Therefore, the stronger road army can only take on the heavy responsibility after the break, so that he can be the first to know what happens later.

As for the front, Lu Jun didn't worry at all, after all, Ruan Bing and four Tyrannosauruses were fighting.

If it's normal, maybe he will let everyone scatter to find the creatures that track them.

But in this kind of forest, there is absolutely no way to disperse easily without a field of vision.

Gathered together, they have full resistance, once they are scattered, they can only be defeated one by one.

"From now on, if you find strange things, you can attack directly. Anyway, remember that in this forest, we have no friends, we are all enemies." The Lu Army added to the girls again.

Immediately afterwards, they continued to walk forward, and this time everyone was up to one hundred and twenty minutes.

When walking in the back, Lu Jun also felt that he was being watched, and his back was chilly.

However, Lu Jun did not look back, nor made a sound, pretending not to know.

Because if he is also panicked, it will definitely affect the mentality of his teammates, and he also wants to wait for the creatures tracking them to attack first.

In this way, they can directly fight back without having to worry about it anymore.

But the strange thing is that the creatures that followed didn't seem to have any intention of attacking the Lu Army and the others. There was no movement at all, as if they were just following.

This made Lu Jun's spirit more tense, and he kept thinking about ways to draw out these latter creatures in his mind.

But the Lu Jun hadn't expected that the change would happen again, and suddenly there was a continuous "click" sound next to him.

Immediately afterwards, several big trees fell down, and the goal was the direction of Lu Jun and others.

Given the length and height of these trees, if they were hit head-on, the injuries would be considered minor.

"Be careful!" The road army walking behind shouted, reminding the women in front.

Ruan Bing and the others reacted quickly, and they immediately planned to step away from their legs to avoid them. With their strength, it was okay to dodge a few trees.

However, I don't know why, at this time they suddenly became heavy, and they felt like they couldn't move their legs.

Even if Xiaowan wanted to activate the third ability, it was very difficult to fly, and she was about to be hit by the tree.

Fortunately, the four Tyrannosauruses in front were unaffected, and instantly turned their heads and knocked the fallen trees away, eliminating the danger.

At the same time, the tyrannosaurus also began to spread their teeth and claws around, spreading their dragon power.

In fact, they don’t know if there are any enemies around, and they haven’t found any abnormalities. They just show up...

"What's the situation?" The road army behind walked up, wondering if Ruan Bing and the others just didn't dodge.

"There was a problem with the ground. We were suddenly restricted when we wanted to hide, but now we don't have that feeling." Ruan Bing stepped on the ground and explained to the Lu Army.

"It's the same with me. Just now, it seemed that someone was holding my foot and couldn't even fly." Xiao Wan's face was extremely solemn.

Ruan Xue and Lin Yilaan nodded afterwards, indicating that they are the same.

Lu Jun did not respond immediately, but walked to the side of the fallen tree and took a look, then went to the tree's fracture and checked it.

When they saw a neat break at the root of the tree, the Lu Army couldn't help but change his face, because this was clearly a deliberate attack, otherwise it would not be so neat.

But Lu Jun couldn't figure out what exactly restricted Ruan Bing and others just now.

You must know that he is watching from behind, and there is lighting provided by the cold light stick around, no matter what is close, they can see in time.

Could it be something they can't see? But it is unreasonable. With Ruan Bing here, this shouldn't happen.

"You said, is there anything we can't see around?" Lu Jun suddenly looked back at Ruan Bing.

"It's possible, otherwise the situation just now won't happen, it's really weird." Ruan Bing glanced around and said.

"But sister, can't you see those things? How did they come here?" Ruan Xue raised her question.

This question also made everyone feel very puzzled, and they focused on Ruan Bing.

"I can see ordinary soul bodies, even stronger ones, but the things here are obviously different from what I have encountered before." Ruan Bing said with a ugly expression.

"Is there any other way? It should just be their tentative attack. If our eyebrows deal with it, then they should start to be unscrupulous, and then we will be unable to move." Lu Jun said with a wry smile.

Indeed, if they can't even see the enemy, then their next plan will be completely changed.

"There are ways, but there are ways. I can bless you all with the eyes of the soul. This ability should allow us all to discover the things around us."

"It's just that this ability needs to constantly consume the soul body. I use it for the first time. I don't know the specific effect." Ruan Bing thought for a while before speaking.

"Then try it first, if it consumes too much or no effect, then you can cancel it." Lu Jun said directly.

"Okay, let me prepare, but I want to make it clear to you in advance that after blessing Data Eye, the scenes you see will be different in normal times."

"And if there are creatures or souls around you that you usually can't see, you will see it now, don't be afraid when that happens." Ruan Bing told everyone in advance.

"Okay, you can start." Lu Jun nodded, indicating that Ruan Bing is ready to prepare.

After the discussion, Ruan Bing stopped talking, and began to use his brain power to draw out a few traces of soul power to make them emit a strange light.

After the light reached the most dazzling level, Ruan Bing threw them into everyone's heads. This was the process of blessing the eyes of the soul.

Lu Jun and others only felt a strong sense of dizziness in their heads, and they couldn't even open their eyes at once, and they were a little bit painful, and their expressions were very painful.

Ruan Bing didn't know that this situation would happen, and instantly became nervous, for fear of what would happen to the Lu Army and others.

The four tyrannosauruses next to them didn't know what the Lulu Army and Ruan Bing were doing, so they looked back curiously.

But soon they continued to be vigilant seriously, anyway, it doesn't matter what happens, they just need to be vigilant.

After about three minutes, Lu Jun and others slowly recovered from the dizziness, and slowly opened their eyes.

If there is a mirror at this time, Lu Jun and others will find that their eyes have completely turned gray, with a sense of lifelessness, unlike normal humans.

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