Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1194: First battle

"At first I thought that their goal was something else, but to integrate the army to prepare for war, and did not take the initiative to attack."

"Because you are not here, my voice and strength are not enough, so I dare not move around casually."

"But the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse didn't know what was going crazy, and they invaded all the way within 30 kilometers of us."

"Now I can be sure that the Knights of the Apocalypse are here to make trouble, and immediately summon all the key members of the resistance army to discuss ways to defend against the enemy."

"Because there is no backbone here, we are very confused as a whole, some are fighting, some are defending."

"In the end, the butcher and the Goshawk recommended me to temporarily become a commander to command all defenses."

"My first thought was of course to take the initiative to attack them to repel them, so I temporarily assembled more than 30,000 dinosaurs of various types and more than 1,000 members of the Resistance Army who rushed for 30 kilometers overnight to arrive in front of the Knights of the Apocalypse."

"Originally, I wanted to break up their formation and defeat them in one fell swoop."

"I don't know why, they actually built a huge fortress overnight. There are many stone buildings in it, which are extremely strong."

"In this case, I didn't dare to attack rashly, and I also opened up my formation, trying to draw them out to fight."

"However, what I didn't expect was that they actually came out directly, and more than 70,000 shield fighters swarmed up, basically all of them with Tier 1 ability."

"On the contrary, this made me stunned and suffered a small loss, because our formation has not been fully set up, which led to a bit of chaos."

"Fortunately, the dinosaurs are very powerful, and the members of the resistance army I brought have also experienced a lot of battles, and soon adjusted their formation to counterattack."

"Although most of them are abilities and their strength is too good, our dinosaurs are equivalent to Tier A or Tier S creatures, and they can be killed by Tier 1 abilities."

"If we continue to fight like this, the victory must belong to us, because they have suffered thousands of casualties in less than half an hour, and this number is still increasing."

"But soon a new problem appeared, that is, our lack of high-end power, and the fourth-order supernatural powers did not bring it."

"And the high-end abilities of the Knights of the Apocalypse do not know why there are so many. There are more than a dozen Tier 3 abilities who counterattack, and there are also three Tier 4 abilities, and even the second tier. More than a thousand."

"In the face of this kind of strength, our past members of the Resistance Army will be useless even if they swarm up. They will definitely fail."

"Although the dinosaurs are very brave and have few casualties, there is still a certain gap between them and Tier 4 ability players. Hard fight is definitely not advisable."

"In desperation, in order to preserve our vitality, I can only choose to retreat and return to the West Wind Fortress the same way."

"When we left, the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse did not choose to pursue it, leaving our casualties within an acceptable range."

"There was no new attack on the road, and we safely returned to the West Wind Fortress. This is our first encounter with the Knights of the Apocalypse..."

After speaking, Lin Xiaobai's expression became a little awkward, because he failed in commanding a large battle for the first time.

Although it is not as serious as the loss of soldiers and soldiers, it is always a very bad thing.

Lu Jun also knew Lin Xiaobai's thoughts, and shook his head directly: "You don't have to worry about this, because all your choices are correct, but you lose because you don't understand the enemy and you don't have high-end power."

"Even if I meet three Tier 4 abilities here, there are no good countermeasures, so you have done well."

"And no one would have thought that the Knights of the Apocalypse would directly launch an offensive, because after their failed attack on Beizhai, Li Feng and others took the Night Demon and the Bone Dragon Army and almost destroyed them halfway."

"At that time, only Zhiwei escaped with some of the remnants and defeated generals. I thought they had been abandoned and they had to recover for a month."

"Who knows that they have made a comeback in just a few days. I don't know where their troops came from..."

This is indeed the point that makes the Lu Army very depressed, even if the infected body launches an attack, he doesn't feel strange, but this Knights of Apocalypse is too much...

Ruan Bing and the others nodded in agreement with Lu Jun's words, Lin Xiaobai could not be blamed for this failure anyway.

"Sister Xiaobai, have you found out how many people from the Knights of the Apocalypse came to attack? Only the 70,000 you saw is still more?" Xiao Wan suddenly raised her head and asked.

This is also a problem that the people who have just returned are more concerned. If there are only 70,000, it should be no more than West Wind Fortress.

"The 70,000 I mentioned is just their first force. There are still many things that will happen later. I have to tell you slowly." Lin Xiaobai swallowed and said.

"Well, go ahead." The Lu Jun leaned against the command panel next to him.

"After returning to the West Wind Fortress, I knew that taking the initiative to attack would definitely not work. After all, we lack high-level strength. Going out to fight with the people of the Apocalypse Knights is to die."

"So I quickly changed my method, planning to wait for the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse to come and attack, and use the defensive power of the West Wind Fortress to consume their power."

"Because there are so many defensive facilities, it is difficult even for Tier 4 abilities to enter. I have the confidence to keep them in front of the West Wind Fortress."

"The people of the Knights of Apocalypse seemed to think about the same as me. After another ten kilometers, they directly built a second camp, which meant that they would be steady and steady."

"I thought they would stop here and face us 20 kilometers away, but I didn't expect them to send another force to advance 10 kilometers to build a third camp."

"The three battalions of them all have a size of 80,000 troops, and they are horns of each other, echoing each other, and they have the meaning of a protracted battle."

"Half the day before the camp was built, they did not rush to attack, and we did not dare to take the initiative to attack. The overall situation was very tense."

"But on the fourth night, their reinforcements suddenly arrived, each with 50,000 troops stationed in the three camps."

"And in the evening, we launched a sudden attack on our Westerly Fortress. A total of nearly 100,000 people participated in this battle, which surrounded the east of our Westerly Fortress."

"Fortunately, our Westwind Fortress has a canopy and fire guards, and the Knights of the Apocalypse look more like a tentative feint."

"So there was no large-scale battle that night. The Knights of Apocalypse left thousands of corpses and left before dawn..."

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