Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1232: Lu Army's rush

"Lu Jun?! This man has been wanted by the eight of us for a long time. We regard him as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. Whether he returns or not, we must attack this west wind fortress! Otherwise these days will be wasted!" A man in a black robe on the left side suddenly patted the table, and he could be heard from the voice that he was a hot-tempered Baqi.

But it is estimated that these days are more comfortable, he has changed into a new black robe, and the whole is not as embarrassed as before.

As for why he should speak immediately after Zhiba, it was because he worried that the road army would affect the harmony of their coalition army.

If these people on the field are frightened by the sudden return of the road army, then they won't have to fight next.

"The strength of the Lu Army itself is not very strong. What is strong is his inexplicable summons, but his strength is at most Tier 4, and there are not many Tier 4 abilities of the Resistance Army. It is not a concern at all."

"As long as we can think of a way to target those strange dinosaurs, and implement it according to the original plan, the resistance will be defeated within a week."

"At that time, we will be able to carve up their territory, seize their technology and secrets, and strengthen ourselves." A black-robed man next to Baqi echoed.

If the Lu Army is here, you will hear that this is the voice of the old fifth, and it is also one of the enemies that has been entangled with the Resistance Army since the end of the world.

After defeating the West Wind Fortress last time, he and Baqi separated. Baqi went back to find reinforcements from Babuzhong, and he and Zhifu went back to Wolfsmoke City.

Originally, he thought that there would be some days to see Baqi, or he would never see it in his life. After all, this was the end of the world and everything was impermanent.

But what I didn't expect was that Baqi was very fast, and in just a few days he reported the situation here to the senior officials of Babuzhong, and brought a large army back.

In addition, Zhicao also reported the news of Zhifei's death and the rampant resistance of the rebels to the Zhiba who was far away in the Black Cliff region, and let Zhiba come and support it.

The Zhiba who got the news was naturally extremely angry, even though he had guessed something these days.

But when he heard the news in person, he still couldn't restrain his emotions, and his temples became pale overnight, becoming extremely vicissitudes of life.

After all, he has two sons, Zhifei and Zhihuo, and wants to cultivate and inherit his family business. Who knows that he has been killed by an unseen enemy now, so how can he not feel pain?

But perhaps it was anger that gave him strength, and his strength that had been paused for many days suddenly made a leap forward, from Tier 4 to Tier 5.

Feeling his own power, Zhiba knew that this was an opportunity for revenge from the heavens, and immediately sent troops from the Black Cliff region to Wolfsmoke City.

Desperate for revenge, he abandoned all the cities and fortresses that the Black Cliff Region could give up, and gathered nearly 300,000 troops.

This is almost 70% of the strength of the Knights of the Apocalypse, and it is also the reason why they can dominate the Black Cliff Region.

Although it sounds irrational and even a little stupid to give up his own foundation for revenge.

But those who are familiar with the Black Cliff Region know very well that Zhiba is a very wise choice.

Because there are many mountains in the Black Cliff Region, it has become extremely barren after the end of the world, and it is basically difficult to find food for people to survive.

Moreover, those monsters and infected bodies are very abnormal, and the intensity is several times that of Qingfengyu, which makes the Knights of Apocalypse tossing up.

If they continue to be there, they will die sooner or later, so it is better to take this opportunity to move the army to the Blue Wind Region.

After all, the Green Wind Region has fertile land and abundant food, and both humans and monsters are weaker than those in the Black Cliff Region.

Therefore, the people from the Knights of the Apocalypse came here just like a tiger entering a flock, and they can become a dominant presence in any place.

It has been a long time since Zhiba had this idea, and he would let his two sons go over and take roots more than a month in advance.

I thought it would be smooth sailing, but I didn't expect to encounter the "wolf" of the Resistance Army, which blocked the way of the Apocalypse Knights and killed Zhifei.

Although the Knights of the Apocalypse are tigers, the wolves and tigers are fighting, and there must be a wound. Now the Knights of the Apocalypse are the injured side.

Only when his son is dead and the plan is disturbed, will Zhiba finally decide to abandon the foundation of the Black Cliff Region and bring the army and the road army to a decisive battle in the Blue Wind Region.

As long as his plan can be successful, those territories abandoned in the Black Cliff Region are nothing, because they will get better.

Even if they fail unfortunately, they can retreat to Wolfsmoke City, restore their strength, and choose the opportunity to fight with the rebels.

Anyway, the Knights of the Apocalypse have a strong family background and a large number of divisions. They can afford to fight, so they will look a little crazy.

This is also the reason why Zhiba seems very irrational, but in fact it is very sensible.

After coming to Qingfengyu, he and his friend who knew the evil, namely the old five and Baqi hit it off, and quickly reached an agreement to deal with the Lu Army and others.

Then he mobilized hundreds of thousands of his own troops and began to use some of their powers in the Black Cliff Region to quickly build a camp.

This is to get a firm foothold first, and they will carry out follow-up operations to suppress the West Wind Fortress for a long time.

During the establishment of the three camps, they also fought the Westwind Fortress several times.

According to the old five and Baqi's understanding of Westerly Fortress, they have won and lost, but it is still difficult to win Westerly Fortress overall.

During the period, one thing that the Lu Army and others did not know was that the people of the Apocalypse sect also found this place.

It's just that they came to find Babuzhong, because at that time, the Red Moon and the Lu Army attacked and deceived them, making the Apocalypse sect think that Babuzhong was the enemy.

Later, through the mediation of Zhi Mi and Zhi Ba, the misunderstanding between the Apocalypse Sect and the Ba Buzhong was resolved.

And they also targeted the Lu Army and others based on a series of characteristics, knowing that the West Wind Fortress was the enemy.

The next thing is simple, the Apocalypse Sect and the Eight Departments and the Apocalypse Knights have completed the union.

The strengths of these three forces are almost the same, belonging to the kind of super veteran, it is impossible to say who is strong and who is weak.

If there must be a difference, it may be that the Knights of the Apocalypse are weaker, and the Eight Departments are the strongest, followed by the Apocalypse Sect.

Because the Knights of the Apocalypse are mostly infantry, that is, shield fighters, the strength is not strong, and there are not many high-level abilities.

Although they may have the most people, whether it is the hot weapon period or the super power period, the crowd is not necessarily the strongest, but may become a drag.

The reason why Babuzhong is the strongest is that they have a solid foundation, a lot of messy technology, and powerful supernaturalists.

Moreover, the fallen warriors can be made through those reagents, and every one of them is a dead soldier with abilities, which is far more terrifying than normal humans.

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