Viscount Tanzanian and others were standing on a tall building not far away.

There are figures everywhere on the streets and on the rooftops.

Everyone is making final preparations.

Viscount Wayne smiled.

"After today, the Devi Principality will be ruled by our nobles, and you, Viscount Tanzanian, are the most important!"

Viscount Tanzanian had a smile on his face.

said modestly.

"Haha...! Don't praise me. This is all thanks to everyone. It's a pity that Viscount Gasol was killed."

"Otherwise, he is the biggest contributor."

"Have you found out the details about that clown?"

Viscount Wayne shook his head helplessly.

"I only know that his name is Kurt, but there is no specific information. Gasol is dead, and the Special Affairs Bureau is not in a position to investigate at the moment."

Viscount Tanzanian nodded.

"Forget it, let's talk about this later."

Then he turned to look at the crowd.

"My lord, it is not convenient for you to come forward at the moment. After the battle, we will take action in person and make a quick decision!"

"Everything must be finished before dawn tomorrow!"

Everyone said in unison.


Viscount Tanzanian took a few steps forward.

Come to the edge of the house.

He shouted with all his strength to the surroundings.

"Start now!!! Attack!!!"

Black shadows began to flicker towards the castle.

Viscount Tanzanian grabbed his clothes.

"Pfft...!!" The suit and shirt were torn off in an instant.

Show off your strong muscles.

"Whoosh...! Whoosh...!...!" accompanied by violent breathing.

The body starts to turn slightly red.

Steaming heat emanates from the body.

Turning to look at the crowd.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Hey...! It's our turn!"

The words just fell.

The bodies of several people burst out with powerful energy in an instant.

Strong airflow...

Let the downstairs windows.

All made a snapping sound.

Viscount Tanzanian shouted softly: "Let's go!"

5 people stamped their feet on the ground.

The cement roof instantly created 5 potholes.

It was like a cannonball flying towards the castle.

The energy in the bodies of the five of them exploded, like light bulbs at night, which stood out.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...!!!" There were explosions all around the castle.

There was smoke everywhere.

Auston stood at the gate.

Look at the five people rushing towards you.

Not only was there no fear, but there was some excitement on his face.

Make him feel like he's back on the battlefield.

With a ferocious expression on his face, he turned his head and smiled at Duke.

"Are you scared?"

Duke had no fear on his face and shrugged.


"So what? Aren't you going to fight?"

Talk at the same time.

Draw out the big sword from behind.

Auston laughed.

"Hahahaha! Yes! So what if I'm afraid?"

"Let's kill them all today!! Three of me and two of you, okay?"

Duke put the great sword on his shoulder.

Fearless way.

"Man! Never say these two words!"

"I picked first!!"

After Duke finished speaking, he kicked his body off the ground.

Rush towards the opponent quickly.

"Hahahahaha...! The Duke's choice of captain of the personal guard is really good!!"

While speaking, he also pulled out two long knives from his waist.

The figure swayed slightly.

Wait until it appears again.

Already a hundred meters away.

This is a battle, the warrior path vs. the lawyer path.

Both parties are single-path people.

Auston, Sequence 5 Guardian.

Duke, Sequence 6 Dawn Knight.

Viscount Tanzanian, Sequence 5 Chaos Viscount.

Viscount Venn, Sequence 6 Corrupted Baron.

Viscount Kate, Sequence 6 corrupted baron.

Viscount Milton, Sequence 6 Corrupted Baron.

Viscount Belin, Sequence 6 Corrupted Baron.

The reason why they dare to fight two against five is also because of the warrior sequence, mainly due to their very strong melee combat ability.

Just close the distance.

The odds of winning are very high.

Viscount Tanzanian reminded him when he saw the other party rushing towards him.

"Be careful of a big sword or a two-sword style, and try to keep your distance."

"Beilein, Kate, you go deal with Duke!"

"The three of us deal with Auston."


Among the five, Viscount Tanzanian is the strongest in melee combat.

He drew his long knife and rushed towards him.

"Death!!!" He directly slashed at Alston with the force of splitting Huashan.

Auston on the run.

Instantly cross the swords forward.

Viscount Tanzanian had a ferocious smile on his face, he had 100% trust in his own power.

Even if the opponent uses double swords.

He is also confident that he can cut off the opponent with his sword and others.

The two sides are about to collide.

Just when the three weapons were close to one centimeter.

Suddenly, Alston's figure shook.

Tanzan Zijie's eyes narrowed.

shouted hurriedly.


However...even if reminded at the fastest speed.

Still a step too late.

The moment Auston's body accelerated.

Already crossed Viscount Tanzanian.

Arriving in front of Viscount Milton in an instant.

The long knife was handed directly to the opponent's neck.

"Pfft...!!" The two blades crossed, and a head flew up.

There was no time to react.

Viscount Milton was killed instantly.

The bodies of both sides are intertwined.

Only then did Auston stop.


"Hahahaha, they are indeed a group of decadent nobles who have stayed in the city for a long time."

"On the battlefield, you didn't have the slightest sense of caution. It was simply stupid!!"

A long knife was placed on the shoulder, and a long knife was pointed at Viscount Tanzanian and Viscount Wayne, smiling.

"Who should I kill next?"

Viscount Wayne couldn't help but take a step back.

I was really frightened by that move just now.

The opponent's speed is too fast, and my eyes can't keep up.

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