Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1170: Close combat

First, it controlled the wood to retreat several steps, using the Lei Ying horizontal knife to block in front of it, creating a thunder shield.

Immediately afterwards, it stood firm and made a defensive posture, with determination in its eyes.

Its plan is to block the attack of the Lord Bloodstone first, after all, the opponent is a super-rank creature, so sloppy.

A few seconds later, thousands of blood spears flew by, directly hitting the thunder shield of the lord of the blood rock, making huge impacts.

From a distance, it can be clearly seen that the Thunder Shield completely envelops the body of the wood. No matter how powerful the attack is outside, it is difficult to cross this purple energy shield.

Looking at this scene, Lu Jun secretly sighed that the wood and soul body were too powerful after they were combined, and they could easily block an attack of this level.

It can be seen that the wood at this time is much stronger than him, because he can't stop this kind of attack...

In fact, wood originally did not have this ability, it is estimated that the possession of the soul body has greatly improved his overall strength.

I just don’t know if this situation will continue in the future. If the soul body leaves the wood body, the wood will still be so strong...

In this way, the offense and defense of Lord Wood and Bloodstone lasted for about ten seconds, and the two sides remained motionless, relying on their own energy to consume each other.

As soon as the blood spears were over, Wood quickly withdrew the thunder shield in front of him, swung three swords in a row, his figure danced wildly with the light of the sword, and reached the lord of the blood rock in an instant.

Although his movement speed is not as fast as the flickering of the road army, it is actually not much worse.

Immediately afterwards, he exploded a great sword aura, slashing fiercely on the Lord of Blood Rock, the powerful aura seemed to be able to smash the void.

Feeling the terrifying power on the Lei Ying Heng Sword, the Lord Blood Rock did not dare to hold on, because it felt that it would seriously hurt it.

So in the next second it also used its own displacement ability, flashing for about three meters to the side.

However, due to its size, its speed is relatively slow, and the second cut of the wood came over at the moment it moved away.

In desperation, Lord Blood Rock had no time to think, so he could only continue to evade, changing his position crazily.

However, once the offense and defense are formed, the passive side will remain passive unless a good opportunity is found.

At this time, the Lord Blood Rock was like this, being continuously attacked, causing it to dodge blindly, and there was no chance to fight back.

When the wood swung the fifth sword, I thought that he would have no chance to hide. The Lord Blood Rock gritted his teeth, propped up a blood shield with his left hand, and pointed the claw of his right hand at the abdomen of the wood.

At this time, it has already thought about it. If the wood dodges, it will take this opportunity to turn from defense to offense and counterattack.

If the wood continues to chop it, it will not be afraid, just pierce the wood with its right hand.

Since the flesh is stronger than wood, it is absolutely not a loss to exchange it, even if it hurts the enemy eight hundred and one thousand.

However, the soul in the wood body will definitely not be interchangeable with the Lord Bloodrock.

After all, wood is a body of flesh and blood, and only has the strength of about Tier 4, and it can't stand it at the moment when the Lord of Blood Rock.

What's more, even if it slashed the knife, it couldn't kill the Lord Bloodrock, and there was no need to hurt each other.

After thinking about the pros and cons, Mu Shu gave up and continued to attack, and his body shape was able to escape the claws of Lord Bloodstone.

This made the Lord Blood Rock's heart happy, feeling that his opportunity had arrived, and turned his head and leaped towards the wood.

It also wants to learn from wood to issue continuous attacks and master the initiative in battle.

Anyway, it and the wood are now equivalent to no reinforcements. As long as whoever has the initiative, it is equal to victory.

The only thing that makes it strange is that Lu Jun and others have been in the tower for too long, and the dinosaurs are gone, so they can't come out to support the wood, which makes it puzzled.

However, now is not the time to think about these, it is important to focus on the wood.

However, Mu Wu didn't panic when facing the attack of the Great Lord Blood Rock, turned around and lifted a knife, directly blocking the Great Lord Blood Rock's claws.

Then it condensed a billowing thunder that fell from the sky and landed directly on the Lord Bloodrock.

Faced with such an extremely fast attack, Lord Blood Rock could not evade and could only be hit from the front.

Due to the excessive power of the sky thunder, it also has a special paralyzing attribute, making the Lord Bloodrock tremble all over and his body is unstable.

Seeing that this kind of attack was more fierce than it wielded a knife, Mu Shu summoned three sky thunders in succession, hitting the Lord Blood Rock one after another.

No matter how well the preparations are made, Lord Ren Xueyan would never think that he would be struck by lightning continuously before he mastered the initiative of the battle, and it was still relatively deadly...

The most important thing is that while condensing the sky thunder, Wood seems to have thought of a way to defeat the Lord Bloodstone.

I saw that he actually took advantage of the paralyzed state of the Lord of the Blood Rock and was defenseless, and led a sky thunder on his horizontal knife, fusing his own strength, and causing a violent bombardment on the Lord of the Blood Rock.

Originally, the situation of the Lord Bloodstone was very uncomfortable, and facing a new round of fierce attack from the wood, he was naturally unable to resist, and there were more than a dozen wounds all over his body.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Bing and others immediately learned that Lord Blood Rock was on the verge of failure, and they were happy and anxious in their hearts.

Happy because of the strength of wood, it gives them a feeling of "renewed".

Anxious because the Lord Bloodstone lost a bit quickly, they are likely to have a head-on confrontation with Wood later.

"Lord Blood Rock seems to be dying, should we do something?" Ruan Bing first said where she was more anxious.

"We can help the Lord Bloodstone without harming the wood. This can help us buy a lot of time invisibly and facilitate the actions of Lin Yilaan. Otherwise, we can wait for the wood to free up. The confrontation may be more serious." Ruan Xue also analyzed it seriously.

"No, we are here to guard and we will not go anywhere." Lu Jun shook his head and answered without hesitation, "The wood is indeed the advantage now, but you all overlooked one thing, that is, the flesh of the soul body. There is a space taboo on the body, which is enough to show that the blood lord or certain creatures of the blood rock clan are capable of space."

"From the first contact to now, we haven't seen it or other creatures use it, or even feel it at all, so it's likely that the blood rock clan still hides the back hand."

"In this case, the more critical the moment, they will use this back hand, I think this moment is not far away, just keep watching."

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