Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3982: Space Dharma Body, 5 Tais Illustrated Completion

"Wonderful, wonderful~"

"Life is probably like this, and existence is probably like this!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua sat cross-legged again, retreated and realized the changes in this round of hexagrams.

I don't know how long it took, the Jin hexagram was reborn, and Xiao Hua was still interested in following the evolution of the hexagram, trying to find out something.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua's strength has gone further, but it is wishful thinking to realize the way out of trouble.

"Do you have to turn your body into a hexagram to escape from this 'yuan'?"

Xiao Hua was quite distressed when he watched the unfinished hexagram come into being, and the surroundings were unified.

But at the same time, Xiao Hua patted his forehead and whispered: "Damn, how could Pindao forget him?"

After speaking, Xiao Hua called out the space law body.

In Xiao Hua's body, in addition to the time sub-body and the space body, these two are special clones, which are cultivated with different exercises, and both of them have been condensed with the beginning light in the heaven.

Although Chen occupied Xiao Hua's body, he naturally couldn't call out these two avatars without knowing the trick. If Chen knew that there were still these two avatars in Xiao Hua's body, he would immediately understand "buy the casket and return the pearl" makes sense.

Sure enough, as Xiao Hua expected, the space law body fell into the "Yuan", which is a complete human form, more flesh and blood than himself.

"Since there are only space laws in 'Yuan'~"

Xiao Hua looked at the space dharma body and said with a smile, "Pin Dao, this space dharma body is useful, maybe Wu Tai's catalogue can also be practiced here!"

When Xiao Hua's mind fell into the space Dharmakaya, his eyes lit up immediately. What he saw before was completely different from what he saw in the flesh. Isn't it just a "primitive universe with form and no substance, invisible to human beings, before the world opened up"?

"Tai Shi, this is Tai Shi!"

Xiao Hua whispered in his heart, "It is the realm of the Five Tais Illustrated that corresponds to the Pindao Space Dharma Body. The cultivation way of the Pindao's Five Tais Illustrated is different from ordinary ones, but I don't know if it is possible to find a new way in this 'Yuan'. "

Then Xiao Hua sat down cross-legged, and the first layer of the Taishi Tianyuan Book in his body began to evolve. At the beginning, there was no change in the heaven and earth in Yuanzhong, and it was still tangible and intangible. Even after a certain time, there was still a round of Chaoyang from the chaos. Rushing out, it seems rather absurd.

Xiao Hua didn't think it was strange, just sitting and forgetting, watching the sunrise and sunset, the clouds and the clouds, the ebb and flow, and even the death of people.

I don’t know how long this time, the sun rises and the sunset does not appear again, the three elements and eight meetings, the yin and yang and the five elements begin to appear, and after the three elements and eight meetings begin to blend, the yin and yang begin to be reversed and divergent, Xiao Hua’s thoughts move, a change of the universe The picture scroll slowly appeared in front of Xiao Hua.


Xiao Hua smiled slightly, Taishi Tianyuanshu was still pushing tirelessly, and at this time, the universe began to change with the practice...

By this time, Xiao Hua had no time to think about whether to escape. This was a rare opportunity for the space law body, and he began to fully cultivate the Five Tais Atlas.

Wutai Illustrated Book Xiao Hua has already cultivated to the Taishi Tianyuan Book, and then there are the Taichu Yuanqi Book and the Taiyi Xu Yuanjing. Xiao Hua is not in a hurry, so he cultivates slowly, watching the universe change.


While practicing, suddenly some fluctuations fell into Xiao Hua's heart. He realized it a little and was immediately pleasantly surprised, "This... there is still a profound meaning here? Could it be that someone left it?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua immediately thought of the poems before Xuan Yanyuan on the top of the snow mountain. If nothing else, it should be left by that person.

Xiao Hua immediately realized those profound meanings, and after a while, he smiled and said: "This is also called Taishi Tianyuan Book, but it is not the same as the Taishi Tianyuan Book that Pindao got in Hexu Mountain, it should be Pindao's Five Tai Maps The supplement to the Taishi Tianyuan Book recorded, of course, the universe of that senior is not the same as the universe of the poor, and it is impossible for this method to be the same!"

Xiao Hua still focuses on his Taishi Tianyuan Book, and assists in the practice of the Taishi Tianyuan Book that he just got. When he reaches the ninth floor of the Taishi Tianyuan Book, the whole practice has a brand new feeling.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked around, it was still a universe, but it was already the beginning.

The Absolute Beginning, intangible and intangible, has only the innate Qi, a universe more primitive than chaos!

At this time, Xiao Hua couldn't tell which was Yuan and where was his own space law body, but he could distinguish where was not yuan and where was not his own space law body.


Xiao Hua praised the goodness in his mouth, and once again urged the book of Yuan Qi in the early days.

Unsurprisingly, during the practice of the universe changing and the dharma body, the profound meaning also known as "the origin of the primordial earth" fell into Xiao Hua's heart. , and I don't know how long it took to complete the cultivation of the Primordial Qi Book of Absolute Beginning, and the whole Yuanhua became too easy!

Too easy, there is only an infinite universe of nothingness.

Faced with such nothingness, even Xiao Hua himself felt a little uneasy.

When Xiao Hua looked at this nothingness again, he was completely unable to distinguish which was Yuan and which was himself, as if he and Yuan had been confused.


At this time, Xiao Hua vaguely sensed the end of nothingness, as if there was a familiar atmosphere, he couldn't help frowning, "What is that?"

But at this time, Xiao Hua did not have the strength to reach the limitless strength of the mind. He felt that although he was mixed with Yuan, he still could not control Yuan.


Xiao Hua looked at the endless nothingness, sighed secretly in his mouth, and began to practice the Taiyi Xu Yuanjing. I don't know how long it took, and the obscure fluctuations appeared again. After Xiao Hua realized it, he knew that it was called "The Supreme Master Yuanzhang". "'s exercises.

Xiao Hua has high hopes for this exercise as before, but unfortunately, he has only cultivated to the third level of the Taiyi Xuyuan Jing, and the Supreme Master Yuan Zhang has a major difference with the Taiyi Xuyuan Jing. Later, the Supreme Master Yuan Zhang abandoned it.

The practice of Taiyi Xuyuanjing is a hundred times more difficult than Taishi and Taichu. UU reading reached the fourth floor. Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the evolution of the universe seemed to encounter an unbreakable barrier. Xiao Hua thought for a while and immediately woke up. , This is the bottleneck of the seven realms, the end of the law, and the subsequent exercises cannot be completed in the dragon domain.

"That's it~"

As soon as Xiao Hua's mind moved, he was about to restrain his exercises, but at this moment, a voice suddenly muttered at the end of the universe: "Fellow Daoist Xiao, see you in the next life."


Xiao Hua was startled and asked back, "Who is calling me??"

Immediately, as soon as Xiao Hua's space law moved his mind and body, the universe overflowed in front of him, and he instantly reached the end of the universe...

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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