Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1317: Restoring peace

"But it was not snatched by the Silent Crusades, but more than ten days ago, our caravan had contact with Ori City. They used food, spar and other materials in exchange for tens of thousands of stone shields and stone spears. ."

"At that time, we only came to Qingfengyu and needed supplies urgently. I simply changed with them. This transaction lasted for many days, so I knew that there was Orly City around here."

"However, I didn't give them the most important stone armor. The stone shield and the stone spear are ordinary goods. The stone armor is the core of our technology, and we are still improving."

Knowing evil's remarks are true, after all, he and the fifth and eight Qi are also considered cooperative, there is no need to cheat.

And he is very friendly to familiar people, not as difficult as when he first met.

"It turns out that this is the case...then they are still quite miserable, they were destroyed by the group as soon as they finished changing their equipment..." Baqi couldn't help sighing.

But if he knew that the entire city of Ori and the Silent Crusade were in the hands of the road army at this time, he would probably cry out in surprise...

While they were talking, the remote observation boards of the people in black robes were gradually assembled.

I saw that the small board with the width of the palm originally turned into a large board with a width of two meters and a length of three meters after all being assembled. The whole is inclined to frosted and transparent, and I don't know what material it is made of.

"This...how do you look at the image?" Zhiwei reached out his hand and touched the remote observation board, then turned around and asked the fifth.

But the moment he touched the remote observation board, he felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his fingers felt tingling.

The remote observation board in front of me suddenly turned black, and some fuzzy figures appeared inside, as if many creatures were walking.

This made Zhimo instantly understand that the remote observation board was working, and immediately stepped back a few steps, staring wide-eyed, for fear of missing a little bit of information.

After ten seconds, the image on the remote observation board gradually became clear, allowing Zhimo to see the entire Westerly Fortress scene from the "God's Perspective".

I saw that many slave laborers were urgently building spiked guard towers and building defense lines, and some of the rebels were also helping.

There are even some rushing dragons around who are in charge of moving supplies, and everything looks very orderly.

"What the **** are these?!" Zhiwei hadn't seen the slave laborers and the Lujun dinosaurs, so he couldn't help but question.

"We didn't lie to you, the West Wind Fortress has many such messy creatures, all controlled by the road army, which is weird." Baqi explained next to him.

In fact, he didn't know what kind of creature it was, but he knew that it was these creatures that made Westwind Fortress indestructible.

"These are their work units." The fifth stepped forward slowly, trying to add Baqi's explanation, but he immediately discovered something was wrong, "Huh? Why is this just a little bit? Where are their combat units?"

Because there are obviously many creatures in Westwind Fortress, it is estimated that there are more than 50,000 in total.

The Westerly Fortress in the remote observation board currently has less than 20,000 creatures, and they are all working units, which makes the old fifth feel very strange.

After all, the infected body is about to attack, and the Lu Army and others should fully defend.

But now not only can they not see their defensive figure, but they don't even have much defensive strength, which is very unimaginable.

Have they given up defense? This is the fifth thought.

But this also doesn't make sense. Giving up defense should mean withdrawing all troops. There is no reason to keep the working units.

With this kind of doubt, Lao Wu suddenly realized something, and immediately took a few steps forward, put his hand on the remote observation board, and flicked to the left.

The remote observation board at this time is like a map, where an image will appear wherever it moves.

In the next moment, the scene of the Westerly Fortress disappeared, and the image became a scene of a group of dinosaurs running fast.

"Find them!" The fifth yelled and began to adjust the image of the remote observation board to the best position.

"Where are they going? They ran away?" Zhifu said subconsciously.

Because there was no defense before the war, but a large-scale march, everyone would think of fleeing.

"No, their work units are still in the West Wind Fortress, and the Resistance Army will not abandon their own people." The fifth person is also very familiar with the Lu Army's working style.

After speaking, he continued to play with the remote observation board, hoping to obtain more information.

The Baqi who was next to him stared at all this with wide-eyed eyes, full of doubts, wondering what the resistance was doing.

About five seconds later, the fifth suddenly discovered something. He took a step back and raised his finger to the remote observation board: "How is it possible?! They are heading toward the infected group!"

After being reminded by the old five, Baqi and Zhicao also saw that the road army and the others were heading towards the side where the infected group was coming.

"They don't want to use the infected body's strength before the infected body arrives..." Baqi thought of a terrible possibility and raised it.

"I dare not rule out this possibility..." The old fifth nodded looking at Baqi.

"This method is very useful to deal with infected groups, and we have also used them, but at that time it was established when the number of infected groups was limited, but they faced millions of infected groups, almost unlimited. Why dare to do this?!" Zhihuo raised a question next to him.

Because this is really crazy, it's almost the same as rushing to death with someone.

"Just because he is the Lu Army, he is a lunatic, there is nothing to be afraid of..." The old fifth laughed wryly, making no secret of his "praise" to the Lu Army.

Although they were enemies, he was planted in the hands of the Route Army many times, and even wished to devour the Route Army alive.

But for the strength and style of the Lu Army, the youngest had to accept it. This was the most difficult enemy he encountered in his lifetime.

"Then this is our chance! Their main combat power has gone out, and the West Wind Fortress is empty. As long as we choose to attack at this time, these working units will definitely not be able to stop it. We estimate that we will be able to win the West Wind Fortress within an hour!" Zhifu clenched his fists and said his thoughts.

And this idea is undoubtedly very tempting, after all, this is the information obtained from the remote observation board.

No matter how strong the defense of the West Wind Fortress was, it would be impossible to block their hundreds of thousands of soldiers with more than 10,000 troops.

When the West Wind Fortress falls, they will "cooperate" with the infected to encircle and wipe out the road army and others. This battle will be won!

After speaking, knowing the misfortune, he prepared to go down the mountain to "shake people", planning to attack according to his ideas.

But the fifth child quickly stopped knowing the misfortune, and shook his head: "Let's tell you this, your idea is very good, and it is effective against others."

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