Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1106: Twists and turns

It wasn't until the Lu Army had rested for ten minutes at the same place that Lu Jun came to his senses and remembered what happened before.

And the first thing he did was nothing else, it was just to continue to check whether his ability was successfully absorbed.

But the first time he fainted, he didn't succeed. The second time was worse than the first. How could he succeed?

After seeing the failure again, the entire road army collapsed on the ground, feeling a deep sense of despair.

He didn't even think that he would fail twice in a row when absorbing the fourth ability, and he would mess up his body.

I had known that this way he should absorb the less powerful earth-splitting ability from the beginning, and that would be easier.

But now that he has failed twice, it is no longer possible for the road army to absorb the cracked ground. He will not do halfway things, which is a shame for him.

At the same time, Lu Jun also felt very puzzled in his heart, even if it is so difficult to absorb it, is the power of Burning Heaven more terrifying than he thought?

With this thought in mind, the Lu Jun sat down on a clean ground, thinking carefully about his two failures.

For the first time, it can be said that it was too uncomfortable. He couldn't stand it and lost without experience.

But he was already prepared for the second time, and got so much water, but this method obviously caused him more damage.

Could it be that it wasn't water that he lacked when he absorbed the power? What should it be? He obviously feels very hot...

In a situation full of doubts, Lu Jun's brain was thinking quickly, recalling all the details when he absorbed the abilities.

Soon he thought of a problem, that is, when absorbing the supernatural power, he could clearly feel that there was a fire element gathering on his side and being absorbed by his body.

Then as the body's absorption speed became faster, the surrounding fire elements could no longer be supplied, and he began to be unable to bear it, until finally fainted.

Could it be that what he lacks when he absorbs abilities is the fire element? If he thinks of ways to create some fire elements, will it be easier to absorb them? Lu Jun suddenly had a very bold idea.

But he soon encountered a new problem, that is, how to make the fire element? Is it to burn a ball of fire, and then put the body on it to bake? Or jump into the fire?

It is estimated that with this more violent method, he will be killed before he can absorb the power...

In the case of temporarily unable to think of a good method, the Lu Army entered the armed module and trading module, looking for something that could create fire elements.

He didn't believe that such a large "warehouse" and "market" could not find what he needed.

While looking for it, the Lu Jun inadvertently spotted the unknown meteorite he had put into the corner not long ago.

Just now, the night demon seemed to say that this thing is rich in fire and thunder elements, so it will continue to become numb and hot. Isn't that what he was looking for?

Although knowing that it may not be effective, and that it may make him hurt more, the Lu Jun still intends to give it a try.

Because it is impossible to give up. Only by constantly trying this way can you succeed.

At the same time, Lu Jun also knew that his actions were already killing his life, and one mistake could make him cool.

However, since the decision was made, the Lu Army would no longer regret it, and directly took the unknown meteorite out of the armed module and placed it in front of him.

Then he poured another bottle of mental and physical strength reagents to restore his tired body to the greatest possible extent.

Finally, he once again entered the ability module, and began to prepare to absorb the ability of Burning Heaven for the third time.

"Warning, this ability has a higher order and contains extremely strong energy. Absorption will bring certain risks. Please be cautious."

It was another familiar warning sound, but this time it was ignored by the road army, and it was determined to be absorbed before the sound ended.

Then the burning sensation began to torment Lu Jun from the inside of his body, making him feel that life is better than death.

Knowing that he was about to be unbearable, Lu Jun felt cruel and put his hand directly on the unknown meteorite in front of him.

At this time, he was ready for the failure that he was about to faint, or that the previous two failures left him with a shadow and no confidence in what to do next.

Moreover, supplementing the fire element with an unknown meteorite was only one attempt when he couldn't help it. He was really not sure.

But sometimes, the more difficult you are, the better luck will come.

The moment Lu Jun put his hand on the unknown meteorite, the burning sensation on his body disappeared.

Moreover, the hot and numb feeling on the unknown meteorite did not make him feel very comfortable.

This situation refreshed the Lu Jun, because he knew that he was betting right, which was a sign of success.

At the same time, he also seemed to open the door to a new world, that is, when absorbing a certain attribute of the power, as long as this element is added, the success rate of absorbing the power will be greatly increased.

Lu Jun’s conjecture is actually quite correct, but no one has discovered it yet.

In this way, with the help of an unknown meteorite, the Lu Army's subsequent absorption process went smoothly. It only took more than twenty minutes to completely absorb the ability of Burning Heaven without any abnormalities.

And with the blessing of unknown meteorites, the power of Burning Heaven's ability has more than doubled, and it also comes with a certain amount of thunder element.

This is because the fire element provided by the unknown meteorite is too abundant, and it must be able to enhance the power.

Just when Lu Jun saw that the abilities had been absorbed, he sighed with relief and planned to take back the hand placed on the unknown meteorite. He suddenly found that his hand could not move at all, as if he was attracted by the unknown meteorite... …

What's the situation... He is already miserable enough today... Do you want to **** him even the unknown meteorite now... Don't let it go... Lu Jun smiled bitterly in his heart, but he was actually about to cry.

But no matter how he stopped and struggled, the unknown meteorite still sucked him to death, even if he wanted to take the unknown meteorite back into the armed module, it was useless.

Is he going to live with such a big rock in the future? Lu Jun couldn't think of this kind of picture, so he still tried various methods to continue struggling.

But the meteorite seemed to be against him. After he accidentally touched the unknown meteorite with his left hand, the next moment his left hand was also attracted by the unknown meteorite.

Now Zi Lu Jun has both hands on the unknown meteorite, no matter how much he swings it is useless, because he is already trapped here...

"Help..." the Lu Army shouted helplessly, and the whole person was about to collapse.

However, after Night Demon and Hongyue left, there was not even a ghost here, it was very remote, let alone a living person...

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