number of fire guards and draw-shot artillery around in the past few days. The entire Westerly Fortress is protected by a protective cover. Relying on these things, a little guard should not be a problem...

On Xiaowan's side, after gathering the small animals, she also brought her army of ground-digging sandworms and some flying creatures along the way to search for traces of the road army from three locations: above, ground, and underground.

If you can't find her within 30 kilometers, it will expand to 50 kilometers. If you can't find her, it will continue to expand.

Anyway, the creatures she summoned were very fast and there were a lot of them, so finding a large area was not a hassle.

But the strange thing is that no matter how Xiaowan finds it, there is still no road army. It seems that the road army is not here at all.

You must know that she has been out for an hour or two at this time, and at the speed of the infected body, it is estimated that she has advanced more than ten kilometers or more, very close to the West Wind Fortress.

If she can't find the Route Army, then the West Wind Fortress is likely to be in danger of being destroyed, which no one wants to see.

Just when Xiaowan's head was burnt, there was a signal from a flying creature that it had found a strange hill with many creatures gathered around.

This refreshed Xiaowan, because she had an intuition that the Lu Army might be there.

Because this place belongs to the wilderness, it is reasonable to say that no creatures will gather for no reason. If something goes wrong, there will be demons. Even if the road army is not there, she will go and see...

On the Lu Jun side, he didn't know that the West Wind Fortress was about to be attacked by the infected group, nor did he know that Xiao Wan was looking for him all over the world.

At this time, he is still absorbing the crystal source, and has already come to an end, it is estimated that he will be able to end it in another half an hour.

This also means that the entire crystal source has been absorbed by the Lu Army, and no energy is wasted.

If Ruan Bing and others are here, you will find that Lu Jun is already a Tier 4 ability person, and it is still a double Tier 4, the brain area and body area have reached more than 50%, infinitely close to 100%. Of sixty.

Originally, with the energy contained in the crystal source, it was possible to help a Tier 3 ability person to break through to Tier 5.

But Lu Jun is a dual-domain ability player, and he has to break through both the brain domain and the body domain, so he needs a lot more energy than ordinary people.

But even so, the Lu Army was very satisfied. After all, if there is no crystal source, it is not easy to break through from 40% of the brain and body to 60%. It might take a month of frenzied fighting to achieve it, but it must be with good luck.

His only idea now is to quickly absorb the remaining energy, check his own strength, and see if there is a suitable ability for him.

However, just when the Lu Army was planning to fully absorb the crystal source, he heard a noisy sound outside, like a fight.

Originally, the Lu Army didn't care very much. In fact, it was very noisy outside these days. It is estimated that some kind of creature had discovered this place, and it was going to attack him. There was a wind **** pterosaur blocking it.

But as time passed, the Lu Army discovered something was wrong, because he actually heard a "dada" footsteps, and it seemed that someone or a creature was approaching his position...

This frightened Lu Jun. The aura in the body became unstable. The first thought was how could this be possible?

You must know that he arranged ten S-tier Aeolian pterosaurs outside the cave. It stands to reason that even if a super-order creature comes, the Aeolian pterosaur can stop it.

What's more, Lu Jun didn't feel the breath of super creatures at all, why did Fengshen pterosaurs let other creatures in?

Are they attracted away? Or does it mean that all the effort has been killed for a while?

Most importantly, as the footsteps sounded, the Deinonychus arranged by the Lu Army in the cave did not respond, not even a single sound. It seemed that no outsider was approaching, and it seemed to be asleep.

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