Albert frowned slightly.

said in a deep voice.

"Revenge?? Hank is not dead, why take revenge?"

"Hank promised me that as long as I take over the Big Tree World, he will provide the Sequence 4 and Sequence 3 potion formulas."

"The Sequence 5 magic potion digestion and promotion ceremony has been completed long ago. Now we just need the magic potion, so we will naturally launch an attack at all costs."

Hear the news.

Finks was shocked.

said in astonishment.

"Something's wrong!! If you say so, Hank should be helping you secretly, but instead he ordered me to attack you."

"It will also help me advance to Sequence 6. If so, wouldn't it be more harmful to you??"

Albert was shocked.

Immediately rejected.


"The former Pirate King always kept his word, which is why I agreed to this kind of thing."

"Could it be that you recognized the wrong person? Or is someone pretending to be him?"

Finks raised his hand and held his chin.

Review all previous episodes.

Finally he shook his head.

"It can't be fake. First of all, all the soldiers here are very respectful to him. Although Hank said that he used some tricks, even the current ruler of the Big Tree World does not know that he exists."

"But there is no doubt that only the powerful can do this, right?"

"In addition, he is an older member of Destiny Ark. Every time he enters Destiny Ark, he is aware of it."

"Everyone here should know that being a member of Destiny Ark, in addition to being able to exchange resources from all over the world, also brings great luck."

"How could such a person be so weak?"

Gustav asked in shock.

"What? Old members of Destiny Ark? Was there anyone else here before? Why haven't they appeared until now?"

Finks shook his head.

"I heard from Hank that the older members of Destiny Ark are extremely powerful, but..."

Speaking of this, something suddenly came to mind...

He swallowed what he was about to say and changed some sentences.

"But before preparing to wipe out the Twilight Hermits, they were counterattacked by the enemy and the captain disappeared."

"Contact was lost after that, and they were unable to return to Destiny Ark."

Glancing at the mist above, I found that the captain didn't speak.

Finks then continued.

"From this point of view, the Hank I know cannot be fake!"

"By the way, those old crew members of the Ark of Destiny can also hear the bell when it rings within a certain range of us."

"I would like to remind everyone that every time you enter the Ark of Destiny, it is best to find a hidden place. Old crew members may not be reliable!"

"Don't ask too much, I can only say so much..."

The most shocked person present was Dylan.

Only now do we know that Destiny Ark is actually hostile to the Twilight Hermits.

And he stepped on both sides.

I was a little hesitant to tell the matter, but after thinking for a while I decided not to say it yet.

As for which organization it belongs to in the end.

Let's talk about it later depending on the situation. Now that I can't protect myself, why do I think so much?

Albert's anger was hard to calm down at this time.

Breathing heavily.

How many brothers have died over the years, but only now do they realize that they were tricked by that damn old Hank.

asked Finks sullenly.

"Do you know what the damn old guy's purpose is?"

Finks shook his head.

"I'm not very sure. He just said that he would help me advance to Sequence 6, and then I would do something for him."

"This matter is not difficult. It may or may not use me. The specific content is not stated."

"By the way, aren't you short of Sequence 4 potions? You can definitely find this Harriet next to you!"

Albert was startled.

He turned his head sharply to look at Harriet.

asked eagerly.

"Can you also make the Sequence 4 magic potion I used?"

Harriet was silent for a moment.

He spoke in a light tone.

"Sailor Path, Sequence 4 Disaster Priest!"

"The main materials are the heart of the Hydra and the tears of the psychedelic siren. As for the auxiliary materials, I can provide them."

"Prepare two hearts and 10 tears."


Albert was so shocked that he was speechless.

I have been searching hard for many years.

After joining Destiny Ark for more than ten minutes, I saw an opportunity.

He asked in disbelief.

"Are you sure it can be made?"

Harriet shrugged.

"Lying to you...doesn't do me any good, does it?"

"Huh...!!" Albert exhaled.

Then bursts of laughter.

"Hahahahaha...!! This damn war can finally end!!!" There was a hint of sadness in the laughter.

The loud sound made the eardrums hurt.

Harriet dug her ears and said disgustedly.

"Hey hey hey...!! Can't you make your voice lower?"

Albert felt as if a torn sock was stuck in his throat.

Suddenly the sound ceased.

There are many emotions mixed in my heart, and I don't know how to express them for a while.

He touched his bald head awkwardly.

Hallett continued.

"Actually, there is no need for the war to end. If you advance to Sequence 4 during the war, your self-protection ability will be greatly enhanced."

"After so many years of hard work, are you willing to end it like this? Don't you want to know the reason behind this matter?"

"From your exchange just now, I can almost hear something about it."

"A war like yours has never happened for so long before, right?"

(Ten more updates will continue. Thank you to all the readers who sent gifts. Again, as long as the number of gifts increases, the updates will continue!)

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