Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1061: Two Zerg Chiefs

"It can't be strengthened..." Lu Jun smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I don't have any stock on my body now. I can only send back people who originally belonged to Beizhai. Before that, you can stay here and help me see a bit?"

"Um...I have no opinion, it depends on your arrangement." Li Feng agreed to the Lu Army in one swallow.

"I will stay with him too, to ensure that there will be no problems." The third-order old man echoed.

"Okay, then, we won't go down anymore. You will return to the Westerly Fortress by yourselves when the order here is restored." Lu Jun pointed to the location of the Westerly Fortress and said.

Originally, he was worried about the management of Wu Ren in Beizhai after he left, but now there are Tier 4 Li Feng and Tier 3 elders, so it seems that he can rest assured.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun waved his hand, indicating that the Night Demon would take a group of bone dragons to follow him, and Li Feng and the old man would fall into Beizhai.

After the separation, the Lu Army returned to the Westwind Fortress without delay for a second.

At this time, the West Wind Fortress had almost processed the battlefield, and only a part of the corpses on the ground remained, and it is estimated that it will be cleaned in a few hours.

However, in order to accomplish all this, the soldiers of the Resistance Army did not rest for three days.

Now they are like a dead grass, any wind blowing may make them get down.

The same goes for dinosaurs and orc warriors. Even if they are strong and physically strong, they can't stand up to such high-intensity work...

In order to prevent the sudden death of these soldiers, the Lu Army who had just returned hastened to give them an order to rest collectively.

As for the rest of the battlefield, the road army is to let the bone dragons clean up, anyway, they are undead creatures, almost no rest.

In addition, they only need to eat the corpses to clean the battlefield, which is very convenient and very suitable for this job.

After all the soldiers and various creatures had gone to rest, the Lu Army gathered the key members of the Resistance Army and prepared to discuss with them the recent development.

Because Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan were still in a coma, and Li Feng and the third-order elder were not there, there were very few people present, and they looked a little deserted.

But the Lu Army didn’t care about this at all. He glanced at these familiar faces and opened his mouth slightly: “Everyone has worked hard these days. After these few battles, we have suffered a lot. We need to repair everything. There are a lot of things to be busy with. Now I want to hear your thoughts and plans, and you can tell me if you have anything to report."

Looking at Lu Jun with a haggard face, everyone looked at each other, as if they were communicating with their eyes the problems they should report.

In the end, the butcher stood up first and coughed slightly: "Boss Lu, the first question, what should we do with the two Zerg leaders we caught? You haven't told us yet..."

"What Zerg leader?" Lu Jun frowned slightly, but he was a little confused by the butcher's question.

It took a few seconds before he showed an expression of sudden realization: "You mean Blade Man King and Spiked Ant King? Aren't they dead? I almost forgot about them..."

Since the fight with the Zerg creatures in the early morning yesterday, the Lu Army has been running around, and indeed they have not remembered anything about the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King.

Besides, when these two creatures were directly beaten to the ground by him, who would have thought that they were still alive...

"Not dead, their vitality is too stubborn. Although they have been in a coma after the battle, their wounds have recovered very quickly. Our people don't know what to do. We can only find something to fix them in place and send them. A large number of soldiers guarded."

"However, I don't think this will last long, because they will definitely run away when they wake up, so I will wait for you now." While talking about the butcher, he made a gesture of wiping his neck, meaning that he wanted to let the Lu Jun Kill these two Zerg leaders.

Because keeping these two things is a scourge, it is better to solve them as soon as possible. If the Lu Army does not come back, he will do it himself.

"It's not dead like that? What a monster..." Lu Jun couldn't help but muttered.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army raised his head and glanced at everyone on the field: "What do you mean? I am not asking you whether you can kill or not. Zerg creatures are all damned. I want to know if you have a better way. Let them play a little bit before they die."

Even if the opponent is about to die in the next second, the Lu Army must squeeze its value. This is the cruelty that the Lu Army treats the enemy.

But this problem obviously made everyone difficult. They all shook their heads with a wry smile. How could they even think of a problem that the Lu Army didn’t know about...

Only Anan stepped forward and responded to Lu Jun: "Boss Lu, if they are creatures that can communicate, we might be able to surrender them and use them for our own use, but you can see the hatred of the Zerg against us, we I can't communicate with each other..."

"And even if we can communicate, their words are not credible. The contradictions between us are irreconcilable. It is impossible for the Zerg creatures to fight for us wholeheartedly." Akko also stood up and added.

The words of these two brothers and sisters silenced Lu Jun. He really had the idea of ​​turning the two Zerg chiefs into his own combat power. After all, they were two super creatures.

But when he thought of facing a lot of messy problems, Lu Jun knew that his idea was unrealistic, and it was very likely that he would "steal the chicken and lose the rice."

So after thinking a little bit, the Lu Army decided to kill the two Zerg leaders to avoid future troubles.

However, before the Lu Army had time to say what was in his heart, the night demon next to him suddenly walked forward two steps: "My lord...Do you want them to be obedient and able to fight for you? Cause trouble?"

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" Lu Jun glanced at the Night Demon, wondering what it was saying.

"Um... Our undead family has a similar secret method, which can transform an unresistible creature into the effect you said, but the opponent is a creature of the same level as me. I can't guarantee that this transformation will succeed. I can only do my best. Go try." The night demon had a very tangled expression.

On the one hand, it wanted to help the Army and let the Army see its value. On the other hand, it was afraid of failure, because that would upset the Army.

But Lu Jun obviously had more Hoda than Night Demon thought, and he waved his hand directly: "What a big deal, you have this way to say it earlier, even if you do it, you will get a reward for success, but you will not be punished if you fail."

This is really not a big deal for the Lu Army. It is a big deal to kill the two Zerg leaders after failure, which will not affect anything at all.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, the Night Demon was relieved, and he couldn't help rubbing its big hands, with an expression ready to do a big job...

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