Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1132: Pig Monster

"Then you just don't let those souls beat us desperately, they are almost exhausting our mental and physical strength, and let us do such a difficult thing." Xiao Wan said again with the soul in the wood body.

"Uh... that... is a mistake, I don't know they will use too much force, next time you will pay attention." Muko said a little embarrassed.

And when everyone was discussing these, the sky was completely dark.

Since there is no such thing as the moon on this plane, there is no light at all at night, and the field of vision from one meter away is invisible.

But with the Lu Army, all this is not a problem, I saw that he quickly took out a cold light rod from the armed module and let everyone insert it in the surrounding open space until the area was lit up with white light.

Mumu looked at all of this with interest, and it was probably the first time he saw lights other than firelights on this plane at night.

Just as Lu Jun was thinking of something else to take, a dozen "flying pigs" controlled by Xiaowan in mid-air suddenly yelled.

This made everyone vigilant, thinking that these pigs had been attacked.

Only Mu had a calm face, as if he knew what these pigs were called.

A few seconds later, more than a dozen pigs fell from the air, and their body size also increased. In a blink of an eye, they became more than three meters high and two meters wide, still standing on their legs.

With the help of the cold light stick, it can be clearly seen that these dozen pigs are now full of muscles and their eyes are piercing, which is very different from the cute appearance during the day.

In order to understand this change, Lu Jun directly opened the Eye of Data and scanned the dozen or so pigs until a row of data appeared before his eyes.

"Pig monster, whose strength is assessed as A-level, has strong muscles and strong defenses, and can petrify his skin to resist attacks."

This data made Lu Jun also into a shock, because when he looked at the pig during the day, it was obviously stepless and weak enough to be the same as a pet before the end of the world.

But now that it has changed, how can it directly promote several classes and become more effective?

Lu Jun, who couldn't figure it out, immediately shared this data with the girls so that they could also learn about the changes in "Flying Pig".

Because they didn't know what happened, Ruan Bing and others made a fighting posture to guard against being attacked by these pig monsters.

However, the things they were worried about did not happen, because Xiaowan had already controlled these pig monsters, and now they are creatures on the side of the road army.

"Hey, I didn't expect it, this is one of the characteristics of our plane. Any animal and plant have two sides."

"Like those'cuties' you see during the day, they will become fierce beasts at night, fighting for their territory."

"This is why I have been emphasizing that you should leave quickly and don't delay the time until the evening."

"Now you don't think these creatures have any cuteness, right? Hehehe..." The soul in the wood seized the opportunity to mock Xiaowan again.

"Xiaowan, it seems you can't eat these pigs..." Lu Jun also said with a wry smile.

"Xiaowan, you have to take care of them, don't let them bite..." Lin Yi lazy took two steps back subconsciously.

Xiaowan ignored Wood's mockery, but scratched her head and said: "I knew I would control all the animals I saw, so that we now have a group of strong thugs. It's a pity, alas..."

While Xiaowan was talking, everyone sighed that these dozen pig monsters were really strong, and their size was similar to that of a Tier S monster.

"Okay, you know what you need to know, now you can enter a fighting state? I'm going to go up." Wood pulled out the Raikage's long knife behind him, and took two steps forward.

"Well, you go, we will take care of it, remember to succeed, and don't break my friend's body." Lu Jun nodded and said, they have no time to waste.

"What are you doing? My body is still in their hands, am I more anxious than you, okay? Really..." The soul in the wood said as he climbed up the mountain.

Since it is late at night, its small movements will basically not be detected by the sentry.

But whether those sentries will see the cold light stick below, the Lu Jun and others don't know...

"Let's start to make arrangements too. Later, we may have to deal with enemies in five directions at the same time, so we have to prepare well. This battle is for wood. We must not make mistakes." Lu Jun clapped his palms and said to everyone.

Then he took out another batch of cold light rods from the armed module and let everyone insert them further away.

A dozen fire guards and plucking artillery were also taken out and placed in the center.

Since the terrain here is not very good, he didn't take out too much, just use these things as auxiliary devices.

After being separated and arranged everything, this place finally looked a bit decent, which made everyone very satisfied.

As for things to resist attacks, they actually don't need it, because there is the ability of the road army particle shield, no one can hurt them.

"Brother Lu Jun, what should I do with these pig monsters?" Xiao Wan suddenly pointed at the pig monster standing next to him and said.

"Uh... the size of this thing is too big. I don't know what the fighting power is. Let them stay behind first. When the enemy approaches, our fire guards and drawing artillery are empty before letting them on." Say something casually.

Under the order of the Lu Army, Xiaowan quickly adjusted the position of the pig monsters to make them look more like a group.

"It seems that he hasn't started yet." Lu Jun looked at the dark slopes and the quiet mountain tops in the distance, and slowly turned around, "Then you should add food first. It is estimated that there will be some time. Don't waste it."

While talking about it, the Lu Army took out part of the food box from the armed module and threw it to the women. The amount was very large.

Everyone was not welcome, took out the food, tore the package, and sat on the ground to eat.

They have indeed been hungry for a long time. Since yesterday, it seems that every time they have something, they don’t know how many hours have passed.

Although they are all relatively powerful abilities, they can't stand it without eating for a long time...

The pig monsters next to each other saw the girls eating, and they made a scream, and drooled.

They are obviously in this state that they want to eat, but they are afraid to ask for it, let alone grab it, because Xiaowan's brain waves have a great influence on them.

A group of extremely strong pigs made such a cry, and looked at them directly, making all the girls look dumb...

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