Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1050: The confrontation between Daredevil and Siwak

Seeing the incoming Night Demon, Siwak didn't panic at all.

Although after the undead creatures joined the battlefield, their previous advantages disappeared.

But if you let it give up now, it will never agree.

Even without the protection of its physical form, it is absolutely impossible to let it fear a weaker Ultra-Order creature.

Under the "instigation" of this kind of thought, Siwak floated towards the place where the Night Demon was located without even thinking about it.

At the same time, dozens of brainwave **** gathered on top of its head, which looked shiny, just like an electric light bulb.

The Night Demon didn't rush to show weakness, and directly used its condensed dark area to absorb all the light sources within nearly three hundred meters, making this location the main battlefield between it and Siwak.

Without a light source, Siwak couldn't see where Siwak was even if he had night vision.

Only relying on the judgment of the sound, he casually threw the brain wave ball over, trying to hit the Night Demon Calanus.

It is a pity that this type of attack is still too reluctant, and the brainwave ball has no effect.

However, Siwak couldn't see it, but the Night Demon could see clearly.

After all, in its domain, its whole body strength can be greatly enhanced.

It can even share its vision with the bone dragon under the crotch, allowing the bone dragon to fly freely in the dark realm.

In this case, Siwak was miserable, he could only be beaten passively, and had no ability to fight back.

Although the attacks of the Night Demon and the Bone Dragon were not enough to kill it in seconds, it was no problem to hurt it and consume its power.

After being beaten for a while, Siwak knew that he couldn't fight a night monster in this area.

Even if it wants to use the teleport ability to leave, it can't do it, because it can't use teleport without seeing the exact location.

The only way now is to delay time, delay the dark realm of the Night Demon, and wait for the counterattack opportunity.

Thinking of this, Siwak calmed down, not scurrying around in the dark enchantment, and began to concentrate on listening to the surrounding voices, avoiding the attacks of the night demon and the bone dragon.

In this way, in the next few minutes, Siwak and Daredevil were in a stalemate.

Although Night Demon is an advantage, it is not a simple matter to kill Siwak in a short time.

While the Night Demon and Siwak were fighting, the bone dragon and the Zerg creatures on the heights also began to collide.

Because the bone dragons were flying very fast, they immediately reached the top of the praying mantis creatures, and sprayed fiercely at the crowds of praying mantis creatures.

Although the mantis army had discovered the bone dragon long ago, they wanted to fight back while fleeing.

But in the face of a serious gap in strength, their retreat failed.

Many mantis creatures were hit by the frost ability just halfway through the flight and turned into ice blocks and fell to the ground. Only a very small number of mantis creatures could escape the encirclement of the bone dragon.

Looking at the mantis creatures that left, the bone dragons did not chase them, and continued to press down, and began to attack the marching ants on the ground.

You must know that the bone dragons can fly, and the marching ants can only stay on the ground, and there is no need to say more about the battle advantage.

Therefore, under the fierce attack of the bone dragon army, it is difficult for the marching ants to survive, one after another, tens of thousands died in less than a minute.

Since the remaining number was originally small, and now it is so dead, the force of the Zerg creatures soon bottomed out.

As for the army of locusts, it goes without saying that they are originally Siwak's summons, and their existence is limited and their strength is limited.

They are good at destroying buildings, but they can't fight against the bone dragon army.

With the fierce attack of the bone dragon army, thousands of locusts die every second, more than the locust creatures that come out of the dark gate.

When the support could not keep up with the death, nearly 200,000 locust creatures were quickly wiped out by the bone dragon army.

At this time, the Dark Portal ran out of energy and dissipated in the air.

Without the assistance of locust creatures, there would be fewer warriors on the Zerg side, less than one-twentieth of the time they came.

Feeling the casualties of his own side and Siwak who is still fighting the night demon, the remaining Zerg creatures are desperate.

They couldn't imagine that the battle situation would change so much in just half an hour.

They had no chance at this time, with the winning ticket in their hands, unless there was a high-level force that could stand up and change the situation.

But their spiked ant kings and blade man kings have lost their combat effectiveness. Siwak is also entangled with the night demon, and his physical form is still unusable, so where is their hope?

The Bone Dragon Army does not care what these Zerg creatures are thinking, the more desperate the enemy, the more excited they are.

After holding back in the Frost Forest for so long without fighting, today they can be regarded as coming to the Blue Wind Region to kill the frost.

Therefore, while occupying an absolute advantage, the bone dragons did not slack in the slightest, and still quickly slaughtered the Zerg creatures on the field until all the Zerg creatures died.

At this time, the dark realm of the Night Demon also just ended, and the surrounding area regained light, allowing everyone to see the battlefield situation clearly.

It is worth mentioning that Siwak was already out of breath by the Night Demon at this time, and it is estimated that he will be completely defeated in five minutes.

Although the night demon's body also had several wounds, none of them were fatal. It was still able to survive.

Looking at his own creature that was destroyed by the group, Siwak really didn't expect this kind of ending.

Originally, it felt that no matter how the Zerg creatures were able to resist it a little bit, it could delay an hour or two without any help.

But it was obviously wrong, and it was very wrong, it still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the bone dragon army.

Even if the heart was unwilling, Siwak knew very well that the battle was over, they were defeated, or the kind of miserable defeat, and it was absolutely impossible to complete a comeback with its broken body.

So Siwak subconsciously wanted to escape, and used his mighty mental power to bring along the bodies of the spiked ant king and the blade man king.

As long as they are not dead, after a period of recuperation, they will be able to regain their strengths and come back. Siwak comforted himself like this.

Seeing Siwak's movements, the Lu Army immediately knew Siwak was going to escape, and immediately flew down, with two flame explosives condensed in his hands at the same time.

They had difficulty defeating the Zerg creatures. It was when Siwak was at its weakest, and it was also their perfect opportunity to kill Siwak.

If Siwak was allowed to escape, the Blue Wind Region was so big, as long as Siwak hid, they might never find it again.

When Siwak regained his strength and returned again with the Zerg creatures, it was a huge trouble, so what the Lu Army wanted now was to kill this trouble in the "cradle"...

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