Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1089: Apocalypse

"Look first, I want to get closer and listen to what they are talking about. You will follow me later, don't talk, I'm afraid they will hear it." Lu Jun exhorted Hongyue.

"Why don't you go directly, I'm waiting for you here, I'm afraid it will interfere with you..." Hongyue whispered, worried that it would drag the road army back.

"It's okay, wait for me for a while, I will come back after hearing what they say." Lu Jun nodded.

Then he adjusted his breathing, bent over, and walked forward quietly.

When it was only ten meters away from the crowd, the Lu Army stopped, motionless, listening attentively.

On the other hand, Hongyue squatted halfway on the ground, trying to maintain the moonlight and darkness to prevent the invisibility from suddenly disappearing.

About eight minutes later, Lu Jun seemed to have received the news he wanted and returned to Hongyue.

"How? Did you hear anything?" Hongyue stood up from the ground softly.

"Well, they seem to come from an Apocalypse sect. The leader calls himself the Pope and doesn't know where he came from." Lu Jun looked back at him from time to time.

"Apocalypse Sect? I have never heard of this. It must not belong to Qingfengyu." Hongyue analyzed with Lu Jun and looked at the crowd, "Then what are they doing standing now? Staying here for a long time. Right?"

"Yes, they came here to find this kind of meteorite, as if they were waiting for reinforcements to come and get this thing away." Lu Jun told Hongyue all he heard.

"There are reinforcements? Are they strong? Should we take advantage of their people before they come? Or are we going to give up?" Hongyue quietly looked at the Lu Army.

"It's impossible to give up. It's all here. I must bring some spoils back." The Lu Army shook his head. "We must do it as soon as possible without knowing the strength of their reinforcements."

"But if you fight with them directly, it may not be very good, because their strength is not weak, I have injuries again, it is estimated that an accident will happen."

"So I thought of a tricky method. The success rate is about 70%, but you might take some risks."

It's not that the road army is counseling, but in his current state, it is really not suitable for confronting powerful enemies.

But in order to figure out what the so-called unknown meteorite was, it was definitely not possible to go, so he had to stay and take risks.

"Let's say it, as long as I can do it." Hongyue's expression was extremely determined, as if she was not afraid of the dangers mentioned by the Lu Army.

"My plan is, taking advantage of our invisible form, we can approach the meteorite directly and use my special ability to instantly take the meteorite away."

"But I need someone to help make some noise and attract them, otherwise it will be difficult for me to get close."

"And now there is no one around us, only you can help me, what do you think? Is there anything to add?" Lu Jun unreservedly said his own thoughts, and asked Hongyue's opinion.

"I'm fine, it's very simple. What level of movement do you need? Do you want me to shoot them directly in the head?" Hongyue held the Death Tu 8000 and made an eager expression.

Although it is not clear what the special ability of the road army is, Hongyue does not intend to ask, just do what the road army said.

"It's not necessary. You can fiddle with grass or trees to make them think it is a creature."

"It's best not to let them know that there are people around, otherwise they may be wary, and it may not be necessary to shrink the line of defense to protect the meteorite." Lu Jun explained to Hongyue, while thinking that Hongyue is really violent...

"Okay, I get it. When you are ready, I will run to the side to cooperate with you, and I will never be seen by them." Hongyue looked confident.

"Let me tell you again, you must be careful when you act. Even if they find out you don't have to be afraid, let alone fight. I will use the flash to pick you up immediately after I get the meteorite, and then we will leave here directly. ." Lu Jun moved his hands and feet while telling Hongyue the details.

"Well, I see, you should be careful too, then I will pass now, and you will act as soon as they move." Hongyue pointed to the side and left without looking back.

Seeing this, the Lu Jun continued to focus on the crowd in front, waiting for the signal of the red moon.

A minute later, a sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" suddenly sounded in the woods on the right.

In terms of frequency and time, the Lu Jun was sure that the movement was caused by the red moon, otherwise it would not be so coincidental.

And this has indeed attracted the attention of those from the Apocalypse sect, making them turn their attention to the right one after another.

I think it was strange. A person who looked like the boss waved his hand and motioned to the three members of his side to go to the right side to see what was going on.

Maybe they thought it was an animal that came out to forage at night, and they didn't care too much.

After all, normal people would never have thought that humans would appear in such a place so late, or that they were confident of their own strength.

After the three people left, the surrounding area of ​​the meteorite looked empty, but this was not the best time for the Lu Army to take action.

Because with the strength of the enemy's Tier 4 ability, as long as the Lu Army sneaks within ten meters, it is estimated that it will be discovered immediately.

As for why you don’t directly use the blinking past, the reason is also very simple, any ability will produce a strange brain wave.

Ordinary people can't feel it, but the enemy has so many abilities, as long as the road army dares to use it, they will be locked immediately, and there is no chance to take away the meteorite.

Therefore, the Lu Army still needs to wait for the opportunity, and the flash can only be used after the meteorite has been collected.

After more than ten seconds, it is estimated that Red Moon had also discovered that the Lu Army had not acted, and immediately made a sound of shaking trees from the back.

This makes the people of the Apocalypse sect can't help but be alert. One voice can be said to be accidental, but the two are very strange. Could it be that some large creature is eyeing them?

Without knowing what happened, the leader of the Apocalypse sect sent four more members to the back, and the others stayed on guard, with their bodies facing the meteorite to prevent any attack.

As a result, there were only seven or eight people around the meteorite, and they were all facing their backs. It was an excellent opportunity for the Lu Army to take action.

In the next moment, the Lu Army relied on the invisibility effect of the moonlight and approached the meteorite lightly.

When the distance was only about ten meters, Lu Jun directly lay down and slowly crawled over with the strength of his arms, which could minimize movement.

And this method is also very effective, or the attention is not paid here at all, causing no one to notice that the road army is not far below their feet...

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