Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3984: Yingzhou Dragon Realm



Indistinctly, a scream of killing came into his ears, Wen Qu's heart moved, he turned his head to look to the east, and said, "This is the so-called ancient nightmare of Longyu??"

Dongfang did not answer directly, but said, "Look at it again~"

Jiulong pulled a cart through the clouds. The clouds were normal at first, but gradually, blood and debris were found in the clouds, and there were many remnants roaming around. When they reached the depths of the clouds, the clouds seemed to be huge. Array, the clouds are blocked by cloud threads, and countless figures appear in the crisscross, but all the clouds are broken, not a single one is intact, and even many clouds are bleeding like rivers. Wenqu and Dongfang keep looping in front of their eyes.

Jiulong pulled Yaochi Qixiang's car to dash through the clouds and mist, even the strange fragrance could not cover up the blood in the clouds, not to mention Wenqu, even the expression of the East changed slightly.

"You don't know that either?"

Wen Qu looked at Dongfang and asked.

"Your Majesty said before~"

Dongfang didn't hide it either and replied, "But I didn't expect it to be so tragic..."

Just talking about this, Jiulong turned around and pulled Yaochi Qixiang's car straight to the clouds. At this time, the torn earth, the ravines full of corpses, and the broken space, a sound of more than A more tragic howl suddenly interrupted Dongfang's voice.

There are dragons and humans in the corpse. The mourning voices are also mixed, but the mourning of the dragons stopped in Wenqu and Dongfang's ears.

"If the Dao Xianjie invades the heavenly court~"

Dongfang had no reason to say a word, "I'm afraid it will be more tragic than this."

"The Dao Immortal World invaded the heavenly court?"

Tian Ting jumped in his heart and said in shock, "What did your majesty say?"

"Thanks to you, you are still the deputy owner of the Fortune Building, and the owner of the business alliance~"

Dongfang You looked around at the tragic situation between heaven and earth, and said lightly, "You don't even know this?"

Wen Qu opened his mouth, trying to refute something, but he swallowed the words again.

Dongfang is right, since Wen Qu stepped into the Dragon Domain, he seldom cares about the Fortune Building and the Yiyi Business Alliance, and at best asks Xiao Hua's whereabouts.


Dongfang looked at Wenqu and asked angrily, "Is there nothing to say?"


Wen Qu said in a low voice, "I'm embarrassed to hit you. My Fortune Building and Luoyi Business Alliance disciples are all brilliant, and they don't need my master to be in charge. They make Fortune Building and Luoyi Business Alliance prosperous!"


Dongfang suddenly choked, he thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"I really don't care about the invasion of Dao Xianjie~"

Looking at Dongfang's loneliness, Wen Qu said, "But don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xiao will definitely stop him from regaining his body..."


Dongfang interrupted Wenqu's words and said, "This is the instruction of the Dao Xianjie Tianzun, and it is also the life and death of billions of Dao Xian, even the five emperors of the heavenly court can't stop it, Xiao Hua is even more impossible, I tell you, I want you to Make your choice."

"My choice doesn't matter~"

Wen Qu knew what Dongfang meant, and said slowly, "Fellow Daoist Xiao's choice is what matters."

"I think~"

Dongfang watched as Jiulong pulled Yaoqi Qixiang's car into the crack of the earth, and then said leisurely, "This may be the reason why Your Majesty is willing to let you come to the Yingzhou Dragon Realm."

"Yingzhou Dragon Realm?"

Wen Qu frowned and asked back, "Isn't it an ancient nightmare?"

"I don't quite understand what the ancient nightmare of Longyu is~"

Dongfang said, "But I know that this Yingzhou Dragon Realm is where the ancient Haotian Emperor killed the Five Dragon Emperors when he attacked the Dragon Territory. One Yuan Shi, in this **** battle of five dragon emperors and twelve dragon generals, countless human races have fallen, countless dragon races have died, even the Yingzhou Dragon Realm has been beaten to pieces..."

"Three officials, Yunguan?"

Wen Qu frowned slightly and asked curiously, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's not just you~"

"I just found out not long ago."

Dongfang's face was solemn and he replied, "According to His Majesty, the three officials and Yunguan lost a lot in this battle, the twenty-eight generals and the eighty-one Yuanshi died even more, and they all fell in the Dragon Domain. Not many people remember them. By the way, do you know the Nine Palaces of Heaven?"

"I don't know~"

Wen Qu shook his head blankly, "I don't even know who San Guan and Yun Guan are."

Dongfang asked again: "Do you know the word "Nine Five"?"


Wen Qu said with a smile, "Don't talk about me, the rank of ninety-five, all the scholars in the world know it."

"The honor of the ninety-five you mentioned refers to the throne~"

Dongfang mysteriously smiled and said, "When I say the Ninety-five Supremes, I mean the Five Heavenly Emperors and the Nine Palaces of Heaven, who are the fourteen Supremes of Heaven."

"Ten... Fourteen Supremes??"

Wen Qu was surprised and wondered, "What about the landlord of the thirteenth floor?"

"Don't mention the owner of the thirteenth floor to me~"

Dongfang curled his lips and said, "They are not supreme yet."

"Okay, okay~"

Wen Qu waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about the Fourteen Supremes."

Dongfang said mysteriously: "The Supreme Court of Heaven is the fourteen palaces, namely the Shangqing Palace, the Yuqing Palace, the Taiqing Palace, the Ziwei Palace, and the Taiwei Palace, and the five heavenly emperors represented by the Yuanxu Qingyang Palace and the Chixu Wuming Palace. The nine palace forces represented by the Palace, Hexuyi Holy Palace, and Miaoxu Shaoying Palace~”

"Shangqing Palace? Yuqing Palace? Taiqing Palace??"

Wen Qu suddenly thought of the master of the Sanqing Palace in the Tibetan Immortal Continent, and hurriedly asked, "Apart from the Great Emperor Wufang, who are the others?"

"I'm sorry~"

Dongfang smiled bitterly, "I don't know it myself. I said Jiugong, but I just wanted to say that Sanguan and Yunguan are similar to Jiugong."

"The three officials and Yunguan..."

Wen Qu just asked a few words, UU reading "Boom~" Yaochi Qixiang's car rushed through the thick earth, and clouds came out in front of her head, and different clouds roared again, one An Immortal Soldier will appear from the clouds, as if arranging troops.

"This should be the Three Yuan Eight Association Nine Return Nine Return Cloud Formation~"

Dongfang looked at the broken clouds and the immortal soldiers with only silhouettes left, and said with admiration, "Let me tell you one by one."

Sure enough, before the Dongfang voice came to the ground, "Kachacha~" There was thunder light surging above the sky, Wen Qu hurriedly looked up, and saw that the sky was torn apart, three rays of light flew out from the inside, and three human figures within the light. All over the place.

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support for the cultivation of gods, I wish you all to step on the sky and become a real person as soon as possible. They are: brick mover, Fang Weimin, Hua Liuhai, Jing Mo, a stinky mosquito, Huihui, Li Jian, Bihai Advertisement, Sesame Kai..., Singing Bird, Dali, N Mules, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Wang Chenglin , dust, no trace, etc.

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