Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 4008: It's actually the leader of Yuxian, see Xiao Hua

"My lord~"

The voice of the black bear spirit came, "The little one has already seen Yuxian's Six Path God, and he said that he wants to see the master, otherwise he will not say anything."

"He likes to talk or not~"

Xiao Hua sneered, "You already represent me."

"Yes, sir~"

The black bear spirit flattered, "That's what the little guy said, and he also said that the master is dealing with billions of machines every day. Where can I see him?"

Hearing Riliyiji, Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing and asked, "What happened later?"

"I know that Yu Xian is very important to me in the business alliance~"

Hei Xiong Jing hurriedly said, "Besides, he also helped me a lot of business alliances before. I can't be a perfidious person in business alliances, so I let go and said, 'If we meet, you are not qualified as a six-path God, let your family Yu Xian. Lord, come'!"

“Not bad~”

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Well said, I heard that the Lord of Feather Immortal is extremely mysterious, no one can see it, this Six Path God will definitely refuse."

"Master is wrong~"

The black bear spirit accompanied him with a smile, "You are now famous in the Immortal Realm, what is the Lord of Feather Immortal! As soon as the little words came out, the **** of the six-path gods immediately agreed, as if he was flattered."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua frowned again. It was obvious that the black bear spirit should have been fooled by the Six Paths of God, and they might have had this plan from the beginning.


Just when Xiao Hua thought of this, the black bear spirit was like a roundworm in Xiao Hua's stomach, and immediately said, "Little knows, this should be the strategy of the Six Path Gods. After all, he gave Xiao a lot of treasures as soon as he came up, which shows that they really want to see the master..."

"This black bear spirit~"

Xiao Hua's brows loosened, and he scolded with a smile, "I don't hide anything from Xiao."

After all, when Xiao Hua helped the black bear spirit to improve its demon power, he found that the black bear spirit has accumulated too much spiritual energy in the body, which must be the rare things it has eaten over the years. !

"So what~"

The black bear spirit continued, "The younger one asked in private why they were looking for the eldest master."

"In private?"

Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing and laughing, and said, "You have been given full authority to represent you, so do you still need it in private?"

"Master trusts the little one and lets the little one have full authority~"

The Black Bear Spirit offered another little flattery, and said, "But the Lord of Immortal Yu is not as wise as the Master. The Six Paths of God does not dare to specialize in it, and the little one can only transmit his voice quietly."

"Okay, okay~"

Xiao Hua had to say, "What did he say?"

The black bear spirit said: "He said that the reason why Yu Xian asked the master is to let me gather information from the business alliance to provide Yu Xian with information about the seven realms~"

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Hua couldn't understand it, and said, "Didn't they cooperate well before? As long as they give Qian Jing, can't they give all the information of the seven realms?"

"This time is different~"

The black bear spirit said, "They want more and more comprehensive, and they also want us to draw business alliances to draw maps from all walks of life, and even forces of all ethnic groups..."

Valley stick


Xiao Hua was shocked and whispered, "Someone is going to attack the Seven Realms."

"What's the meaning?"

The black bear spirit was startled and whispered, "The idea of ​​hitting the Seven Realms? Not good, sir, I'm afraid I made a big mistake, sir, forgive me."


Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Are you afraid that you agree with the Lord of Feather Immortal?"

"Yes, sir~"

The black bear spirit burst into tears and said, "I don't know what Yuxian's idea of ​​fighting the Seven Realms is, I think it's just cooperation, and the Six Paths God promised to go back and tell the Lord of Yuxian, and ask the Lord of Yuxian to make a decision, so I think it's just cooperation. He also generously agreed to meet.”

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "You are only guarding the old man's cave, and you don't know the situation in the Seven Realms, and of course you don't know about Yu Xian's intrigues; and the old man asked you to go, even if you have full authority, it's okay to promise, what do you say? ?"

"Small nature is also measured~"

The black bear quickly replied, "The little one said that the master is in a retreat, and he doesn't know when he will be able to leave the customs. The little one only agreed for the master, but he didn't say when he would meet him."

"Haha, okay~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Excellent job, just like this, if there is a message from the Lord of Feather Immortal, I will send a message to the old man."

"Yes, yes~"

Hearing Xiao Hua's praise, the black bear essence cried with joy. Xiao Hua could almost imagine that the black bear spirit must be kowtowing again and again at Chenxu.

After closing Chenwei, Xiao Hua looked at the crimson Yang Yang rising from the east, and said to himself: "In this case, Xiao does not have to rush to the Qianzhi fǔbù continent, just fly over slowly. "

The business alliance will naturally continue to cooperate with Yuxian. After all, Yuxian's foundation is too large, and even the current Fortune Gate can't compare, but Xiao Hua also knows that when Yuxian finds himself, he must be inquiring into the Seven Realms. The situation everywhere prepares for Dao Xianjie to invade all walks of life.

Xiao Hua does not approve of invading all walks of life, but he has no better way. All he has to do is delay, and then fully assist Punishment Tianzun to find the Lingxiao Palace and find the fragments of the ancient fairyland, hoping that the fragments of the ancient fairyland are suitable for the immortals of the Taoist world.

As for his own space, Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. If he wanted to enter his own space, he had to swear, not to mention Heavenly Venerate and Immortal King, even ordinary immortals would hesitate, not to mention Sanqingtian and three masters!

So Xiao Hua flew to the mainland of Qianzhi fǔbù at his leisure, while waiting for further news of Zhang Qingxiao's avatar, while absorbing the fluctuations of the dragon domain.

At this time, this method of cultivation can no longer meet the needs of Xiao Hua's dragon body.

When Xiao Hua was in his spare time, UU reading Wang Suu also rushed to the Eze Realm very comfortably.


Even Su Zhe couldn't stand it anymore, so he whispered, "Xiao Hua has already left from Eze Realm, why are we still rushing to Eze Realm?"

"No way~"

Su Zhe shrugged and said, "I came to Longyu to look for Xiao Hua on the order of Lord Tianzun. I didn't know that Xiao Hua was in Yeze Realm before, so let's rush to Bojiao Sea, and now we are almost there. We only know that he is in Eze Realm, so we naturally want to go to Eze Realm again. As for where Xiao Hua left Eze Realm, how do we know? Let’s follow the order of Lord Tianzun and go to Eze Realm before!”


The real Lei Ting next to him laughed out loud, and there is no one else who has reached this level.

Continue to add more to the Bricklayer, Relentless, Singing Bird, and Stupid.

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