Revival of the Gods

Chapter 861: Xiao Zhenren’s first step in forgetting Sichuan

"Where is this?" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at the confusion. Some of them are surrounded by rocks and shattered soil, and occasionally some **** red flowers. Xiao Hua is like a dream!

Surprisingly, although Xiao Hua had a waking wake up and even had some headaches, he did not lie on the ground, but his body fluttered and walked slowly.

Behind Xiao Hua, a mountain towering into the sky stretches out, the mountains are dark red, and there are no trees on it, Xiao Hua can't see clearly, but Xiao Hua can see the sky over the mountains, and it meets with the sky. The tassel-like clouds will cover the sky, and the unspeakable solemnity and solitude will come from the peaks of the mountains!

The mountains are where the Xiaohua flutters. I am afraid that there are hundreds of thousands of miles. These hundreds of thousands of miles of hills are covered with hills. The hills are large and small in shape and different in shape. Some are like beasts, some are like birds. Some of them are like hoes, and the **** red flowers are scattered around the hills. This flower is like a lantern, shaped like a dragon claw, the root is like a squad, there are twelve rings of the wandering, and the ones are born, but they are not connected, and they are in the gas phase, and the roots of the roots are trembling like thin wires.

What makes Xiao Hua surprised is that many people are slowly drifting around these hills! The reason why it is drifting away, because the people's feet are not completely on the ground, it seems that the figure floats in the air, but the feet that are not on the ground and cross the walk.

"Momo is not me?" Xiao Hua woke up and hurriedly looked down, and sure enough, Xiao Hua himself was walking.

But even more bizarre is that although Xiao Hua did not step on the ground, but on the russet-looking ground, still left a clear footprint.

"I came from the other side of the mountain?" Xiao Hua suddenly turned back, but he was surprised to find that there was no footprint on the ground behind him, whether it was mountain rock or gravel!

For a moment, Xiao Hua’s vest sweated and felt creepy.

"Brush" is between Xiao Hua's heartbeat, the top of the head is like a cloud, and a warm sun is splashing on the earth!

Xiao Hua looked up and saw that the sky was blood red. The blossoming cloud-like cloud was not so much a cloud, but rather a reef in the **** sea, and the dim round was just from the blood sea and reef. Floating out.

“Hey?” Xiao Hua whispered in his eyes. “How is this sun so weird? The sky is also uncomfortable. Where is this?”

Xiao Hua’s self-speaking has just landed. He suddenly has a spirit and loses his voice: “Who am I?”

After that, Xiao Hua is a natural hand-painted fairy, wanting to produce a mirror to explore, but unfortunately his fingers are linked, not to mention the light and shadow, that is, the wind has never appeared!

"It’s strange, what am I doing?" Xiao Hua himself has to do what he wants.

Xiao Hua looked down at herself and took a breath of cold air, but seeing the legs still fluttering in the air seemed a bit transparent, and the odd clothes on the body looked almost invisible! As for the upper body, except that the left arm does not exist, the other is normal. Although Xiao Hua’s left arm does not exist, his left hand is still full of fingers. Xiao Hua’s eyes are blinking, and some don’t understand what happened to him!

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and frowned, but he seemed to remember something, but he seemed to forget everything.

Xiao Hua still wants to think again, "brushing brush" seems to have some wind, and then there is rain falling, and the sound of "啪啪", the big raindrops are falling wildly.

Xiao Hua felt that there was rain falling on her face, and it was hard to say that she was born. It seems that there is no such feeling of coolness for a long time.

Xiao Hua wiped the rainwater that covered her eyes with her hand, and found that her hands were full of blood.

Xiao Hua’s heart trembled, and suddenly it was a huge earthquake, and the creeps rose.

I saw the rocks and the earth scattered on the ground, the blood slowly infiltrated into the gap, the **** red flowers grew wildly, and there was more big yellow hand around the flower from the gap, like a sprouting up!

Xiao Huagang saw the big hand and suddenly felt that his left foot was cold. Looking down, there was a big hand grabbing his left foot and trying to get out of the ground!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua slammed hard and struggled. However, at this time, Xiao Hua seemed to have no strength in his hands. No matter how he struggled, he could not get out of the big hands!

Seeing that my left leg was in the earth, Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and quickly picked up the angular stones from the ground, desperately slamming into the big hand, "砰砰砰" big hand looked like a skin, some dark green juice spilled, The big hand is still close to Xiao Hua's left leg.

"Whw" is just a stone with a big hand. Xiaohua turned out to be weak, and the big mouth gasped. The big handcuffs smashed Xiaohua’s left leg, but it was a small amount of space. Xiao Hua’s half body fell. Into the earth.

Although I don't know what it is like to fall under the earth, but an instinct makes Xiaohua feel fearful. He clenches his teeth and tries to lift the stone to the big hand.

At this time, "Call" a shadow flew from a distance, but saw a lilac thunder light flashed, "咔嚓" sound, the big hand close to Xiao Hua's left leg was cut off by this purple light.

"Who?" At this time, Xiao Hua found that someone came over. He hurriedly looked up, but it was a young man. The young man was red and white, with a smile on his lips. He blinked at Xiao Hua and took Xiao Hua’s left arm. Live, although his big hand is nothing, but Xiao Hua still feels that he was caught by the young man, and immediately, the young man jumped from the ground, jumping like a coffin between the big hands, rushing to the front, Xiao Hua In the hands of this young man, it is as if it is falling leaves!

Being stung by young people, Xiao Hua felt his body float, but his eyes became more and heavier, because in the dense hands of sunflowers, he saw many people being dragged into the ground, these people Cry and cry can not break free.

"Brushing" is about half a cup of tea, the young man just picked up a hill, the clouds stopped, and a sun shrouded the earth again.

In the sun, the earth with blood and blood quickly dried up, and one big hand also withered away. Many people who were dragged into the earth struggled to get out of the earth.

"Well," the young man loosened his hand and said in a distance. "Now, it's okay, you can go to reincarnation!"

“What?” Xiao Hua was shocked and asked in amazement. “Reincarnation? Is this the land? Is it my death?”

The young man looked up and down Xiao Hua and smiled: "Yeah, you are dead, otherwise how can you get here? But it is not a land, it is a forgotten river!"

“How is it possible?” Xiaohua shouted. “Even if it’s not the land, this forgetfulness is a ghost. Where is the sun, where is the flower, where is the color?”

“Have you seen Nether?” the young man asked. “How do you know that there is no sun in the river? How do you know that there is no flower in the river?”

Xiao Hua took a moment and hurriedly looked at the **** red flowers around him, as well as the **** redness in the distance. He said: "Is these these flowers?"

The young man nodded, and Xiaohua looked in front of the direction: "Yes, these are the other shore flowers. You see, there is Huangquan Road. You are safe on Huangquan Road. You can only follow the other side of the flower and go straight to the bridge. ”

"I don't want to reincarnate." Before the young man finished, Xiao Hua shook his head. "I want to go back!"

"Go back?" The young man sneered and asked, "Where do you want to go back? What about Yang?"

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded and thought.

"Then you try to go back," the young man said.

Xiao Hua stunned and turned and left. Unfortunately, standing there was fine. The direction of Huangquan Road seemed to be somewhat attractive. However, when Xiao Hua turned and walked, the suction in the direction of Huangquan Road increased sharply. In the special empty space, it was similar. Like the surge of the waves, it blocked Xiao Hua’s actions, and even the other shore flowers swayed in the wind, as if shaking his head to Xiao Hua.

"This" Xiaohua has some color changes Don't think about it! "The young man patted Xiao Hua's shoulder. "Since it has come, I am thinking about going back. There is only one way forward in front of your eyes!" This is a heavenly arrangement! ”

After that, the young man clap his hands and smiled and said: "Well, I am leaving. I hope that you will reincarnate and reincarnate, and live a good life, goodbye!"

Looking at the young man turned away, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "What is your name? How can you go back?"

"Name?" The young man did not return, and some sad responders said, "What do you want to do in the place of forgetting Sichuan? I am just a ghost, a ghost, what is the name? Then you know what my name is. You immediately drink Meng Po Tang will be reincarnation, my name is just a glimpse of the water in the soup. Don't think, I just happened to pass by, I will send you to Huangquan Road! As for why I can go back? It’s my soul is stronger.”

"Then why don't you reincarnate?" Xiao Hua shouted as he broke the casserole.

The "haha" young man has gone far, and he laughed loudly. "If I knew it, wouldn't I have to reincarnate and reincarnate?"

"Oh, yes!" Xiaohua shrugged, and nodded a little.

After that, Xiao Hua seems to be involuntarily moving, moving in the direction that the young man just pointed out. Look at Xiaohua's surroundings. The place where Wanli is afraid is not that there are thousands of people who are like Xiaohua. Their direction is Huangquan Road!

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This young man is very strange, who is it? What about the fate of Xiao Hua?

A new Nether system, I hope that all of you support

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