Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1246: Storm zone

But judging from the current situation, it doesn't look like this at all. Do they have other ways to escape?

However, no matter what, they will continue to pursue them, so despite all doubts, the undead army is still chasing after them.

However, the road army at this time has completely ignored the undead army behind, his eyes are all on the storm zone ahead.

This is the only way they can escape. I believe that after entering, even the undead army can't help them.

A few seconds later, the red moon and the survivor who led the way rushed to the storm zone first.

Looking from a distance, he found no problem for the time being, and no dangerous signal came.

This is good news. It means that the storm zone can be entered, and you can see how it goes inside.

Immediately after entering, there were groups of bone dragons. They followed the red moon in accordance with the orders of the road army, and they did not fall at all.

The blizzards and blizzards in the storm zone will not affect them temporarily, because the current destructive power is not very large, and they can withstand them.

The most important thing is that they are originally ice-based, and they are almost immune to other ice-based attacks.

Seeing this scene before him, Lu Jun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that as long as all the bone dragons enter, they should be safe.

At the same time, he was watching the dinosaurs behind him to prevent them from falling behind.

The undead army located further behind was shocked when the Lu Army and others wanted to enter the storm zone.

Since they came to this domain, they have encountered a lot in the storm zone. They have been in a few times before, but unfortunately they were blown up and down every time.

So now they will hide far away when they see the storm zone, for fear of being affected.

But now Lu Jun and others want to go in on their own initiative, isn't this trying to die?

Is it because the road army and others have a way to enter the storm zone without being injured, or is there something wrong with the storm zone in front of you? These are things that undead creatures are thinking about.

There are currently two options before them. One is to allow the road army and others to enter, and they may be shattered by the storm area or escape from it.

The second is to follow the Lu Army and others into the storm zone, chasing them to death all the way.

But in this way they will also be in danger, and maybe they will be destroyed together with the Lu Army and others.

So no matter which one you choose, the undead army is very embarrassing.

However, after careful consideration, the undead army finally decided to pursue it.

Because the Lu Army and others are not afraid of things, they can't be afraid, otherwise it will seem too daunting.

Moreover, their commander had given a deadly order. If you see Lu Jun and others, you must not let it go.

If they stop in front of a storm zone and cannot explain to the commander, this is not their style.

In this way, under various constraints, the undead army followed the road army and others, preparing to enter the storm zone.

Although they are very worried, they must do this, and they have little choice.

The Lu Jun who was about to enter the storm zone in front of him looked at the scene behind him, feeling extremely excited.

Because he was eager for the undead creatures to do this, it meant that he could use this opportunity to kill another wave of the undead army.

In other words, after the undead army entered the storm zone, it didn't know the way, and broke into something terrible, then they don't even need to do anything...

While Lu Jun was thinking about this, the bone dragon he was riding finally began to come near the storm zone.

Lu Jun only had time to take a deep breath and felt cold all over, as if he had suddenly entered an extremely cold ice storehouse in the hot summer.

And he felt that the wind around him was very strong, and from time to time a thing that looked like an ice skate flew by, so cold that he couldn't even open his eyes.

At this time Lu Jun knew that he must have entered the storm zone, and his heart couldn't help but start beating wildly.

It is not that he is timid, but that when facing unknown things, people will definitely show due tension.

However, the Lu Army was not affected by the fear in his heart, and was still struggling to enlarge his eyes and look ahead to prevent the bone dragons from having problems.

Originally, he thought the storm would get bigger and bigger, but he didn't expect that after only a few seconds, the squally roaring wind around him would become smaller, and the icy feeling would be the same.

If the road army at this time was ahead, it was the survivor who made the suggestion that led them to the correct route.

This is also the "passage" that the survivors mentioned before, where both storms and blizzards will be much smaller than other places.

As long as Lu Jun and others can follow the passage, they can definitely get out safely.

It is precisely because of this that the survivor dared to make suggestions to the road army and others, otherwise his behavior would be to die, and if not killed by the road army, he would be killed in the storm zone...

Red Moon, who was also in the front, looked at the orderly rear with a satisfied expression, and also let go of the tension in his heart.

Just now, she was wondering if the survivor in front of her would cheat them. Now it seems that she is thinking too much...

When the Lu Army and others went along the "passage" all the way, the undead army in the rear was not so good.

They don't know what passage, or how to leave the storm zone.

Originally, they wanted to come in and push the Lu Army and others into a desperate situation and then kill them, and finally they left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the storm zone, they would be blown dizzy, except for barely able to see the figure of the road army.

At the beginning, they can still keep up with the Lu Army, after all, the speed is there, not much slower than the bone dragon under the Lu Army's crotch.

But the problem is that they have no guides, they can only follow all the way, and they seem very passive.

After a few gusts of wind blowing from nowhere, the bone dragon in front was completely stunned, and its speed began to slow down until it was completely lost.

This also means that they have completely lost track of the Route Army in the storm zone and can only rely on them to find them.

But this is a storm zone, except for violent wind and blizzard, almost no clues can be found.

And the most important thing is that the undead creatures chased in the wrong route, did not enter the "passage", causing the wind and blizzard around them to grow stronger.

In this case, undead creatures began to suffer casualties, first three or five bone dragons, then three or five groups of bone dragons and gargoyles.

As long as they are blown away by the storm, they basically can't come back. Either they die directly, or they are blown into some inexplicable corner, they will even be buried by heavy snow, and will never be found.

Anyway, no matter what the result is, it will not be good. The undead army paid a heavy price for its impulse and recklessness.

The undead creatures that were still conscious felt very anxious about this, and kept making all kinds of weird roars, or wailing.

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