Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1242: Entangled fight

In this situation, the bone dragons quickly caught up with the red moon and began to attack the bone dragon on the road side.

As it only cared about running, the bone dragon on the road side could not resist too much.

Because as long as you stay, you must be entangled, and maybe all will be killed by the undead army.

But not resisting is not a solution. After all, the skeletal dragon army in the rear is carrying out continuous attacks, and their casualties are very serious.

If this continues, even if they break through this territory, they probably won't be able to cope with the situation in the Frost Forest.

After all, there are many enemies there, and they must go all out to win.

It can be seen from this that this method of undead creatures is very effective.

Let the gargoyle contain the road army, and the bone dragon against the red moon, so that both sides can take care of it.

As long as they can delay for a while, the victory must belong to them.

In order to protect her own vitality, Hongyue could only go back alone, activate her third and fourth abilities, and madly suppress the army of bone dragons that came after.

At the same time, she ordered her bone dragon not to stop and continue to rush forward, only in this way can they successfully break through.

It's a pity that she is still too weak alone, and Moon Blade and Lunar Eclipse are not as effective as imagined.

Ten seconds later, the effects of the moon blade and the lunar eclipse disappeared, and the bone dragons did not lose much, but moved closer to them.

"Damn it!" Hongyue gritted his teeth and cursed.

Now she really has nothing to do, but she is deeply resentful in her heart.

After all, this was the first thing the road army asked her to do after arriving in this area, but she still couldn't do it, which made her feel frustrated.

The Lu Army in the distance also saw this scene, frowning heavily, and at the same time the flame explosive bomb in his hand did not stop.

In addition to thinking about how to deal with the gargoyle in front of him, he must also think about how to help Hongyue and others in the distance.

Although his head hurt a little at this time, the Lu Army was not panicked.

Because he knew before he made this plan, there must be risks and it won't go so smoothly.

Now it's just the twists and turns he expected, so it's not scary at all.

However, according to the current situation, if he doesn't do anything, the entire battlefield is probably about to collapse.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun gritted his teeth and called out a dozen wind **** pterosaurs, letting them use their abilities and rush forward desperately to help him and the bone dragon under his hips open the way.

This is the only air power in the hands of the Lu Army, and he must make good use of it, and it is also an existence that can change the situation of the battle.

The Fengshen pterosaurs did not disappoint the Lu Army, they were very ferocious when they came out, tearing off a lot of gargoyles.

After all, with the rank and strength of the gargoyles, it is impossible for them to beat the Fengshen pterosaurs, but they have an advantage in number.

But the number seems to be enough for an extremely chaotic battlefield.

If you look from a distance at this time, you can find that although the Fengshen pterosaurs are fighting very hard, there are still gargoyles rushing out, tearing and biting the road army, creating a lot of big and small for the road army. Wounds.

Due to the eagerness to rescue, the road army completely ignored this, and continued to move fast against the damage of the gargoyle.

Only when he finally felt that he was about to be unable to hold it, the Lu Jun opened his particle shield to protect the Fengshen pterosaur and himself.

Had it not been for such self-protection capabilities, the Lu Army would have been killed by a dense gargoyle soon, and the entire army of Fengshen Pterosaurs might be wiped out...

In fact, fortunately, the undead creatures are sent by gargoyles with average strength, and they are relatively ordinary in terms of hard power and attack power.

So after the Lu Army adjusted its tactics a bit, it was relatively easy to deal with, without the deadly sense of oppression.

Otherwise, if they were attacked by tens of thousands of bone dragons, the road army might have been unable to resist them.

With the passage of time and the strength of the Fengshen pterosaur, the Lu Army quickly broke through the siege of tens of thousands of gargoyles and approached the red moon.

Here, the Lu Army can already see the tail of the Bone Dragon Army. As long as he can attack at this time and attack the most defenseless place of the Bone Dragon Army, he will definitely be able to help Hongyue and the others.

If he could delay a little longer, then the crisis of Hongyue and others might be resolved, and perhaps they could directly break through.

But General Lu did not do this, and seemed to have other better ideas.

I saw him continue to let the Bone Dragon and Fengshen Pterosaur under his feet rush forward, knowing that he would plunge into the Bone Dragon army of undead creatures.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move. As long as one is not careful, the road army may not be able to rush out, and may even fall into a situation where it is impossible to recover.

You know this is tens of thousands of bone dragons, the Lu Jun actually came in like this, and I don’t know what he wants to do...

In fact, the Lu Jun knew that this was very dangerous, but he still didn't mean to stop.

Instead, let the bone dragon and the wind **** pterosaur fly faster and faster, until it really enters the middle area of ​​the bone dragon army.

It is no exaggeration to say that the road army at this time has been completely surrounded, if there is no accident, it is impossible for him to rush out here.

Even more terrifying is that it is still a kind of rushing in on its own initiative, as if rushing to die...

The Bone Dragon Army was also a little dazed by this scene, because the road army was still fine just now, they don't plan to care anymore, who knows that this human will suddenly return to send...

However, in any case, since the enemy has sent the door, they will not be polite.

In the next moment, the Bone Dragon Army pursued and dealt with the road army in the middle without delay on either side.

Because the road army is right in the middle of them at this time, this is really easy to deal with. It is estimated that the body of the road army will be seen soon. This is the idea of ​​all bone dragons.

The red moon in the distance also saw this scene, very anxious in her heart, but could do nothing.

She really couldn't understand why the Lu Army did this? I can run away just now...

As for everything in front of him, the Lu Army was very calm, without the feeling of being surrounded by the army at all. It seemed that all of this would happen long ago.

But he certainly didn't come in to die. His idea was to go directly into the middle of the bone dragon army to attract and destroy the enemy. This is definitely the simplest and most direct method.

As for the method, it was also very simple. I saw that the Lu Army immediately issued an order to guard him, letting a dozen wind **** wings surround him.

Immediately after that, he began to mobilize his brain power frantically, preparing to condense his current most powerful and broadest ability, Burning Heaven.

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