Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1271: Night Demon is back

I had been paying attention to the undead creatures below and discovered that the black-robed men had suddenly disappeared. They were shocked and flew down one after another, hoping to find the traces of the black-robed men.

But before they could land, dozens of supernatural powers flew out of thin air, mostly fireballs, ice cones, wind blades and the like.

Facing the sudden attack, the two bone dragons immediately climbed up and got out of the attack range.

But the gargoyles are more miserable. Many gargoyles are directly hit by abilities and fall to the ground. Even the stone statues cannot be opened and died.

Seeing that there are no figures on the ground, but there are always abilities flying out, the two bone dragons also understand that the black robe man is staying below.

So in the next moment, they opened their mouths that were all bones, spit out a large cloud of ice mist, and shrouded them toward the ground.

These ice fog is as low as minus 30 degrees. If you touch it, you will definitely get frostbite, even if the whole person is frozen.

However, fortunately, the people in Hongyue and the black robes were prepared, and saw a third-order black robed man suddenly slapped his palms to the ground, shaking up a lot of sand and forming a protective layer.

When the ice mist touched the protective layer formed by the sand, it was immediately blocked, did not fall down, and did not harm the black-robed man.

One blow failed, and the two bone dragons knew that the humans below were not easy to deal with, and immediately became cautious. Instead of launching an offensive personally, they continued to send gargoyles to test them.

Facing the attack of the gargoyle, the people in Hongyue and Heibao had no pressure, and they were happy to see such a process.

Because they were delaying time, since these bone dragons intend to slow down the attacking rhythm, they don't care much.

So when dealing with the attack of the gargoyle, the people in black robes didn't make any effort at all. Instead, they killed a few gargoyles from time to time, delaying time.

However, the undead creatures were clearly prepared. After the black-robed people dragged on for about ten minutes, the undead creatures' ground troops arrived.

In addition to ghouls and plague ghosts, a large number of stone cave spiders came to the battlefield this time, and the total number added up to two thousand.

Seeing their own reinforcements arrived, the two bone dragons were full of confidence and immediately ordered the undead creatures to attack with all their strength.

The undead creatures responded to orders very quickly, with ghouls and plague ghosts rushing in the forefront, gargoyles suppressed from the air, and behind the cave spider palace, forming an attack formation.

Although this formation is very conventional, the red moon has only been seen not long ago, but the number of undead creatures last time was small, this time there were a lot of undead creatures.

Seeing the undead creatures rushing toward them mightily, Hongyue didn't dare to be careless, and immediately ordered the black robes to defend.

In fact, the best way for them at this time should be to retreat, because there are too many undead creatures, and it is a stupid choice to carry them hard.

But Hongyue also considered that the elves hadn't run far, if they retreated, the undead creatures would catch up with the elves sooner or later.

So after thinking twice, Hongyue decided to stay here for a while, and it would not be too late to wait for a fight with the undead creature before retreating.

Under the order of the red moon, the people in black robes did not neglect, and activated their strongest abilities, forming a dense firepower net with ten second-order offensive abilities and twenty first-order offensive abilities. Undead creatures attacking.

Although these abilities can feel the devastation far away, the undead creatures are not afraid, and the ghouls bravely topped them, as if their mission was to act as cannon fodder.

With the contact of the power fire network and the ghouls, the ghouls fell like harvested wheat, and some even had no bones, and suffered heavy losses.

But the bravery of the ghoul blocked all the power attacks for the plague ghost, allowing the plague ghost to move forward, which is also the purpose of the undead creature.

At this time, the plague ghost and the gargoyle were not far from the black-robed man, and it was estimated that they would be close to the area where the black-robed man was within ten seconds.

And the people in black robes were unable to condense another wave of attacks at this time, because time and distance were not allowed.

Seeing this, Hongyue also realized the purpose of the undead creatures and immediately ordered the black-robed people to retreat, planning to retreat and fight.

But at this moment, the stone cave spider took action. Hundreds of stone cave spiders spewed out more than four hundred large nets and flew in mid-air, covering the area where the black-robed people were.

In the face of this kind of attack, even if the people in black robes can hide their bodies with the help of moonlight and moonlight, they will still be trapped in place by the spider web and unable to move.

Seeing that the people in black robes couldn't run away, the undead creatures were so excited that they speeded up and rushed up.

Because they have been waiting for this moment from the very beginning. After hundreds of ghoul companions died, they finally waited for this moment.

"Master Hongyue! We are in the midst of it! These ghosts are coming!" The people in the black robes reported loudly to Hongyue while tearing the webs on their bodies.

"Don't panic! Just leave the rest to me, you find a way to get out!" Hongyue cut the spider web with a large boomerang in her hand, and replied loudly.

Immediately after, Hongyue threw the large boomerang in her hand into the air and activated her third ability, Moonblade.

She hadn't used this ability just now, because the undead creatures in front were too few and it was not worth it.

And now that the undead creatures are all gathered together, and the number is large, it is a good time for her to use the large-scale attack ability.

With the opening of the Moon Blade, the large boomerang ejected continuously among the undead creatures.

With each ejection, the head of an undead creature was cut off, including ghouls, gargoyles, cave spiders, and even plague ghosts.

In front of the terrifying Moon Blade, the originally aggressive undead creatures had no resistance at all, and more than 300 died suddenly.

If you add the ghouls that died before, the loss of undead creatures will reach thousands in these minutes, which is not a small amount.

It is estimated that I also felt that the loss of his side was too great, or that the time was ripe, the two bone dragons above suddenly started to move.

They began to slap their bone wings violently, creating a large amount of ice and snow, which condensed into an ice coffin in the air, directly freezing the ejected large boomerang in the air...

This also means that the only weapon of the red moon is under control, and the undead creatures have to take this opportunity to move forward.

But at this time the black-robed people have not been able to completely get rid of the spider webs, if the undead creatures come over, they still can't run away.

Hongyue knew this too well. At the next moment, she bit her teeth and used her fourth power, the lunar eclipse, to turn the moon phantom in the sky into a real entity, and drop hundreds of hot waves. Light.

Among them, dozens of rays aimed at the position of the bone dragon. Seeing the red moon, I wanted to solve the bone dragon first.

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