Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1259: Can't beat...

If you had known that killing the Abyss Demon King would summon this kind of big BOSS-level creature, then the Lu Army would never kill the Abyss Demon King just now.

Because they not only have to face the destruction guards, but also have to deal with hundreds of thousands of undead creatures, there is no worse situation than this.

The Destruction Guard seemed to know that the Lu Army was detecting its strength, but it had no opinion on it. It didn’t even look at the Lu Army and the others. Instead, it raised its flame-bearing arms to blow anything over. The wind and snow evaporated.

The moment the Destruction Guard raised their arms, the undead creatures immediately became quiet, as if waiting for the Destruction Guard's order.

Seeing the undead creatures cooperate so well, the Destruction Guard seemed very satisfied, and began to say something in undead language.

With a burst of loud and hoarse, a sound that seemed to penetrate the sky sounded, shaking Lu Jun and the others to the extent that they could only cover their ears.

Although knowing that the Destruction Guard would never let them go, the Lu Army did not dare to let the dinosaurs attack first.

Because the opponent is a high-level creature, the tyrannosaurus bitter is two tiers higher. In this case, the tyrannosaurus has no chance of winning.

However, this does not mean that the Lu Army will wait for death on the spot. He secretly made a gesture to Lin Yilaan and the black robe people.

Everyone who saw the gesture immediately understood. First of all, the people in black robes surrounded Lin Yilan, covering Lin Yilan's figure.

Immediately after that, Lin Yilan condensed the space portal at the fastest speed, and wanted to use this method to take everyone out first.

As the movements were relatively hidden, it seemed that the Destruction Guards had not found out, so the Lu Jun and others slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they haven't completed their original goal, they can't do anything now. If they don't leave, they will probably die here...

As time passed, Lin Yi's lazy space portal soon condensed and appeared in the center of the black robe man.

"Go! Go!" Lin Yilan urged everyone in a low voice.

The people in black robes also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately stepped into the space portal, trying to leave.

The strange thing is that they walked into the space portal from the left, and immediately came out from the right, just like a normal door.

"How is it possible?!" Lin Yilan was also taken aback, because this was the first time this happened.

"Did something go wrong? Don't try again." Hongyue whispered to Lin Yilaan beside her.

"No, it doesn't matter to her, it seems that all spatial abilities have been banned." Lu Jun said solemnly.

Because he just tried it, the flashing ability stored in his index finger was completely useless.

Listening to this, the watchman also used his own blink.

But even Lu Jun couldn't use it, and she was even more useless, with no effect at all.

"It's useless, you can't escape. This space has been blocked by it with its mind. Any escape ability is useless. It is so strong. We are about to die here..." The night demon next to him suddenly spoke in undead language. Said something.

"What the **** is this ghost thing?!" The watcher also returned the night demon in undead words.

"It's one of the twelve guards around Lord Ner'zhul. Your companion can't beat it, we are all over..." Ye Mo smiled bitterly.

"Since you know its existence, why don't you tell us in advance?!" The watchman asked the Night Demon.

"No! I don't know! How would I know that the Abyss Demon King signed a soul contract with it?! I have a part in killing the Abyss Demon King, so it will kill me too, do you understand?!" Ye Mo couldn't bear it. Live screamed.

Anyway, it will die soon, it doesn't matter whether it will make the Watcher angry or not.

And it also knows that the reason why the Destruction Guard hasn't done it yet is because it wants to play for a while, just like a cat catching a mouse, let the prey feel desperate before eating...

The watchman ignored the attitude of the night demon, and immediately translated the original words of the night demon to the road army.

After listening to it and matching it with the information obtained before, the Lu Army has a better understanding of the Destruction Guard.

"Since you can't escape, let's fight!" The Lu Army clenched his fists, "I will go to fight it later, you find the opportunity to run out of the pothole, and the flying elves will come and support us. See you at that time."

After finishing talking, Lu Jun touched Red Moon's arm, copied the fourth ability of Red Moon and stored it in the ring finger, and forgot the ability of recut.

"You will be responsible for turning on the moonlight and moonlight later, and I will use the lunar eclipse to fight it, and these people will be handed over to you." Lu Jun confessed to the red moon.

"Let's rush out together, you can't beat it yourself!" Hongyue took Lu Jun's arm.

Although she doesn't know the specific rank of the Destruction Guard, she can judge from her aura that the Lu Army and the dinosaur are not rivals.

"Don't worry, I still have a back hand, not to stay and die, this is the only chance we can fight it, don't be inked." Lu Jun gently broke free of Hongyue's hand.

"Okay, then you are careful." Hongyue nodded silently, since the Lu Army has already decided, then she can't say more.

Lin Yilan also took a deep look at the Lu Army. Although she didn't know what back then the Lu Army had at this time, she believed that the Lu Army would not be chaotic.

After giving the order, the Lu Army threw out a large amount of mental and physical reagents for the people in black robes to use.

He himself poured a bottle of mental and physical reagents, making final preparations.

After the state was restored to its best, the Lu Army no longer hesitated, and directly opened its own dragon form, holding a double-headed spear with the dragon claws on the left, suddenly red light in its eyes, aimed at the head of the destruction guard A super laser.

As the red ray flashed, the laser hit the destruction guard's chin frontally, emitting a small amount of black smoke.

This surprised everyone and the Night Demon. They didn't expect that the Lu Army would attack immediately when they said they would attack, and would not give the Destroyer Guard any face.

The Destruction Guard who was "teaching" the undead creatures was also stunned by the sudden attack...

Although this level of attack can cause no harm to it, it still feels uncomfortable to be beaten.

Originally, it felt that it was hard to come out, so it wanted to be more prestigious and play with these humans.

But these humans actually dared to attack it first and wanted to die by themselves, so it's no wonder it.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard grabbed the ground above the pit with both hands, and lifted it up.

As the Destruction Guard exerted force, the land slowly loosened, and in the end it was opened directly, exposing the entire pothole.

Knowing that this piece of land weighs a few tons, the Destruction Guard can be made without much effort. This kind of power is definitely not reachable by ordinary creatures.

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