Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1031: Defensive power of the spiked ant king

It can be seen that the carapace on its back has been completely broken, revealing pieces of red flesh and blood.

Those sharp spikes are even invisible, and the entire back is bare.

The only thing that can prove that the spiked ant king is alive is that it still breathes, but it is a little weak.

In fact, if you just change a super-order creature, it is estimated that it would have been killed by the fusion flame bomb.

Only the spiked ant king has super defensive power and can survive an explosion without death.

The most excited person to see this scene is the Lu Army, and he didn't expect the fusion of two flame bombs to be so terrifying.

In this way, he will have more powerful attacks available in the future.

Maybe it can integrate a little bit of other things, just like opening the door to a new world.

However, he was not happy for too long, because the broken body of the spiked ant king suddenly trembled, and the carapace and spikes grew again.

And the newly grown one is stronger than before, and even a little reflective under the light of the fire.

This kind of "molding" ability, spiked ant king, was also used last time. The effect is to replace the old shell and grow a new one.

It looks very strong, but in fact there are many disadvantages.

That is, it can only be used when it is endangered, and it consumes a lot of energy.

But anyway, this is good news for the spiked ant king, at least it can move freely again.

Seeing this thing is like an undead cockroach, Lu Jun feels a headache.

He thought that the spiked ant king could not get up after suffering such a serious injury, who knew that the spiked ant king was even more abnormal than he thought.

In this way, it was him who was uncomfortable. The strongest blow did not reduce the number of high-level Zerg creatures, and it would be difficult to seize a good opportunity next.

Seeing that the spiked ant king was not dead, Siwak as the leader was also relieved.

After all, it was a powerful subordinate that it had tried desperately to save several times. If it were killed in this way, it would have died...

A few seconds later, Siwak and the spiked ant king continued to focus on the road army.

After seeing the fused flame explosive bombs, let them directly make up their minds, and will never let the road army use this ability again.

Lu Jun knew this too well, and did not try to fuse the flame explosive bombs again.

Another very important point is that the power of the fusion of the flame bombs is too great, and one accidentally may really blow him up.

Therefore, before fully mastering the fusion ability, the Lu Army does not plan to use it again.

However, in this way, the Route Army couldn't kill the Spiked Ant King and Siwak with their own power alone.

In the next second, he summoned the Giganotosaurus to join the battlefield like a molecular reorganization.

At the moment the Giganotosaurus appeared, the spiked ant king and Siwak were shocked and stopped.

Because they remember it very clearly, the last time the Lu Army took them with the Giant Southern Beast Dragon to repel them, leaving them seriously injured.

Now it hasn't been long since the last time, if they head to head with the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, they still have no confidence in victory.

Even the spiked ant king has already retreated a bit, after all, a road army is so difficult to deal with, and now they have added a southern giant dragon, their chance of victory is very slim.

This is also the first time that the spiked ant king has a fear of a certain creature. It is really the kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. It is enough to show how much shadow the Lu Army and Giganotosaurus left it...

Fortunately, Siwak soon discovered something different, that is, there were several conspicuous wounds on the Giganotosaurus body.

In addition, the spirit of the giant southern beast dragon is shrinking, and it doesn't have the ferocious feeling before.

From these points, Siwak could tell that Giganotosaurus had gone through a big battle before, and it was still the kind of losing both.

If it guessed correctly, then the Giganotosaurus at this time should have insufficient combat power, otherwise it should not look like this.

This made Siwak feel that he had found an opportunity.

If the Giant Southern Beast Dragon is killed when it is weak, it will undoubtedly establish a victory for them to attack the West Wind Fortress.

So Siwak didn't let the spiked ant king retreat, and began to stay in place to observe, waiting for the opportunity by the way.

The spiked ant king naturally listened to Siwak's words, and looked hardworking.

But it had already thought about it in its heart. As long as the giant southern beast dragon came to attack, it would start its defense and let the spiked ant king attack.

After all, the Giganotosaurus could not kill it with full defense.

But if the defensive form selection and the Southern Giant Beast Dragon head-on, the result may be very different...

The situation of Giganotosaurus was indeed similar to Siwak's guess.

In the previous battle with the infected body of the tyrant, the Giganotosaurus suffered a lot of injuries and has not recovered until now.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Giant Southern Beast Dragon at this time only had the strength of the sixth level at its peak.

The remaining four Chengdus were consumed in the previous battle, causing the specific destructive power of the Southern Giant Beast Dragon to drop sharply.

However, Giganotosaurus was not like Shivac.

Although he knew his strength might not be enough, the Giant Southern Beast Dragon rushed forward.

Because it knows that the road army must call it out to join the battle.

Even if the Lu Jun didn't say it clearly, it could be seen from the chaotic situation around it.

Faced with the Giganotosaurus attack, Siwak did not move at all, nor did he make any aggressive moves, but let the spiked ant king drag the Giganotosaurus.

The reason is that it is very clear that the Giganotosaurus at this time only has "half bucket of water", and it will not be their two opponents. It is enough to let the spiked ant king go out to deal with it.

It is to deal with the road army, he knows this is the best way to attack the West Wind Fortress and win the battle.

Seeing the giant southern beast dragon really came to fight it, the spiked ant king was shocked, and quickly assumed an absolutely defensive posture.

Although it can also feel that the strength of the southern giant dragon is not as strong as before.

But the skinny "camel" is bigger than the "horse", and it doesn't think it can beat the Giganotosaurus.

Siwak, who was flying above, was helpless to see the spiked ant emperor so persuaded.

Obviously it uses brain waves to tell the spiked ant king that it can fight, but why is the spiked ant king afraid...

However, it can't care too much now, because the Lu Army is flying towards it from a distance with its wings.

Judging from this posture, it is estimated that the Lu Army wants to fight it heads-up and have a duel without a "third party."

This also coincides with the idea of ​​the spiked ant king. In the previous few battles, it was a bit dissatisfied with the road army. Now it finally has a chance to compete.

In the next second, Siwak condensed its brain wave ball earnestly, and blocked the position of the road forward...

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