Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1235: Really gone?

At the same time, the Bone Dragon Army and Fengshen Pterosaurs on the side of the road army also frantically launched an offensive, covering these dinosaurs to retreat.

But the undead creatures seem to be starting to move, even if they are strong against the fire output of the wind **** pterosaurs and bone dragons, they are also rushing forward, looking desperately.

This scared the Lu Army a bit, he kept thinking to himself, are these undead creatures really coming over? They do not consider their own forces and casualties?

You must know that at this time Xueyue City's city defense army is completely ready, there are hundreds of thousands of strengthened arrows on the city wall, and countless supernaturalists, they are all waiting for it.

If undead creatures dared to rush directly, it would definitely have to pay a heavy price.

It is estimated that the undead creatures lost here in time will cause the undead army to hurt its muscles...

However, there is a saying that if the undead creatures really attack, it will be more troublesome for the road army.

Because his dinosaurs were all staying outside, they couldn't get into Xueyue City at all, so he let them out personally.

If the undead creatures come, he can only take all the dinosaurs outside into the dragon training module.

Although this will waste a lot of time, it is also a great burden on brain power, and the Lu Army did not want to do this.

But if the undead creatures continue to chase, then the road army can only choose this method that is not a method.

However, when the Lu Army looked at the undead army getting closer and planned to take the dinosaurs back into the dragon training module, something unexpected happened to him.

It was the undead creature that was rushing forward, suddenly stopped and retreated in the same direction when it started to go...

Seeing this, the Lu Army breathed a sigh of relief and focused on the red moon side, which was also the area where the battle was the most intense.

When he saw that Red Moon was about to be unable to resist defeat, Lu Jun directly pressed his hand on the back of Fengshen Pterosaur, activated his flashing ability, and brought Fengshen Pterosaur to Hongyue's side.

Then he also activated the particle shield, blocking all the abilities from the eight parties, and protecting him and the red moon in the middle.

Originally, Hongyue thought she was going to finish, but she did not expect that a strange shield would suddenly block her in front of her, making her spirits up and her expression excited.

Because of this shield, she hadn't seen it ten times or eight times. It was the ability of the Lu Army! Is the road army back?

The strange red moon looked around and saw the army flying by her.

"You! When did you come here?!" Hongyue couldn't help but cried out, and her eyes became a little red.

Because she once thought that she would never see the Lu Army again, but she didn't expect surprises to come suddenly when she was desperate.

"Let's watch it for ten minutes. You played well. Seeing that you were in danger, you came out." Lu Jun looked at the surprised Hongyue with a light smile.

"I..." Hongyue became a little choked and didn't say the rest.

Not because she had nothing to say to Lu Jun, but because she had too much to say in her heart, and she didn't know what to say at once.

"Retreat first, and then there will be time to talk." Lu Jun pointed to the members of the eight clans flying around, reminding Hongyue.

Now the enemy is still staring at him, not in the old days, he is very clear about this.

"Well, after your shield is revoked, I will go to the left and you will go to the right. We have to knock them back quickly!" Hongyue also realized the seriousness of the problem and stabilized her emotions.

At first she thought that her side was over, and she was still thinking about withdrawing to Starlight City.

But now that the road army is in place, they definitely don't have to run. Finding a way to retreat is the primary goal.

However, he did not expect Lu Jun directly shook his head: "Don’t be so troublesome, you can help me attract the attention of the Eight Departments, and then let the people below us retreat, the bone dragon will also have to run away, these enemies I will solve Dropped."

While talking about Lu Jun, he pointed to the side and below, and told Hongyue his thoughts.

"Ah? Are you coming by yourself?" The astonishment on Hongyue's face was even worse.

If he hadn't understood what the Lu Army was like, he would think that the Lu Army was joking.

Because the enemy now does not have 10,000 or 8,000, and there are so many high-level abilities, how can the Lu Army deal with these people alone?

"Well, I have a unique method, one of my own is enough, remember, this area of ​​hundreds of meters must not have our creatures." Lu Jun reminded Hongyue again.

Although it is not clear what the Lu Army is going to do, because of her trust in the Lu Army, Hongyue nodded heavily: "Okay, remember, don't worry, leave the rest to me."

After speaking, Hongyue took a deep breath and stared at the battlefield in front of him intently, waiting for the attack of the black-robed man outside to end and the particle shield of the road army to be small.

After three seconds, it is estimated that the enemy's attack strength has become weaker, and the Lu Army directly cancelled the particle shield, ordering the Fengshen Pterosaur to leave the battlefield and fly to a high altitude where there are no members of the eight members.

Then he closed his eyes and began to condense his fourth ability, Burning the sky.

Just now he dared to boast that he wanted to deal with the enemy alone, so he was naturally prepared.

And Burning Sky's super-wide range attack ability is his confidence, there is nothing more powerful than this ability in large-scale battles.

It's just that this ability takes a long time to condense, so he asked Red Moon to help delay it.

Otherwise, he might not be able to change the situation of the battle if he was interrupted by the people of Babuzhong...

Seeing that the Lu Army that had blocked their attack suddenly left, the people in black robes realized that there was a danger, because the Lu Army's behavior was very strange, and they wanted to follow suit.

But the red moon's reaction and speed were obviously faster than them, directly using the aftermath of the moonlight to activate its fourth ability, the lunar eclipse, and countless moonlights fell from the sky.

This time she did not choose to bombard the black-robed man and the fallen warrior below, but instead locked the high-level black-robed man flying above.

Because only they can interrupt the Route Army, the members of the eight tribes below are not afraid.

At the same time, he also ordered his own city defense army and bone dragon army to spread around, in accordance with the order of the road army.

This command made the surrounding creatures feel a little embarrassed, because it was a good fight, they just prepared to counterattack, how did they let them disperse?

We must know that the formation is important in large-scale battles. If this formation is dispersed, what else do they fight?

Although I don't know what Hongyue thought, out of trust, the city guard and the bone dragon army dispersed with their own wounded, ignoring the eight members in front of them.

In this way, it was the turn of the Eight Departments to be dumbfounded. They all thought that the enemy was planning to counterattack. How could they withdraw when they were superior?

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