"Find! Find me! Dig the ground three feet and find the wood for me!" Lu Jun's eyes were red with a grim expression.

Mu Mu was his brother, and he felt very uncomfortable when he was injured and unconscious and his life was endangered.

It's gone now, which is even more unacceptable to him, so he has to find the wood for whatever he said.

"Okay, I'll take people there right away, but which direction should we go?" Ruan Xue looked serious, and she knew very well what wood meant to the Lu Army.

But now they don't even have a clue about the wood, and it's a big question where they start looking.

"Not only you, all movable people and creatures have to go. I want you to focus on the room where the wood is located and search in four directions in a carpet style."

"He has serious injuries and is inconvenient to move. Even if he wakes up, he can't go far. You must find him!" The road army would not give such crazy orders to chase Siwak, but the person who disappeared is wood, so it's nothing. So hesitant.

"Okay, I will ask our people to stop cleaning up the battlefield and set off immediately." Ruan Xue nodded, saying that he would ride the Dragon and leave.

She also knew that the Lu Army's orders at this time were very irrational and did not conform to the current situation.

But she understands Lu Jun's current anxiety, if her sister suddenly disappears, she will lose her mind.

So she didn't say much, she was going to give orders to the road army directly with the rebels.

However, after taking a few deep breaths, the Lu Army suddenly stopped Ruan Xue: "Oh...our human and orc warriors should let them continue to clean up the battlefield. I will just take the dinosaurs and bone dragons out to find them. "

"Ah? Why? Isn't it easier to find more people?" Ruan Xue was puzzled by Lu Jun's sudden change of mind.

"Our people have just gone through a series of battles, and now their physical and mental strength are at their limits. If they are allowed to venture out again, if they encounter any problems, they will definitely not be able to cope with them. Maybe they will suffer heavy casualties."

"We have enough dead people. We can't die anymore. Let them stay here." The Lu Jun sighed deeply, looking at the members of the Resistance Army who were busy in the distance.

He said that was really helpless. Instead of asking these people to risk their lives, it was better to let the night demon take the bone dragon to run a few more times.

"Oh, I get it, then I will call on the dinosaurs with more collective power to prepare them." Ruan Xue nodded, understanding Lu Jun's mood very well.

At the same time, she felt in her heart that the Lu Army was really too hard, and she had to consider it everywhere.

"Well, you let the high-level of our resistance army take good care of this place, contact me in time if there is a situation, and I will go to the night demon." Lu Jun asked Ruan Xue again.

Immediately afterwards, he turned on the dragon form, grew dragon wings, and flew towards the night demon.

Ruan Xue also rode the Assault Dragon to leave the place immediately, in a different direction from the Lu Army.

Originally, the Night Demon was commanding the Bone Dragon army to clear the battlefield, and he was taken aback when he saw the Lu Army coming over.

A few seconds later, Lu Jun fell to the ground and walked in front of it: "There is an emergency, you need to ask your bone dragon to help find someone, about the same age and body as me, with a long knife, and injuries. The strength belongs to the fourth rank of human beings, which is equivalent to your S rank or higher, but your super rank or lower."

Since there were no photos or anything, the Lu Army could only try to describe the appearance of the wood to the night demon.

When the night demon saw Lu Jun’s serious look, he also knew that the person he was looking for was important. Knowing that his opportunity to perform meritorious services had come again, he immediately nodded: "Which... direction? I immediately... order them... over... …"

"I don't know where he is going. Look in all four directions to let the bone dragon spread out and see the sky and the ground. At the same time, I will send a team of my creatures to the blind area that you can't search. "Lu Jun pointed to the sky.

Now it’s just dawn, and the vision is very favorable. It is the best time for them to find wood.

"Understand... I will let them... set off now, if there is any clue... I will let the bone dragon send a message..." The night demon could not fully express it in words, so he nodded frantically, saying that he knew the mission goal. .

After speaking, the night demon used brain waves to notify all the bone dragons, passed the characteristics of the wood, and asked them to put down their actions and directly start searching.

At the same time, Ruan Xue has arranged the dinosaurs in place. Their task is to search for various wooded buildings and corners. Anyway, they are responsible for the places where the bone dragon can't see.

If Xiao Wan hadn't woken up yet, it is estimated that the Lu Army would let Xiao Wan send sandworms to search for it.

The members of the Resistance Army and the orc warriors who were clearing the battlefield saw the dinosaur and the bone dragon suddenly leave, and they didn't know what happened.

Because Ruan Xue didn't tell them, even if he said it, it wouldn't help much. Only the key members of the resistance army knew what happened.

But they didn't say anything. Instead, they let the members continue to clean up the battlefield while praying in their hearts that the Lu Army could bring the wood back.

Although they didn't spend much time together, they had all seen the scenes of powerful energy and **** battle with Siwak before Mu comatose, saving the Westwind Fortress.

Even today, they occasionally think of that stalwart figure, this memory is indelible...

The Lu Jun was not idle either. When the Bone Dragon and the Dinosaurs both set off, he went straight back to the room where the wood was before to check possible traces around him.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Ruan Xue, but that he has a data eye and a magic eye, and can discover things that others can't see.

As long as he could know how the wood disappeared, the chance of finding the wood would undoubtedly be much greater.

However, after some searching, the Lu Army found nothing, as if the wood had disappeared out of thin air.

Finally, looking at Xiao Wan and Ruan Bing who were breathing smoothly on a wooden bed, Lu Jun sighed deeply and left the West Wind Fortress.

Without knowing where the wood was going, he could only cooperate with the dinosaurs and bone dragons to find it hard.

Although there is no goal, the Lu Jun secretly made up his mind in his heart, no matter what, he will find the wood!

In this way, when the battle ended and a large number of creatures left, the Westwind Fortress returned to calm.

At the same time, a hundred kilometers east of the West Wind Fortress, a deformed figure suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground severely.

With the help of the light from the sky, it can be clearly seen that this figure is Siwak who is at war with the Lu Army and others.

At this time, it was extremely embarrassed, with visible wounds all over its body, and it was still bleeding out in some places, looking miserable...

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