Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1267: Interrogation

"And in order to prevent us from having a chance to comeback, the Ice Witch King directly ordered the burning of the frost forest and compress our territory."

"Under this circumstance, our various teams have no room to survive, and the number becomes smaller and smaller..."

"The kind of flames you see, as far as I know, are made by creatures called ice-eaters. They are the best at doing this kind of thing."

"But we have never provoked them. I don't know why they help the undead creatures to do evil!" The watcher said to the Lu Army with some grief.

After all, the undead army can attack them, and even the native creatures don't help them, which is a bit difficult.

Just when the Lu Jun wanted to say something, the red moon next to him suddenly raised his hand: "Yes! The surrounding flames are indeed the kind of things the watchman said. When I went to stop them, I ran into them and caught a live mouth. , I was tied to the surrounding trees."

These words made the Lu Army and the Watcher refreshed, and immediately said: "Where are we? Take us to see."

However, the Lu Army also knew that it was not time to relax, because they had not escaped the danger, and the retreat of the elves had not yet been arranged.

Fortunately, all the elven warriors are gathered here now, so you don't need to look for more, just leave.

The only question now is which way to go. Because the Lu Army is not familiar with this place, I can't figure it out at once.

"Do you have any spare camps for the elves? Or is there a place that undead creatures don't know?" Lu Jun decided to ask the watcher first, she is more familiar with it.

"No, only the north side of the Frost Forest is our territory. It is estimated that it is now full of undead creatures." The watchman helped the black mask on his face, a little puzzled, "What are you asking for?"

"I have to find a place to help you plant the tree of life seeds, I am not familiar with this place..." Lu Jun rubbed his cheeks that were flushed with cold, and said helplessly.

"Oh... what are your thoughts? Can you tell me?" The watchman seemed to have not recovered from the fact that the road army repelled the undead army, and he was a little confused.

Hongyue, Lin Yilan and others also stretched their heads, wanting to hear Lu Jun's thoughts.

"There must be no more seeds for the tree of life here and even in the entire north. There are undead creatures everywhere, and their reinforcements are expected to arrive soon. We can't hold it while the tree of life is growing." The road army touched it. He touched his hair stained with snow and mud, thinking while talking.

The people around just nodded silently without making a sound, and the expressions on their faces all signaled the Lu Army to continue talking.

"My idea is to bring a large army to the east or south, which is the territory of undead creatures, and drop the tree of life seeds there." The Lu Army suddenly squatted down and drew two circles on the ground with his fingers, representing the southeast two. Fang, "Because the undead creatures mobilized a lot of troops in order to attack us, resulting in the emptiness of the southeast and the south. When we attack, they will definitely be unable to defend."

"Even if they discover that their own territory has been attacked by that time, it will not be easy to switch their forces back to defense. After all, the two places are far apart. When they adjust their forces, we will probably plant the tree of life."

Hearing the bold plan of the Lu Army, everyone took a sigh of relief. It was clear that they were the weaker side, but the Lu Army was worried about other people’s territory. They didn’t even dare to think about this kind of military method...

"I have a question." Hongyue lifted her head slightly, "If we plant the tree of life and they come with a large army, how do we respond? We can't run with the tree of life..."

This is indeed a very important question, because they belong to the weak side, even if the tree of life is planted, they are also weak. This point will not change for a while.

If the tree of life is planted well and can't be kept, and the tree of life is destroyed, then they will be busy with all this.

"Don't worry about this. As long as the tree of life is planted, I will be able to knock the undead creatures back again, so that they can't attack again." Lu Jun patted his left chest with his right fist, reassuring everyone.

This is not that he is talking big, but as long as the tree of life is planted, he can complete the legendary real-time mission.

At that time, he can not only command the elves' troops, but also unlock two additional modules that are closed.

You must know that each module of the Lu Army has a great effect. If two more are unlocked, his overall combat power will be restored to 50% or more. Then, it will not be a problem to resist the attack of undead creatures.

Everyone didn't know where the Lu Army's confidence came from, but since the Lu Army dared to say it, it would definitely be able to do it. After all, the Lu Army hadn't let them down.

"Uh... this method has unexpected results. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely succeed. But there is a problem. The undead creatures have black ground, and the tree of life cannot grow after being corroded by the undead..." The watchman suddenly Say something in Elvish language.

After the translation by the black-robed man who knew Elvish language, everyone on the court sighed, as if a pot of cold water had been poured on a fire that had just been lit.

Lu Jun also scratched his head in embarrassment. He had indeed forgotten this question. It seemed that he had to find another way.

"Then we don't go to the site of undead creatures, just walk out of the frosty forest along the north, and find a place that is easy to defend and hard to attack outside?" Lin Yilan gave her suggestion, "Although the tree of life only has seeds It can survive for a day, but we have many flying creatures. It is very simple to find a safe place. When the time comes, find a good place, first put down the tree of life seeds, and then let our army slowly walk over."

Lin Yi's method made everyone's eyes bright. Indeed, with such a vast outside and no undead creatures, it is not difficult to find a place where the tree of life can grow.

"I heard that there is the snow bear's territory, what kind of creature is that? How about your elves and their relationship?" Lin Yilan raised his head and asked the watcher.

"As for the appearance, I don't know clearly. Anyway, he looks very vicious and is good at using the frost ability. You will know when you go to their turf..."

Because of the existence of member rings, the watchman can understand Lin Yi's words. She shook her head helplessly in the next moment: "It's not very good. We are separated by a big river from them. There will be occasional friction. Mainly It's because they can't communicate. They come to our site to find food whenever they are hungry, and stay for many days. They like to destroy trees and can't drive them away..."

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