However, the Lu Jun had very rich combat experience. When he felt uncomfortable with a blow, he immediately retracted his dragon claw to prevent himself from being injured.

Then he used his left hand to condense a miniature flame explosive bomb, bombarding the Lord of Blood Rock at very close range.

At the moment after these actions were completed, the Lu Army retreated several steps in succession to prevent being affected by the blast bombs.

As a violent explosion sounded, Lord Blood Rock was blown and rolled several times, and white smoke was all over his body.

It was only after the Lord Bloodstone got up from the ground that the Lu Army discovered that it was not injured except for its scale armor slightly damaged.

This scene made Lu Jun dumbfounded, even though the flame bomb he just launched was in miniature form.

But that power is more than ten times more powerful than ordinary abilities or high-explosive grenade, how can it make the Lord Bloodrock not hurt at all?

As the attacked side, Lord Blood Rock didn't care about so much, the continuous offensive of the Road Army had already caused it to get angry.

So the next moment, it exploded a lot of blood, transforming into something that looked like tentacles, and went straight to the Lu Army.

Its idea is very clear, that is, it is prepared to restrain the Route Army first and make the Route Army lose its combat effectiveness.

The same was done last time when dealing with wood alone, and it had a very good effect, helping it to complete its escape.

Not to mention that this time it and the Route Army are on the floors of the high tower, the location is very narrow, it is easier to restrain the Route Army.

Looking at the dense tentacles in front of him, the Lu Jun didn't hesitate to throw a grenade, and then stepped back several steps.

His idea was to see if he could use the power of the grenade to explode these things, and didn't plan to get close to this thing for the time being.

But as the high-explosive grenade exploded, the tentacles thrown by the Lord Bloodstone were not affected at all, and they were still approaching the road army.

And after only a few meters from the Lu Army, the speed of the tentacles was significantly faster, and they were directly close to the Lu Army.

Originally, with the reaction and speed of the Road Army, this level of attack could be avoided.

But the tentacles of the Great Lord Blood Rock were very strange, and they filled the entire tower. If Lu Jun wanted to go, he could only go up or down one floor.

However, Lord Blood Rock is a "chicken thief", it stays on the only way to the entrance of the corridor. If the Lu Army wants to pass, they can only choose to break through it.

However, the specific strength of the Lu Army is similar to that of the Great Lord of Blood Rock, and even a little weaker than the Lord of Blood Rock.

If he were to make a breakthrough in a short period of time, it would be impossible, causing him to continue to be suppressed in the tower.

A few seconds later, the blood-red tentacles had reached the Lu Jun tens of centimeters, and he could touch him while breathing.

In desperation for a while, the Lu Army could only raise the dragon claws and dragon tail to block them, trying to shake the tentacles away.

But these tentacles seemed to be sticky, and easily trapped the Lujun's dragon claw and dragon tail together.

Then he tied the Lujun body like a reptile, until he wrapped the Lujun like a zongzi.

The trapped Lu Jun just felt it was difficult to breathe, and his whole body was aching, as if his internal organs were about to be crushed.

This feeling made Lu Jun very familiar, because at the beginning of the end of the world, it was entangled by a snake like this. That experience left him in a coma for several days, causing him to think about it now.

Therefore, in the face of a strong desire to survive, the Lu Army almost used its strongest power, and even kept flashing around in an attempt to break free from this restraint.

But it is a pity that the tentacles controlled by the Lord Bloodstone are too tough. Even if the Lu Army escapes by chance, it will immediately re-entangle, causing the Lu Army to become tighter and tighter.

Looking at the struggling Lu Army, Lord Blood Rock was very excited, and at the same time sighed that the Lu Army was so weak that he was caught by it, and he was not at the same level as the wood that was good at fighting alone.

Immediately afterwards, it showed its sharp claws and walked towards the Route Army, ready to take this opportunity to directly end the Route Army.

Feeling the Lord Blood Rock getting closer and closer to him, Lu Jun felt very anxious, and he felt like death was about to come.

This is also a rare danger he has had recently. He hasn't had such a state of heartbeat for a long time.

However, Lu Jun also knows very well that the more this is the time, the more calm he should be, and he should not be confused.

Looking at the tightly bound body and the surrounding environment, Lu Jun knew very well that it was impossible for him to break free from the shackles of Lord Blood Rock, and had to use other methods.

When the Lord of Blood Rock was only about two meters away from the Lu Army, the Lu Army suddenly thought of something, and immediately thought of it, summoning a Tyrannosaurus out and let it appear behind the Lord of Blood Rock.

Although located in the tower, the strong tyrannosaurus was unable to exert its advantages at all.

But at this time the Lu Army can only do this, otherwise his life will be hard to say...

The Lord Bloodstone, who had been focusing on his eyes, did not notice that a Tyrannosaurus appeared behind him.

Because the Lu Army's summoning method is silent, it is difficult to feel even with super-level strength.

It wasn't until a second later that a **** breath came from behind it, that it made it discover the abnormality and turned its head subconsciously.

But its response was obviously slow. The Tyrannosaurus directly took a bite at the back of the Lord of the Blood Rock, and threw the Lord of the Blood Rock to the ground.

Since he didn't see any creatures attacking it, Lord Bloodrock was very panicked and struggled on the ground constantly.

At the same time, it also wanted to use the **** tentacles to restrain the Tyrannosaurus and help it relieve the threat.

But it obviously thinks too much. Although the tyrannosaurus is not as strong as the blood rock lord, it is stronger than the blood rock lord.

Those vaporized tentacles were no problem to tie up the Lu Army. It would be too difficult to tie the Tyrannosaurus together.

Under the entanglement of various tentacles, the Tyrannosaurus directly chose to ignore it and let the tentacles bind.

When the whole body was full of tentacles, the Tyrannosaurus shook quickly, breaking all the tentacles in an instant.

At the same time, the tentacles on the Lu Jun body were disconnected. This is a strange thing, either continuously or at the same time, which makes people wonder...

Lu Jun also didn't expect the effect of getting the Tyrannosaurus out to be so good, he originally just wanted to take a breath, who knew he would directly restore his mobility.

But now that the shackles have been lifted, there is nothing to think about, and the Lu Army will no longer give the Lord Bloodrock a chance to restrain them.

Therefore, in the next second, Lu Jun took advantage of the opportunity of Lord Blood Rock being suppressed by the Tyrannosaurus, and condensed a miniature flame explosive bomb, which slammed directly on the head of Lord Blood Rock.

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