Due to the authorization of the battle elves, the Panthers had no opinion on the road army riding on him, but rather obeyed.

Seeing this, the Lu Army asked Lin Yilaan to also ride a black panther, so that it would be more convenient for them to travel.

Seeing Lu Jun and Lin Yi's lazy movements, the two black-robed men who came back with Lu Jun also knew that Lu Jun was going out to meet the red moon. They immediately came to Lu Jun and bent over: "Lord Lu Jun, Let's go with you, we just need to run."

Hearing these black-robed people actually call him "adult", the Lu Army had a strange feeling, and immediately waved his hand: "No, I have a way to bring your companions back. If there are too many people, it will delay things. Here, protect these elves."

After speaking, the Lu Army didn't care about the opinions of these black-robed people, and immediately led Lin Yilan to throw out the hidden stronghold, and rushed to the location where Hongyue might exist.

Because of the black panther as a tool for driving, the Lu Army and Lin Yilan moved forward very fast, with a feeling of rushing, they arrived where the Lu Army wanted to go in a while.

But there are no traces of the red moon and the black-robed men, only the corpses of some undead creatures.

From the time of death of these corpses, the road army can judge that Hongyue and others passed by here not long ago, and left after fighting with undead creatures.

Although I don't know how Hongyue and others are now, the Lu Army knows which direction Hongyue has gone.

So the next moment, he ordered the panther under his crotch to change direction and follow the footsteps left by Hongyue and others.

Under the precise tracking of the Panthers, Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy spent eight minutes, rushing directly to the place where Hongyue and others existed.

It's just that those undead creatures are also there, fighting with Hongyue and others, tending to surround Hongyue and others.

Moreover, at this time, Hongyue and the others were extremely embarrassed, their robes wrapped in mud and traces of battle.

Since they were chased by undead creatures for nearly three hours, they were exhausted long ago, and now they are trapped here by these undead creatures because they can't run.

Seeing that Hongyue and others could fall down at any time, Lu Jun knew that he could not wait any longer, and immediately said to Lin Yi lazy next to him: "You will condense the space portal here, I will bring them over, and then we will pass through. The space portal returns to the hidden stronghold together, it's up to you."

After speaking, the Lu Army patted the black panther on the back, took out the recurve bow behind it, installed the iron birch arrow, and rushed to the battlefield tens of meters ahead.

Looking at the back of Lu Jun leaving, Lin Yilaan also knew what Lu Jun meant, and immediately used his abilities to condense the space portal.

Since she previously marked the space point in the hidden stronghold, her space portal can reach there directly, and then she only needs to condense the portal...

On the battlefield.

"Red... Lord Red Moon... They surrounded us... We may not be able to run out..." a black-robed man said in a somewhat desperate voice, his arms were full of blood, and he looked affected. Suffered a serious injury.

"Hold on! Don't give up! I will bring you back safely!" Hongyue replied with a firm voice, and hacked a ghoul to death with a large boomerang backhand.

Although she didn't know how to escape, she knew that the more desperate she was, the more she couldn't give up. She had to keep the hope of life at all times and give her men confidence.

Hearing the voice of the red moon, the exhausted black-robed man had no choice but to stop thinking about the mess, and chose to continue fighting while resisting the attacks of the plague ghost and the gargoyle.

Because since Hongyue has not given up, they have no reason to give up, even though there is no hope in the way forward...

"Master Hongyue... let's cover you and go...or else we won't have the chance..." A black-robed man smashed a cave spider to death with a power, and said to Hongyue.

In fact, they also knew that Hongyue was unable to take them out, and Hongyue was just comforting them just now.

But even so, they still want to leave the hope of life to the red moon. If only one person can live, let the red moon live. After all, if it were not for the red moon, they would have died.

"Yeah... Lord Red Moon... you go... let's cover you and rush out..." A few people in black robes joined in, and at the same time increased their resistance, ready to detonate their brains and fight to the death.

"What are you talking nonsense?! We can get the trust of the elves right away and get a way back. Do you want to die in such a ghost place?! If you want to die, you have to go back to me! Keep fighting!" Hongyue He reprimanded loudly and threw a boomerang, killing two gargoyles one after another.

Although from the outside it looks like Red Moon is full of fighting spirit, what no one knows is that tears have already filled her eyes in the red robe.

Because the words of the people in black robes deeply touched her heart, she felt extremely self-blaming, and at the same time she felt a sense of powerlessness.

In fact, there are not many undead creatures left on the battlefield. If she has enough brain power, or if she is stronger, then she might be able to win the battle.

But life has no ifs. People like them are likely to really die here today. She is still too weak...

Just as Hongyue was about to detonate her own brain power and was about to fight to the death like the black-robed man, she suddenly saw a familiar figure running over from the back of the battlefield. It was the road army returning with the elves.

Red Moon didn't know why the Road Army appeared here, could it be that something happened to the elves?

But when she saw the road army riding a panther, she denied this idea, because it proved that the road army must have returned to the hidden stronghold.

Just as Hongyue was in doubt, the Lu Army suddenly opened the recurve bow and shot an iron birch arrow, hitting the head of a plague ghost, killing the plague ghost in seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army rode a black panther and turned left and right, avoiding the undead creatures in the way, and rushed directly to Hongyue.

"Why are you here?" Although Hongyue's expression was not visible, it was obvious from her tone that Hongyue was surprised at the arrival of the Lu Army.

"I'll talk later, don't ask anything, follow me, I will take you out!" The Lu Army shot another plague ghost with one arrow.

Hongyue was even more surprised when he heard that the road army wanted to take them out alone, with many doubts in her heart.

However, since Lu Jun had said so, Hongyue couldn't ask anything. He just nodded and let the black robe people gather.

Seeing that Hongyue and the others were ready, the Lu Army rushed towards Lin Yilaan on the black panther without saying a word...

Looking at the direction that the Lu Army wanted to take them away was actually the direction with the most undead creatures, the red moon and the black-robed people were shocked, because it didn't seem like an escape route.

However, out of trust in the Lu Army, Hongyue did not think too much, and directly held the large boomerang: "Fight! All abilities are used for me, follow him to break through!"

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