Seeing this sudden change from a bad situation to a big advantage, Lu Jun and Ruan Xue both breathed a sigh of relief and re-examined the battle situation seriously.

At the same time, they also understand that both the Babuzhong and the Red Moon side are fully prepared for this battle, it can be said that it is a temporary win or lose.

As for why they didn't take this opportunity to kill and help Hongyue and others defeat the Babuzhong in one fell swoop.

It was because Lu Jun felt that since Hongyue and the others had a back hand, they must also have it on the Ba Buddhism side.

Rather than rushing down unclearly now, it's better to wait for the people like Babuzhong to show their back hands before acting.

Knowing this and knowing the enemy in this way, he can almost be in an unbeaten position. Why should he worry?

With this thought in mind, Lu Jun and Ruan Xue continued to wait patiently, without leaving the main battlefield for a moment.

Under their wait, the situation quickly changed again as they expected.

I saw a group of black-robed men riding flying creatures suddenly rushed out from the flanks of the battlefield where Hongyue and others had the advantage, and several red-robed men were among them.

These people look much stronger than normal black-robed people in terms of clothing and aura, and you don't have to think about it, you know that they are the main force of Ba Buzhong.

They were far away from here at the beginning, and it was estimated that they were going to watch the battle first, but they didn't expect the red moon to exert their strength so quickly, so they rushed over anxiously.

And their actions were also very simple, almost without too much hesitation, and slaughtered directly towards Hongyue.

In order to see the strength of these creatures, the Lu Army directly opened the magic eyes and scanned these people one by one.

Although these people in black robes basically can't see what they look like, the magic eyes of the Lu Army can basically ignore these things, and a large number of data will soon appear in front of him.

Through the data Lujun, it is clear that there are three Tier 4 abilities among these black-robed men, and the rest are relatively powerful Tier 3 abilities.

The moment the data was obtained, Lu Jun shared it with Ruan Xue, giving her a general understanding of the specific strength of these black-robed men.

"There are three more Tier 4 abilities? It's too exaggerated? Why are the recent Tier 4 abilities appearing so frequently..." Ruan Xue couldn't help but sigh.

As a supernatural person, she knows how difficult it is to upgrade her class. It took her a long time to upgrade from the second to the third, and naturally knows how difficult it is to upgrade to the fourth.

But who knows that there are not ten or eight of the fourth-order abilities she has seen recently, making her a little suspicious of life, and she feels that her breakthrough is too slow...

"Normal, there is no shortage of genius in this world, let alone in this last days, not to mention that the Ba Buddhism is very strong, and those with these fourth-order abilities are nothing at all."

"If I'm right, there are at least ten Tier 4 abilities in Babuzhong, even Tier 5 abilities."

"They are actually able to send three Tier 4 abilities here. It seems that they have lost their blood. It is enough to show that Starlight City is very important to the Eight Minds."

"But for a while, I don't know what is important. It seems that there are still some things we don't understand in Starlight City." Lu Jun immediately explained to Ruan Xue.

"Then we are going to go now? These people are so difficult, I am afraid that Hongyue is hanging here." Ruan Xue looked down on the battlefield, her thoughts turning quickly.

"Wait first to see what these people's abilities are, we can get on after these people start." Lu Jun shook his head slightly, his thoughts were clear.

Seeing that the Lu Army was so stable, Ruan Xue couldn't say anything more, and continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

A few seconds later, the eight high-ranking abilities who attacked quickly became entangled with the red moon and the night demon.

Their abilities are constantly appearing in the air, aiming at some more deadly positions.

Since there are fewer high-level abilities on the side of Red Moon, they are suddenly in a very dangerous situation.

Not to mention their respective abilities, it is impossible to complete the cohesion again, because it takes time.

Without the suppression of the Red Moon and the Night Demon, the members of the eight tribes below could free up their hands to deal with the Bone Dragon Army.

As a result, the bone dragon army was miserable, and was soon suppressed again, unable to attack with full force.

Not to mention the city defense forces of Starlight City, most of them are first-order abilities, and some are not even abilities.

In front of the powerful abilities and fallen warriors of the Eight Departments, it is impossible to complete an effective resistance.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for the bone dragon army to support in front, relying on the city guards alone, it is estimated that Starlight City would not be able to hold it for five minutes...

But when the Bone Dragon Army was also frustrated, the Red Moon side was very unoptimistic. According to the calculations of the Lu Army, they might lose within 30 minutes.

What's more serious is that the high-level abilities of Babuzhong just harassed them, and they have not fully exerted their power.

When they used all their high-level abilities, the Bone Dragon Army fell down again, and Red Moon and Night Demon were even more difficult to move.

From this point of view, with the efforts of the eight high-ranking members, Hongyue and others will lose many times faster.

In order to buy time for the red moon, the night demon even opened its enchantment and intercepted several high-level abilities from the eight tribes.

Hongyue also seized this opportunity to continuously use her powers in an attempt to reverse the situation again.

It's a pity that she is too reluctant to accomplish this alone. The defeat on Starlight City is already set, and it is almost difficult to complete the comeback.

When the enchantment was opened, the night demon was besieged from the air by two Tier 4 abilities and five Tier 3 abilities. It was also defeated in a short time and almost fell from the air.

The situation on the Hongyue side is also very bad, and it is estimated that the distance to be defeated is within a few minutes.

If the Red Moon and the Night Demon were defeated, then the Starlight City might not be saved, and it was also a matter of time before the bone dragon and the city guard were destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Xue was the first to be anxious: "They want to do it! We can't watch anymore!"

Listening to this, Lu Jun also nodded silently. Indeed, it is time for them to take action.

"Okay, you go to support the Night Demon, I will support the Red Moon, let's repel the high-level abilities of the Eight Departments and then help the bone dragons." Lu Jun pointed to the battlefield ahead.

"Understood, but the night demon and I may not be able to beat those people. You may have to be faster." Ruan Xue took out her two pistols, destroyed and recovered, and was ready for battle.

However, she also had a very clear understanding of her own strength. Knowing that she was reluctant to deal with multiple Tier 4 abilities, she directly told Lu Jun.

"I know, don't panic, I will let them help you, as long as you can resist the pressure." The Lu Army raised his hand and summoned a dozen wind **** pterosaurs and gathered them around Ruan Xue.

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