After the watchman's translation, everyone around nodded, thinking that the Night Demon's method was still very reliable.

"Okay, I'll take you into the center of the battlefield." Lin Yilan nodded towards the night demon, and then looked at Hongyue and others, "This space portal will last for five minutes after I leave. Take advantage of this time to leave. Good luck and goodbye."

After finishing talking, Lin Yilaan was full of brain power, his hands were sealed, and he began to condense the space portal leading to the center of the battlefield.

Since the transmission mark was placed in the middle before, this space portal condenses very quickly, and it is completed in less than thirty seconds.

"Let's go." Lin Yi lazy looked at the night demon and pointed to the newly condensed space portal.

I saw that the night demon took a deep breath, stepped into the space portal without hesitation, and disappeared in place.

Lin Yi also nodded to everyone, and got into the space portal.

Looking at Lin Yilaan and Night Demon, the Watcher, Hongyue and others who disappeared in front of them in an instant, they were all in a complicated mood.

"Master Hongyue...what should we do now..." a black-robed man lowered his head and asked weakly.

Hongyue did not answer the words of the black-robed man. She looked at the two space portals in front of her for a while, then looked at the deep night demon, her thoughts drifting to nowhere...

On the road side, he didn't know that everyone had discussed for nearly ten minutes to rescue him.

At this moment, he was still being chased by the destruction guards and bone dragons. Looking around, he was surrounded by bone dragons, and only the ground had a place to fly.

But the ground was also full of undead creatures, and there was almost no place to stand, so that he could not see the hope of living.

The seven wind **** pterosaurs were also unable to play because there were too many bone dragons around, so the Lu Army was able to collect them into the dragon training module.

Maybe it was wrong to choose to attack here at the beginning. He was overconfident, and Lu Jun sighed in his heart.

Just when the Lu Army was about to re-call the Fengshen pterosaur, he suddenly saw a fire light on the ground in the distance.

The appearance of the firelight made him feel very familiar, like it was made by a cold light rod.

He was also familiar with the place where the fire was lit, and it was the location of the pothole they had been in before.

Although it was several kilometers away, the Lu Jun knew in an instant that this was Lin Yi lazy.

Because he only gave Lin Yilan a cold light stick, and he and Lin Yilan had an agreement a few days ago.

That is, as long as they encounter a critical situation, they will use "that method" to escape.

Originally, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were just talking casually, but they didn't expect it to be useful.

In fact, Lu Jun didn't want to leave the Frost Forest very much now, after all, he finally established his own power here.

As long as this last bit of undead creatures can be removed, then the entire Frost Forest is his, which will be very good for his future development.

But now this goal seems to be impossible to achieve, it is still important to save lives.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun directly accelerated, shook off the two bone dragons that had crashed into him, and flew in the direction of Lin Yilan.

The Destruction Guard watched the actions of the Route Army and also noticed the flames in the distance.

This made it immediately vigilant, because these humans dare to come back, there must be fraud, it has to guard against.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard will let the undead creatures surround the place where the firelight appears, no matter what, kill the people there first.

On its own, it continued to pursue the road army, trying to prevent the road army from rendezvous with those humans.

Under the orders of the Destruction Guard, the undead creatures quickly surrounded Lin Yilaan and the night demon.

Lin Yilaan also knew about this situation, but she was still waving the cold light stick in her hand, wanting Lu Jun to come over.

"Okay, he saw it, and he is coming." The night demon pointed to the distant night sky and reminded Lin Yi to be lazy.

Immediately afterwards, the night demon used two consecutive rotting bat swarms, killing dozens of ghouls close to them.

Although he didn't understand the undead words of the night demon, Lin Yi was lazy to guess the meaning of it, and immediately put the cold light stick in a more conspicuous position and cooperated with the night demon to clean up the undead creatures.

Because only by standing firm can they persist until the Lu Army comes over and complete their escape plan.

Although none of her abilities have any offensive power, the Lu Army gave Lin Yilaan some guns after the armed mod was restored.

So when there were undead creatures all around, Lin Yilaan took out the gun without hesitation, and aimed at the undead creatures as a mess.

But there are so many undead creatures that even the night demon used the Rot Bat swarm five times in a row to stop this offensive.

Looking at the undead creatures getting closer and closer to them, the night demon gritted his teeth and directly summoned the hellfire, causing two fire lights to fall from the sky and hit the ground.

After using this ability, the night demon dare not use the rotting bat swarm, because it still has brainpower to use the dark domain, otherwise it will be embarrassing if it has no brainpower.

With the two Hellfires joining the battlefield, Lin Yilan and the night demon's pressure is finally much less, at least for a short period of time to hold it is no problem.

During this time, the Lu Army also flew a distance of more than 3,000 meters and came not far above Lin Yilaan.

At this time, Lin Yilan could already see the Lu Army with his naked eyes, as well as the Bone Dragon Army and Destruction Guards following the Lu Army.

The pressure on her face made Lin Yilan's hands tremble, because she knew that her third ability would determine whether they could survive.

"They are here. I will use my dark realm in three seconds. You only have two seconds at most to take us to escape. Try to keep it within two seconds." The night demon doesn't care if Lin Yilan understands it. Said a few words directly.

After the war, the night demon began to use all of his brain power, absorbing the dark power, and preparing for the use of the dark domain.

"Why are you back? What about the others?" The Lu Army who flew to a point five meters above the ground directly asked Lin Yilaan.

"I'll tell you later, grab my hand! We have to go!" Lin Yi was too lazy to answer Lu Jun, anxiously stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the night demon's arm with his left hand.

Listening to this, Lu Jun also knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately descended to Lin Yilan's side and held Lin Yilan's palm.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the Night Demon immediately used its dark realm, and the target was the destruction guard less than 100 meters from the ground...

At the moment when the dark domain was used, it was obvious that the aura of the night demon was declining crazily, and his vitality also dropped sharply.

This is because it forcibly uses the ability that can only be mastered by the ranks, and it overdrafts the consequences of its own bodily functions.

But the Night Demon didn't care about these, and continued to persist until his brain power was completely overdrawn, and his strength was reduced from Super Tier to S Tier.

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