Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3979: Yuetianmen, all day??/a>


Dian Ji sighed inwardly, "This dragon body is slightly inferior to the Taixuan ancient dragon! Tianlu's real bone and my real source are unlikely to be perfectly integrated."

Even if it can't be perfectly integrated, Lu Zhenren's dragon power is also increasing rapidly.

Just like before, Zhenren Lu couldn't estimate the time, but this time it was different from before. Before, he was walking between life and death, but now he is dancing in the sky, just thinking about the dragon that pierced his forehead a little bit. Claw, Zhen Zhen still shuddered.

"Dragon... son~"

At the end, the voice of the scorpion was barely audible, "I can no longer control the time Long Ji, you... get ready..."

As his own life is at stake, Lu Zhenren will of course be prepared, and he has been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.


Feeling that the surrounding dragons began to flow, Zhenzhen Lu immediately roared, the dragon body retreated sharply, and the dragon claws were pushed out wildly.


Even with the sudden increase in strength, the Dragon King's dragon claws had already touched his head after all, and the dragon claws were still deeply pierced when he flew upside down. He felt that his soul was trembling with pain, and he couldn't help but howl.


At the place where the dragon's claws landed, the Dragon King, who was still unstoppable just now, was torn to shreds by him.


Zhenren Lu looked at the dragon's blood on his forehead, and said with lingering fears, "If it weren't for the help of the seniors, a certain family would really die here this time."

Then he even raised his head to look in one direction, and said loudly: "Daoist Wenqu, you white-eyed wolf, you are here for nothing..."


As the voice of the real person fell to the ground, another dragon king roared and flew out, the same sentence that the real person was tired of hearing: "Where did the wild dragon come from..."

It's a pity that this time, before the Dragon King could finish his words, Zhenren Lu was furious and shouted, "I am the Dragon Yan, and I'm here to demolish your Nine Dragons Palace!"

After he finished speaking, Zhenren Lu lashed out with his teeth and claws, and he beat the dragon king to pieces with one dragon's tail!

When Zhenren Lu came, there were already twelve complete dragon-shaped phantoms born around Ao Sheng, and in front of him, more than a thousand dragons that were born again and again had been killed by him until only a few were left.


Ao Sheng laughed and said, "I should be the first Tianlong to leap over the Heavenly Gate!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Shenglong claws waved and said proudly: "Listen to my order, kill!"


Twelve dragon-shaped phantoms roared out and shredded the remaining dragons.


At the moment when all the dragon races disappeared, there was a gust of wind everywhere in the sky, and the gust of wind blew towards the twelve dragon-shaped phantoms of Ao Sheng. The stone gate was born and rushed out of the earth, standing upright in front of Ao Sheng.

Looking at the towering Shimen, Ao Sheng laughed loudly and said, " the Tianmen?"


Twelve dragon-shaped phantoms flew towards the top of Tianmen, "Boom~" every 10,000 miles, the heaven and earth would vibrate, and a dragon-shaped phantom in front of the head slammed into the sky, waiting for all twelve dragon-shaped imprints. It was stamped in the sky, "Woooo~" and a gust of wind came out, blowing on the Tianmen, the Tianmen bloomed with golden light, and the golden juice poured down like a waterfall along the mark of the twelve dragons.


Ao Sheng raised his head and screamed, urging the dragon body to go upstream!


Ao Shenglong's flesh and blood quickly melted in the golden juice, leaving only the bones.

At this time, Ao Sheng was already powerless. It just so happened that the first dragon-shaped imprint was in front of him. Ao Sheng flew into it. "Whoosh~" The dragon-shaped imprint turned into light threads and fell into Aosheng's bones, and the bones began to grow pale gold. The golden thread!


After a short rest, Ao Sheng flew up again...

When it landed on the twelfth dragon-shaped mark, there was a palace tower looming above the Tianmen, and more string music sounded, shining directly into the sky and the earth.

Ao Sheng took a deep breath and tried his best to rush to the top of Tianmen with the last trace of his dragon strength.

However, there was still a thousand feet away from Tianmen, and Ao Shenglongli suddenly found that on the other side of Tianmen, there was also a dragon flying desperately, which looked exactly like himself.


Ao Sheng's blood rushed to his head at once, he was stunned, and a voice roared in his heart, "No, no, this... Is this leap to the sky gate also a dream?"

Just thinking of this, the dragon on the opposite side lowered his head and saw Ao Sheng as well.


The dragon roared, "Damn shadow, why did you come up too?"

Saying that, the dragon rushed through the Tianmen and rushed towards Ao Sheng.


Different from the dragon-shaped reaction, Ao Sheng saw the dragon-shaped and was stunned again, "You... how could you jump through the gate of heaven?"

It's a pity that Man didn't answer it, he saw that the center of Tianmen was broken like a mirror, Man rushed over and fought with Ao Sheng, and Man's dragon power was no worse than Ao Sheng.

"How can it be??"

Seeing that he couldn't beat Man, Ao Sheng was sweating profusely, "When was Man so powerful..."

Not only can't beat it, the barbarian dragon, as its name suggests, is extremely arrogant and rushes straight to the body of Ru Shenglong, shouting: "This is mine!"

"this is mine!"

Ao Sheng struggled frantically, but strangely, his dragon body couldn't move at all.

Seeing that his dragon body was about to be occupied, Ao Sheng was in a hurry. At this moment, Ao Sheng felt his dragon body sink and shuddered. When it opened its eyes, Ao Sheng found out that he was still in the twelfth within a dragon-shaped mark.

"It turned out to be a dream??"

Ao Sheng looked around, looking at his dragon body condensed with golden light, and the sweat flowing in the dragon scales, he let out a long sigh of relief.

However, Ao Sheng shuddered when he saw the seemingly empty space between Tianmen.

Ao Sheng flew up again, and there was no golden juice pouring out of the top of Tianmen. Ao Sheng became the only dragon in the world, and the golden light illuminated the entire Tianmen.

Ao Sheng stared at Tianmen, which was getting closer, UU reading www. stared at the void from the corner of his eyes, lest he would appear.

Fortunately, until Ao Sheng crossed the Tianmen, "Dang~" a palace tower appeared above the Tianmen, and the sound of a bell rang again, and Man never appeared again.


There was a gust of wind blowing in the palace tower, dozens of hall doors opened wide, and nine-colored clouds poured out. When Ao Shenglong's body fell into the clouds, several dragons poured directly into Ao Shenglong's body from the opened door. , not only repaired the damage of the dragon body, but also replenished the consumed dragon power. When everything was in good condition, a golden light fell from the center of the palace tower to cover Ao Sheng, and Ao Sheng's dragon body flew into it...

When Ao Sheng jumped into the Heavenly Sect successfully and achieved Tianzhu, Zhenren Lu also killed the 108th Dragon King. Watching the Dragon King turn into waves and rush into his dragon body, Zhenren Lu had a feeling of the rest of his life, he secretly said: "My dear, there are still more than 30 dragon kings that have not been killed. It seems that if there is no scorpion, a certain family is dead! Xiao Daoyou, Xiao Daoyou, if you take the pedal and the dan, and the other 80% of the sacrifices are finished. , what is your strength now?"

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