Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1185: Come back home

This time it didn't dare to be as reckless as before, and started to be cautious everywhere, for fear of moving where it shouldn't be touched.

But even so, Lin Yilaan's space taboo was triggered, and when he cooperated with the Lord of Blood Rock, it was too powerful to imagine that King Hank was bombed again soon.

The continuous explosion made King Hank already stunned, and no Hank beast dared to approach him.

After all, this place is like a barrel of explosives. Who would dare to come and die, if the tower was not strong, it would have been overturned long ago...

About twenty seconds later, King Hank calmed down again, as if he was willing to go, he continued to devote himself to the cracking of the space taboo.

Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore. If you want to blow it up, just blow it up, as long as it can't kill it. Today, it has to get its body back for whatever it says!

With this thought in mind, King Hank became extremely stoic and his mentality became very relaxed.

However, what made it unexpected is that it was close to three hours, during which the space taboo exploded twenty-eight times.

What's more terrifying is that even so, the space taboo has not been cracked, and I don't know what it takes.

At this time, King Hank was close to collapse, and it always felt that it was more difficult to lift a space taboo than to capture a tall tower.

It suddenly remembered the sneaky conversation between Lu Jun and others before, and it is estimated that it also knows the taboo of this space.

But those people just didn't tell it, it was so irritating, I had never seen such a cunning.

If caught by it, King Hank has to cramp all those people, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve its anger!

But before that, it still had to find a way to untie the space taboo, otherwise it would be difficult to catch up with the Lu Army and others for revenge.

So after calming down a bit, King Hank started again, looking a bit tragic.

I don't know whether it was King Hank's persistence that paid off, or the energy of the space taboo has been exhausted, and there was no explosion this time.

Instead, after a series of attempts, the space taboo was suddenly solved, leaving King Hank stunned.

Immediately afterwards, it fell into endless ecstasy, and the success achieved after such extremely hard work made it immediately precious.

Then it put its hands on its own body and controlled the soul to enter the body.

At this moment, it only felt that it was full of infinite power, and this feeling made it seem to have come to the top of the world.

It has missed this feeling for too long since the soul and body were separated, and it finally returned today.

The surviving Hank beasts came to King Hank and bowed their heads to congratulate their "king" on the return.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long. They were bullied in the absence of King Hank, and now they can finally exhale.

And the first thing to restore strength, King Hank naturally wanted to find the Lu Jun and others to take revenge, and it would be better to capture them alive.

After his soul and body are combined, he has overall rank strength, and it is not difficult to completely suppress the road army and others.

After confirming his thoughts, King Hank asked the Hank beasts to guard the tower and set off on his own.

Because of the clues left by Hank Beast, King Hank quickly chased it along the route, the overall speed was very fast.

The Lu Army and others have arrived near the plane channel after several hours of rushing.

Therefore, in the face of a strong desire to survive, the Lu Army almost used its strongest power, and even kept flashing around in an attempt to break free from this restraint.

But it is a pity that the tentacles controlled by the Lord Bloodstone are too tough. Even if the Lu Army escapes by chance, it will immediately re-entangle, causing the Lu Army to become tighter and tighter.

Looking at the struggling Lu Army, Lord Blood Rock was very excited, and at the same time sighed that the Lu Army was so weak that he was caught by it, and he was not at the same level as the wood that was good at fighting alone.

Immediately afterwards, it showed its sharp claws and walked towards the Route Army, ready to take this opportunity to directly end the Route Army.

Feeling the Lord Blood Rock getting closer and closer to him, Lu Jun felt very anxious, and he felt like death was about to come.

However, he also knows very well that the more this is the time, the more calm he should be, and he should not be confused.

Looking at the tightly bound body and the surrounding environment, Lu Jun knew very well that it was impossible for him to break free from the shackles of Lord Blood Rock, and had to use other methods.

When the Lord of Blood Rock was only about two meters away from the Lu Army, the Lu Army suddenly thought of something, and immediately thought of it, summoning a Tyrannosaurus out and let it appear behind the Lord of Blood Rock.

Although located in the tower, the strong tyrannosaurus was unable to exert its advantages at all.

But at this time the Lu Army can only do this, otherwise his life will be hard to say...

The Lord Bloodstone, who had been focusing on his eyes, did not notice that a Tyrannosaurus appeared behind him.

Because the Lu Army's summoning method is silent, it is difficult to feel even with super-level strength.

It wasn't until a second later that a **** breath came from behind it, that it made it discover the abnormality and turned its head subconsciously.

But its response was obviously slow. The Tyrannosaurus directly took a bite at the back of the Lord of the Blood Rock, and threw the Lord of the Blood Rock to the ground.

Since he didn't see any creatures attacking it, Lord Bloodrock was very panicked and struggled on the ground constantly.

At the same time, it also wanted to use the **** tentacles to restrain the Tyrannosaurus and help it relieve the threat.

But it obviously thinks too much. Although the tyrannosaurus is not as strong as the blood rock lord, it is stronger than the blood rock lord.

Those vaporized tentacles were no problem to tie up the Lu Army. It would be too difficult to tie the Tyrannosaurus together.

Under the entanglement of various tentacles, the Tyrannosaurus directly chose to ignore it and let the tentacles bind.

When the whole body was full of tentacles, the Tyrannosaurus shook quickly, breaking all the tentacles in an instant.

At the same time, the tentacles on the Lu Jun body were disconnected. This is a strange thing, either continuously or at the same time, which makes people wonder...

Lu Jun also didn't expect the effect of getting the Tyrannosaurus out to be so good, he originally just wanted to take a breath, who knew he would directly restore his mobility.

But now that the shackles have been lifted, there is nothing to think about, and the Lu Army will no longer give the Lord Bloodrock a chance to restrain them.

Therefore, in the next second, Lu Jun took advantage of the opportunity of Lord Blood Rock being suppressed by the Tyrannosaurus, and condensed a miniature flame explosive bomb, which slammed directly on the head of Lord Blood Rock.

Now his anger has also been beaten up, and he has been inexplicably shamed. He has to make Lord Bloodrock pay the price.

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