Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1148: Incubation device

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army hurriedly dragged the body of the Blood Rock Cavalry into a dark corner, so as not to be found later.

After finishing this, Lu Jun glanced at the black tower promenade, let out a sigh of relief, and walked in any direction.

In fact, he didn't know if he was exposed, because it was too dark here, it just wanted to leave this area quickly.

I don't know if the feint attacks of the dinosaurs have attracted most of the creatures of the blood rock clan.

It can be clearly felt that there are not many creatures in the tower, and the Lu Army walked cautiously for more than ten seconds without finding it.

The **** warrior that I encountered when I just came in was purely a matter of luck, and I don’t know if it was too good or too bad...

After not encountering the enemy for a period of time, the Lu Army became bolder and began to wander around in the tower.

He now roughly understands the internal structure of the tower. The middle is hollow. There are about fifty floors. Each floor has a large room and countless small rooms. He doesn't know what it is used for.

Lu Jun's current position is about the 22nd floor, which happens to belong to the middle part, and there are more than 20 floors above and below.

Originally, Lu Jun didn't plan to enter those unknown rooms, but he didn't find a second blood rock creature after walking around this floor, so he raised his hand and gently pushed open a small door in front of him.

Because this plane is not good at manufacturing, there are no steel or plastic products. Even the door is made of wood. The craftsmanship used is not complicated. Lu Jun opens it with a light touch.

At first, the Army thought it was a utility room, but after pushing it away, the Army found that there were something like "eggs" everywhere.

It's just that each of these eggs is the size of an adult, and there are many things like blood vessels connected around it. You can see that these tubes and eggs are still squirming, which is very disgusting.

Lu Jun, who found it strange, opened the Eye of Data and scanned it until a row of data appeared before his eyes.

[Natural biological incubation device, put in the genetic program of any organism will incubate the juvenile period of this creature, and it will become complete after a period of growth, but please note that this device can only incubate one type of organism at a time. And this creature can't be S level or higher, it needs energy. 】

This line of text made Lu Jun stunned for a moment, and could not help scanning it again carefully until he confirmed that he had read it correctly.

Then Lu Jun fell into infinite shock, because this thing is very similar to his dragon nest module or incubation module.

It's just that his module hatches eggs, this thing hatches genes, and has many limitations.

To be honest, Lu Jun didn't expect to see something obviously "technology" here. He thought there was nothing in this plane.

And if Lu Jun didn't guess wrong, the creatures hatched in the natural creature incubator at this time must be creatures of the blood rock clan, perhaps this is the source of their expansion power.

As for why these gadgets appeared here, Lu Jun didn't know and had no clue.

If it is an enemy, the Route Army may destroy these devices and destroy the enemy from the ground up.

But the blood rock clan is not actually his enemy. After he helps the wood recover, he will probably leave this plane forever. There is no need to take the blood rock clan.

At this time, Lu Jun was thinking about whether these devices could incubate his dinosaurs or something. If they could, it would definitely greatly improve the combat effectiveness of him and the resistance.

Because he doesn't lack the genes and energy of good creatures, but the incubator is seriously insufficient.

If these things can help him, it can save a lot of Dragon Nest expenses, which is a huge expense.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun stretched out his hand and gently touched the giant incubator that was still in motion.

The first thing this thing gave Lu Jun was that it was sticky, as if he was stretching his hand in the mud, which was very strange.

However, this thing is not easy for the Lu Jun, I saw that he resisted the disgusting feeling and thought, and directly retracted the huge incubation device into the armed module.

Seeing that this thing could really be taken back, Lu Jun couldn't help but laugh. This is a good thing.

Even if he can't use it, he can also put it in the trading module and sell it. In short, he earns it.

So in the next period of time, the Lu Army opened all the wooden doors on this floor in one go, ready to see if there were other incubation devices.

What surprised him was that not only were there, there were many, one in every small room.

The most terrifying thing is the big room in the middle, there are as many as three, allowing the Lu Army to harvest more than twenty in one floor.

This discovery made Lu Jun very excited, and he left behind the search for the soul and body, and went up to the twenty-third floor, intending to continue searching for the incubation device.

After some busy work, the Lu Army discovered that the configuration of the 23-story tower was actually similar to that of the 22nd floor. They were all blood rock war riders responsible for guarding, and the room was filled with incubation devices.

This made Lu Jun more courageous and searched every layer at the fastest speed, as long as it was an incubator, not one left.

During this period, he encountered no decent resistance at all, and even was not found, so he killed all the guards.

There is only this point of guard in such an important place, which makes the Route Army find it strange that it should not be right.

But the Lu Army soon thought that it might be that the blood rock clan had put all their forces under the tower.

After all, they didn't expect creatures to sneak in in this way, and it would be inconvenient to accumulate too many troops above the tower.

The Lu Army didn't stop until it reached the forty-fifth floor, but it was not that the incubation device was gone, but that his armed module was full.

Since the end of the world, the army's armed modules have rarely been fully loaded. The first time was in the granary a long time ago, and the second time is now.

Looking at the incubation devices still everywhere, Lu Jun couldn't bear to stop like this, remembering to itch.

But these things are so big, without the help of armed modules, it is impossible to rely on external forces to move them away.

Not to mention that under the tower, it is very likely that the blood rock clan is heavily guarded. It is difficult to get out from below, let alone carry such a big thing.

In the end, in desperate circumstances, the Lu Army decided to sell some of the incubation devices to make room for new ones.

Although this is a pity, after all, they are all things that you want to buy and are difficult to buy with dragon coins, and you have to sell them cheaply.

But if you don’t sell it, it’s a waste to keep these upstairs. In contrast, it’s best to sell a part of it, at least for some dragon coins...

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