Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1192: Ten days have passed? !

He was a little confused and didn't want to think too much. Anyway, the people below couldn't help him, so he didn't think so much.

After the Lu Army went down, Ruan Bing and others also set off. Ruan Bing, Ruan Xue, and Lin Yilaan were responsible for the left side, and Mu Mu and Xiaowan were responsible for the right side.

Ten seconds later, the Lu Army took the lead in contact with the members of the Knights of the Apocalypse below, directly riding the Wind God Pterosaur and knocking over a large group of shield soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped off the wind **** pterosaur and opened the dragon form, and the flame explosive bombs in both hands were not condensed much before being thrown out.

In fact, he could directly use Burning Sky to kill all these shield fighters, without even Mumu and others.

But the battle of this scale seemed to be less stressful at this time, and it was not worth using his fourth ability.

It's better to stay and wait for more critical battles to use, so that you can create more value.

The shield fighters who were attacked hardly reacted and died. They were wounded soldiers who had just retreated from the front. How could they block this attack...

Mu Mu and Ruan Bing's offensive also went smoothly. They entered the crowd from the left and right, basically unstoppable.

This is because the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse did not expect the enemy to come from the rear at all, and did not place any powerful combat power in the rear.

Only some first-order abilities and ordinary people can't compete with Lu Jun and others.

I saw that less than ten minutes after the road army and others joined the battlefield, the formation of the Apocalypse Knights was completely broken up by the road army and others, and there was chaos everywhere.

The Dinosaur Corps, which had been struggling to defend itself, saw that the forces of the Apocalypse Knights suddenly became chaotic, and immediately seized this opportunity and began to countercharge the people of the Apocalypse Knights.

As a result, the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse became more chaotic, and there was almost no room for resistance.

And the Lu Jun and others were the kind of more and more fierce, and directly slaughtered the shield soldiers of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

Seeing that the general situation was gone, the person in charge of the battle of the Apocalypse Knights immediately issued an order to retreat.

Now their defeat is set, and it doesn't make any sense to continue to stay. It's better to retain more vitality.

And they didn't plan to knock down the Westwind Fortress directly, this was just their recent daily routine offense.

Seeing the people of the Apocalypse Knights retreating quickly, the Lu Army and others did not pursue them, and walked directly to the West Wind Fortress.

The dinosaur corps also saw that the road army and others were coming, and they stopped chasing and surrounded the road army.

They are all dinosaurs that hatched from the dragon's nest not long ago. This is the first time I have met with the Lu Army.

But in fact, the bond between them is very deep, even if they have never met, they feel very kind.

The Lu Army didn't say anything to the dinosaurs, looking up at the resistance army members who hurriedly rushed in riding on the assault dragon.

"Lu... Boss Lu?! You are finally back..." A male rebel member quickly jumped off the attacking dragon, with an expression about to cry, not knowing whether it was aggrieved or excited.

"Well, it's me, which group do you belong to? Tell me first, how many days have passed since I left Westwind Fortress that night?" Lu Jun directly asked him the most important and most important question.

Ruan Bing and others also gathered around the road army, quietly waiting for the answer from the resistance army members.

"Boss Lu, I'm No. 156, a new member of the Wind Group. Today is the tenth day of your disappearance..." Although I don't know why the Road Army asked, the members of the Resistance Army answered quickly.

"Ten days?! Ten days have passed?!" Not only the Lu Army, but also Ruan Bing and others nearby shouted out.

Originally, they thought it would be up to the sky in one week. Who knew that this would be ten days, which made all of them feel a little bit angry.

"Yes... It's ten days..." Member 156 was a little skeptical of his life when he was yelled, and at one time he thought he had said something wrong.

"What about Lin Xiaobai? What's the matter with these people from the Knights of the Apocalypse? Why are our defensive strengths so weak? Where did everyone go?" Lu Jun forced a series of questions, enduring the uncomfortable heart.

What he fears most is to hear about the heavy casualties. The problem is too big...

"Um...Boss Lu...Most of our key members are in the command room of the West Wind Fortress. I am just a new member who has joined for less than half a month. There are many details that are unclear. If you say something wrong, maybe It will delay the fighter, so let me take you there directly..." Member 156 said weakly.

Although he stayed in the West Wind Fortress these days, many things were clear.

But he didn't know some very detailed things, so naturally he didn't dare to talk casually.

"Then why are you here, are you responsible for directing the battle?" Ruan Bing asked with some doubts.

After all, for this level of defensive warfare, no matter how old an old member is required to command it, a new recruit can come...

"Recently, our battle situation is very tight. It is really impossible to vacate more manpower. Moreover, the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse are routine feints. They are just scaring us and have no real power, so the defensive power we put out is not a lot. "Member 156 explained laboriously.

"Okay, take us over." Hearing that everyone is fine, the Lu Jun breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to the member to lead the way.

Although he was already a little impatient, he also felt that it would be better to ask Lin Xiaobai.

"Okay, follow me." Member 156 raised his hand to signal the surrounding dinosaurs to retreat.

Immediately afterwards, he rode on the running dragon and ran at the forefront towards the inside of the Westerly Fortress.

Lu Jun and others followed closely behind and entered the somewhat broken outer wall of the Westerly Fortress.

After they came in, they discovered that there were a lot of resistance army members in the wall, but they just didn't go out to fight.

The reason is that these members are more or less injured, and it is estimated that they have participated in many battles these days.

Seeing Lu Jun, Ruan Bing and others return, all the resistance army members on the field cheered, and even the wounds on their bodies felt more than half healed.

Because they are under too much pressure these days, almost everyone is in a state of collapse.

Although the Lu Army was not there a while ago, at least Ruan Bing was holding it back then.

Now that even Ruan Bing disappeared together, it really made them a little unbearable...

Fortunately, both of them are back now, which immediately rekindled hope for the future.

I believe that soon under the leadership of the Road Army, they will be able to repel the powerful enemy again and exhale.

Since Lu Jun didn't know what happened these days, he didn't say anything, just nodded to some familiar faces and continued walking in.

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