Revival of the Mysterious: Tarot Cards, Starting with the Fortune Teller

Chapter 141 Alex’s analysis of the war, temporary arrangements

time flies.

Early morning on the second day.

Inside the office of the Special Affairs Bureau in the north of the city.

Kurt slowly walked through the door and found that everyone was already there.

He raised his hand and said embarrassedly.

"Sorry, I'm a little late!"

In fact, it's not too late.

It's just that the other 4 people came a little early.

Alex greeted.

"You're not late. Come in and have a drink. I'll talk about the plan again and we'll be ready to go later."

After Kurt sat down.

Alex glanced at the four people.

said in a deep voice.

"Based on my last experience, I made statistics and found that there are several places that I cannot go to."

"Abandoned houses, railroad tracks, riverside, wasteland."

"Abandoned houses: Many people take advantage of this environment to wait and see. Some women are especially susceptible to being fooled. They are not used to sleeping outdoors at night, so they will find a place to spend the night."

"Naturally becoming the opponent's hunting target"

"Railway: Although the trains are out of service, the railroad is the easiest object to identify the direction. The surrounding ferocious beasts have been cleared for a long time, making it safer than the wild."

"Some people with simple minds think that ferocious beasts are more terrifying than humans, so they will find a way to rest near the railway tracks."

"However, on the contrary, it is the most chaotic place. If there are ambushes or encounters, chaos will form here."

"Riverside: For those who lack experience in wild survival and have just left the city, in order to avoid being ambushed, they will bring a small amount of luggage and quickly move away from the city wall."

“It’s easy to get food for three days, but if you need to replenish your water, you need to find fresh water.”

“It also became a hunting spot for some veterans.”

"Wasteland: Needless to say, everyone should understand that it is easy to be discovered with a wide field of vision. Maybe the battle on your side is not over yet, and new people have appeared, waiting for the fishermen to profit."

"But the that it's going to be a cycle of people trying to get something out of it, and it's going to become very chaotic in the end."

Speaking of which.

Alex took a sip of water.

Then he continued.

"According to past statistics, there are three places that are relatively safe."

"1. The forest. Although there are many ferocious beasts, the trees are dense and it is difficult for humans to find them."

"As long as you deal with the ferocious beasts, you can spend three days safely."

"2. On the mountains, there are man-made caves or natural cave entrances in some mountains. As long as the outside is blocked and covered, you can even sleep in them for three days."

"However, this method is relatively simple. Many people will think that some experienced people will search carefully on the mountain."

"Whether you can escape or not depends on who is better at hiding."

"3. Underground. There used to be some forces outside that established their bases underground."

"After being cleared, the underground space still remains. If you find these hidden places, you can easily hide for three days."

"It is also the safest method."

"It's just that it's too difficult to find because of its secrecy. Only some insiders can discover it."

"It won't be of much use to us. If we search slowly, it will be easily discovered by the enemy."

"After screening, I personally think the forest is safer, what do you think?"

After speaking, he looked at everyone.

Alex is not the kind of person who likes to talk things over.

Besides, you don’t have to listen to the captain when fighting in the wild, you can act alone.

For the sake of team harmony.

Alex still wants to ask for everyone’s opinions.


The words just fell.

Just saw Ford and Wilder, looking at Kurt.

It took Alex an instant to react.

"Pa...!" He slapped his forehead.

said awkwardly.

"Look at my memory, I forgot about Kurt's abilities."

"Kurt, tell me, where are we going?"

The corners of Kurt's mouth twitched slightly.

His divination skills are not omnipotent.

Looking at the four people with expectant looks.

He shrugged.

"Without a guide, it's difficult to predict specifically, even if it's misfortunes or blessings. Because there are too many participants this time who are stronger than me, my destiny will change a lot."

"It's better to leave the city first and find a safe place before performing divination."

Alex nodded.

"Okay, let's go to the forest as planned first, and then we can make changes to the itinerary."

"Wear your masks and bring your luggage!"

Everyone nodded and picked up the masks and put them on their faces.

When Kurt saw…

Ford wore a pig face mask.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but trembled slightly.

I really can’t figure it out.

A man with such a rough appearance would choose such a stupid animal mask.

Everyone put on their black cloaks again.

Hang the necklace outside.

Grab your luggage and get ready to go.

When Alex saw Kurt's hands were empty.

Stunned for a moment.

"Isn't your luggage outside the door?"

Alex thought Kurt just left his luggage outside the door and didn't bring it in.

You can watch his movements.

Obviously he didn't bring anything.

He said helplessly.

"You are also a fortune teller after all, so at least bring a crystal ball or ritual materials."

"Why is there nothing? Is there anything to eat or drink? Are you planning to collect it outside?"


Just rummaged through the luggage, preparing to give some to Kurt.

But Kurt raised his hand to stop him.

"No, I'm prepared and I've brought everything."

Looked Kurt over carefully.

I didn't see where anything was placed.

Although I am curious.

But Kurt himself said he had brought it with him, and Alex didn't want to pursue it too much.

Guess it might be a spiritual beast.

There are some rare spiritual beasts that can use their bodies to store items.

The price is very expensive.

It can be said that there is a price but no market.

He nodded.

"Okay, let's go now!!"

The five people did not take a long way out and go out through other city gates, but went out directly from the north gate...

Along the way.

You can see many people dressed similarly to them.

The only thing that can be distinguished.

It's that necklace.

Some wear it around their necks, others around their arms.

Some people even didn’t bring it at all.

Everyone has different ideas.

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