Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1200: The union of many enemies

"This is a bit of a hassle. As far as I know, the power of the Apocalypse sect is indistinguishable from the eight parties."

"What's more, there is a veteran force in the Black Cliff Region. The Knights of the Apocalypse will unite together. Then we will be enemies with three parties at the same time." Lu Jun gave a bitter smile, and he could see that he was helpless.

In fact, when he provoked these forces at the beginning, he thought about this day, but he was not particularly nervous at the time because he thought it would take a long time to happen.

At that time, he estimated that he had developed very strong, even if he faced these enemies at the same time.

But he was obviously a little bit bigger, and when all this happened without warning, he said in his heart that it was false.

Because at this time he hadn't made enough preparations, in addition to the mutant beasts and infected bodies outside, the pressure to deal with these human forces was too great.

"What's next? After those people from the Apocalypse sect came over, should they do something?" Lu Jun said softly.

He was very jealous of the Apocalypse Sect, and wanted to hear what happened later.

Ruan Bing and others also calmed down because of the Lu Army's doubts, and turned their eyes on Lin Xiaobai again.

As for the wood, he didn't know what happened during this period, so he chose to talk less and listen more.

"Well, a lot has happened in the follow-up." Lin Xiaobai nodded and continued to report to the Lu Army, "After the people from the Apocalypse sect came over, the overall strength and morale of the Apocalypse Knights have increased a lot."

"But they did not choose to attack the Westwind Fortress again. It is estimated that knowing that this is our foundation, we will desperately defend."

"So they still set their sights on our sub-base, and once again led the soldiers to surround our cities for a fierce attack."

"At first I thought they wanted to form a support team again, because these people did this last time, and it felt like they were repeating their tricks."

"But my spies soon discovered that their real goal was not to siege and fight aid, nor to our sub-city, but to our West Wind Fortress."

"Because they deliberately put an ambush around the West Wind Fortress, there are tens of thousands, and it is still led by thousands of elite abilities."

"I made a preliminary estimate at that time. They might want to give up the storm and plan to wait until we go out to support and the fortress is empty before entering."

"This can minimize their losses, and if I were their senior, I would do the same."

"However, no matter what they are doing, I will not be fooled."

"Because two days ago, I let some of the troops of the West Wind Fortress be stationed in these cities, and every place is under the command of key members of our resistance army, so no problem will be specified."

"So this time I just need to guard the West Wind Fortress and let it go what happens outside."

"I learned later that it is with these special preparations that we can worry about the Westwind Fortress."

"The joint army of the Knights of the Apocalypse saw that our West Wind Fortress was indifferent to everything, and it was probably a bit anxious, so they planned to put us a little more pressure.

"Then they really started to attack our sub-city. I heard the sentinel report that it was quite intense."

"But these are useless, because they divide too many troops, and the offensive strength of each sub-city is about the same as our defenders."

"This caused them to collapse and wasted nearly a day without doing anything."

"What happened is what I really want to see, because they are a coalition army, and the reason they are united is because they have similar interests."

"If they don't see interest, there will be conflicts and conflicts."

"Even if we do nothing at that time, they will disperse on their own, and our crisis will naturally be resolved."

"Sure enough, on the eighth day, the day before yesterday, the people of the Apocalypse sect had a conflict with the people of Ba Buzhong."

"Although I don't know what it is, I know that one of them must have made some kind of very unwilling compromise."

"Immediately afterwards, they gave up encircling our sub-cities and regrouped their forces towards the West Wind Fortress."

"However, these people did not launch a general offensive. They just sent tens of thousands of people to harass each day."

"Although the daily pressure is not great, I always feel that they are testing or looking for our flaws."

"As long as we have any slackness, they may pounce on us like evil wolves and tear us apart."

"So in the past few days, no matter how hard our internal soldiers are, we dare not relax at all."

"The scene you saw in the morning was also their regular offense, which lasted about three hours a day."

"It's just that because you came back today, it ended a bit early, and it also made us a lot less casualties."

"These are probably what happened in our recent days. The fighting lasted for a week, and it doesn't mean it's over yet."

"Anyway, it gives me the feeling that the Knights of the Apocalypse and the other two forces do not have a unified command, causing everything to be chaotic."

"It's also for this reason that gave us the opportunity to keep up until now. If they can unite a little bit, maybe the West Wind Fortress is no longer there..." Lin Xiaobai finally stopped her report.

After speaking, she still stuck her tongue out, probably because she was not doing well these days, which caused a lot of casualties and was embarrassed.

It was really hard for her to remember what happened these days so clearly.

Although she didn't hear too many feelings from Lin Xiaobai's mouth, everyone knew exactly what she had experienced.

Because they have all been commanders, knowing that there are many difficult situations.

Not to mention that Lin Xiaobai was commanding such a large-scale battle, defending against an offensive of hundreds of thousands of people.

So at this moment Ruan Bing and the others looked at Lin Xiaobai in surprise, and there was also a sense of admiration.

One of the most important reasons is that they feel that even if they do this battle themselves, they may not be able to do better than Lin Xiaobai.

Lu Jun was even more relieved. He felt that Lin Xiaobai had finally grown up and could share something for him in a real sense.

"You have done a good job these days. I understand the situation. I may not be able to achieve yours. So you don’t have to have any feelings of self-blame, and this kind of thing happened entirely because we had something wrong. The accident was caused by you, but you successfully saved the Westerly Fortress for us." Lu Jun said this very sincerely.

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